09 November 2012

The Opportunity Of Disaster

Being impacted by the "superstorm" that recently hit the east coast of the United States, once again this writer is reminded of the hidden, beneficial purposes of disasters such as these.

One may wonder, "Beneficial? What is he talking about? What possible benefit can be derived from the loss of life, limb and/or property?". Well, it goes like this:

In any disaster scenario, acts of unselfishness and kindness - both large and small - abound. Although there will be a certain percentage of lawlessness and inhumane behavior, for the most part, humans will instinctively work to help one another in some fashion. Besides the immediately observable benefits of such acts for the recipients, there are also benefits for the giver. When we are engaged in behavior of an unselfish nature, such as helping disaster victims, we focus our attentions away from the "I", from the lower self. This re-direction of desire helps to "still" the heart, which is the seat of desire. Stilling the heart allows an opportunity for the Christine radiations, which are ever-present, to penetrate the heart sanctuary without encountering the normal level of resistance. When these divine radiations come in contact with the divine-spark  housed in the heart, a measure of purification takes place. The man or woman comes one step closer to awakening the spirit-spark atom.

Our thoughts and feelings have a direct affect on our inner and outer constitution. The purer our thinking and feeling, the purer our subtle vehicles will become. A healthy physical body will be the natural by-product. However, we are not concerned with the state of the physical body beyond obtaining the minimum level of health necessary to function on this plane. What is important is the condition of our etheric double (the vital body), as well as the desire and mental vehicles. These are the parts of the man that must be purified in order to awaken the divine spark, signalling the beginning of the journey along the Path of Return.

So, it's always helpful to look beyond the tragedy of any disastrous occurrence, the better to see the hidden opportunities for soul-growth that such occurrences provide. In the run-up to, and right through, the coming Tribulations, humans are going to find out that focusing their desires away from self and towards other-selves will result in the greatest benefit for all concerned.

~ g

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