03 November 2012

The Doctrine Of "The Pure Ones" - Part II


The spirits are of God; the bodies are of the Evil one.

The Cathars believed that Lucifer, whom they also called Luzibel, had created everything visible, material and perishable. Not only do all terrestrial things belong to him, but he also governs them and tries to keep them under his dominion.

But the Old Testament tells us that Jehovah is the creator of Heaven and the Earth and virtually everything on it. This is true, the Cathars said: He "created" human beings, man and woman.

In the New Testament, you can read, "There is neither man nor woman, but you are all one thing in Christ": and that "for God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in (Christ) and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on Earth or things in Heaven". By contrast, Jehovah said, "I will put enmity between you and the woman". Jehovah curses and God blesses. All the "children of God" in the Old Testament sinned, and in the New Testament, "those born of God do not sin". Don't they contradict one another?

The Cathars referred specifically to the passages of the Old Testament that speak of the vengeance and anger of Jehovah. They were convinced that Jehovah -- who sent the Great Flood, destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and repeated over and over again that he wanted to destroy his enemies and transfer the sins of the fathers onto the sons of the third or fourth generations -- was neither God nor absolute and eternal love.

Jehovah forbade Adam from eating from the tree of science. He either knew that other human beings would eat the fruit or he didn't. If he knew it, he did nothing other than to push Adam toward temptation, make him a sinner, and provoke his destruction.

Above all, the Albigensian "heretics" invoked the seventh chapter of the epistle to the Romans, where Paul calls Mosaic Law a "law of death and sin". Lot committed incest with his daughters, Abraham lied and committed adultery with his servant, David was a murderer and adulterer, and the rest mentioned in the Old Testament were not any better, affirmed the Cathars. For them, the law that Jehovah announced to the Jews through Moses was of satanic inspiration, and if it contained some good things (for example, the seventh commandment), it was in order to gain some hearty souls for the cause of Evil.

A divinity who reveals himself in a burning bush to a man -- Moses -- cannot be "God" because God is Spirit and does not reveal Himself to mortals in a physical manner. Jehovah is not God. He is the Anti-Christ; he is Lucifer.


Unless one is completely brainwashed or braindead, even a cursory look at the two books of the Bible will present a significant dilemma. How can the vengeful, bloodthirsty, jealous god of the Old Testament be the same as the benevolent, forgiving, loving "Father" that the Christ speaks of in the New Testament? How do we reconcile this?

We don't. There is no way to reconcile the two because they are completely different entities. The fact that the organized church turns a blind eye to this, the fact that its clergy sidesteps the issue while continuing to mislead their "flock" is proof that the organized church on Earth is under the aegis of "the prince of this world", Lucifer.

For having the termity, the gall, to exercise independent thinking and the use of common damn sense to expose the lie of the Old Testament, the Cathars were slandered, persecuted and eventually exterminated by the Crusade that your history books never talk about -- the Albigensian Crusade (1209-1255).

~ g

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