06 November 2012

** The Secret **

If you knew of a secret formula that could save the lives of millions, would you sit on it, or would you distribute it? This writer has wrestled with this dilemma for some time now. However, the clouds have parted and clarity has dawned. 

In the distant past, a certain amount of secret knowledge was kept from the masses, as they were not ready or prepared to assimilate the knowledge those secrets contained. These secrets were known as "the mysteries" and were disseminated in what became known as "mystery schools". A person had to show a certain aptitude, a certain state-of-being, before he would be considered and/or selected for entry into one of these schools. This made sense for those times, as the mass of men were barbaric and primitive, concerned primarily with their desires and passions. These ones could not be trusted with the mysteries, therefore justifying the intense weeding-out process.

However, now that we have reached the end of this Major World Cycle, it is incumbent upon all those who "know" to pass along to our seeking, sleeping or unaware brothers and sisters the knowledge that has been revealed to them . 

“There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know that there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknownsthe ones where we don't know that we don't know.”

Mark the following: there are things that you do not know, of which you are completely unaware of. This is the most tragic state of ignorance, because if one does not know, one will continue to blindly err. This knowledge is critical to the state of your microcosm and your future location in the Creator's Universe. You must become aware of these things if you are to make an informed choice as to what path you will take before we reach zero-point.

There are many things that this writer refers to in this blog which may appear strange or confusing, at times. This may be because some readers do not have a deep enough background in true gnosis to put all the pieces together. Therefore, the decision has been made to offer material that will assist in understanding. The decision was reached because, in the end, this information belongs to all those who are seeking the One Truth, the Only Good.

Anyone who wishes to avail themselves of pure gnosis, true Knowledge, please send an email to brothergee2012@yahoo.com with the word "gnosis" in the subject line.

A word of caution. This information will challenge all of your cultivated belief systems. If you do not put aside all of your earth-conditioning and brainwashing, you will have difficulty with it. Remember: "one cannot pour new wine into old wineskins". However, if you empty yourself and approach this material like a child, with no pre-conceptions or prejudices, the experience will serve you well.

You are being offered a great treasure. May you receive it with great humility and utilize it with great care.

'One thing, o mortals, is established here by us, namely: that God has decided that before its end, the world will be presented with a stream of Truth, Light and Greatness, such as He ordained should accompany Adam in Paradise!'.

~ g

P.S.: Those who have already received a copy of TPG need not submit an email.

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