26 December 2012

Mankind's Unfinished Business - II


It is very difficult for the modern sham-human being to imagine himself in such a position, for the whole of dualistic life is based on abilities which do not result in the soul deriving any profit from experience, which is thus wrongly interpreted and placed entirely in the service of the self-maintaining, I-central life. In such a way, dualistic man tries to go against a law of Fundamental Nature and to force life to become self-serving through the irrational activity of the will and the thoughts. The result is misery, trouble and sorrow and the continued imprisonment of the soul.

The blood-soul of the nature-born human being fulfills a merely organic role as a part of the body. The body of the personality is weighed down under the scourge of the brain-consciousness, the I, and that is why there can be no question of soul- consciousness. The True Soul is a treasure which has been lost, an organ that has never been used in the manner intended; that has never been given the opportunity to unfold.

It will now be clear to you that if there is to be any question of an Alchemical Wedding, of a truly immortal human being, of the resurrection of a New Mankind, then the person who wishes to participate in this must first of all be equipped with a truly living Soul-organism. The Soul-organ which has been hidden and damaged for so long must begin to live. The dead eyes of the Soul must begin to shine again. A real Soul-consciousness must be born, which has authority over the brain-consciousness. Only then does transfiguration become possible.

For long ages, the whole human being has been so damaged and spoiled by irrational and immoral consciousness that the entire personality, right to the very seed of the race, has become degenerate and inhuman. That is why the True Soul-consciousness (which lies asleep in the Rose of the Heart) must first be born and awakened. Only then can the entity begin to repair the tremendous damage that has been done to the personality.

From Esoteric Analysis of the Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross, Vol II- Jan van Rijckenborgh


In the previous post, it was established that man is a physical, biological, soul-body composition only, whose actions are instigated, animated and regulated by celestial, aeonic forces. To read such a description of our current state can be sobering, to say the least. If that were the end of it, no one would be able to blame us for running wild, indiscriminately indulging every passion and whim, burning both ends of the candle until we expire from exhaustion.

Fortunately for mankind, our present condition need not be a permanent one. We have the ability to change the vehicles of our personality, to transform them, as it were. Not only is this eminently possible, it is what has been demanded of each and every human being that incarnates in the physical realm: transmutation, transfiguration, liberation.

The temporary bodies that we have been given were purposely and carefully designed to accomplish this one specific task. This Great Work can't be started after we die. It can be completed after death, but it absolutely must be started prior to transition. If the human dies without beginning the process for which he or she was created, that human personality will be dissolved and another will be inserted in its place for the next incarnation. The "you" that you are, the peculiar combination of atoms that have combined to produce the physical "you" will cease to exist. Your microcosm will continue to exist, your karma and soul-memories will persist, but "you" as John or Jane Doe will go the way of all flesh. Sure, you'll get to spend a little time in the temporary "heaven-worlds" in the reflection-sphere, but your etheric, astral and mental vehicles will be slowly disintegrating during that time. Hate to be a kill-joy, but that is the truth of it.

''This is the guide that leads to Freedom: you must give up the body before it dies and overcome the life of conflict; then, if you have won that victory, you will return to the Highest' - Corpus Hermeticum

Everything that we need to liberate our sleeping, imprisoned, divine Soul lies within us. If one can understand this completely, one can begin to see the tragedy in the way humanity abuses the body and the mind. This we do out of ignorant obedience to the aeons of nature. Man does not live, he is lived. He is lived by the invisible influences which are of this nature and maintain this nature-order.

There are five fluids that transmit and conduct the subtle forces throughout the body. Together, these fluids constitute the mortal soul:

the blood
the nerve fluid
the internal secretions (hormones)
the serpent-fire (spinal force)
the consciousness fire (located in the cerebral cavities)

In un-sparked humanity, these soul-fluids are generally under the control of the Twelve Aeons of Nature.  Before the personality can be transfigured, these five fluids must come under the control of a divine force, The Gnosis, the Thirteenth Aeon. This force becomes active in the human being when he or she, through yearning and true seeking, enables the divine-spark sleeping within the heart to awaken.

The Rose of the Heart is where the seed of the Original, Divine, True Human Being resides, of whom we are only image-bearers. The powers and potentialities of this spirit-spark atom can only be awakened when it can establish a link with the Gnosis. Once the divine link is re-established, the Rose will begin to bloom and the divine attributes of the spirit-spark atom will gradually be released, like a heavenly fragrance.

In order for this gradual process of transmutation to take place, the candidate must resolve to fulfill the requirements of the Path that leads to Transfiguration. He or she must voluntarily choose to undergo the endura, which is a "dying unto nature". The first step in this process is to effect a complete and fundamental reversal in one's thinking, feeling and acting. The candidate must cease focusing on the self, gradually allowing the influence of the nature-born I to decreaseso that The Other One, the Divine, True Human Being that is attempting to be re-born, can increase.

If the candidate is ultimately successful in this endeavor, the five soul-fluids will come under the control of a divine energy. The system will purify as it is fed by divine ethers. The True Soul will re-emerge. The Bride will have been readied for the coming Wedding Feast..

As it is recorded in the holy language: 'He must increase, but I must decrease' - John 3:30

all love,

~ g


Gregory Papas said...

May all of us experience within a Christmas feast, my best wish.
Much love from Athens Gregory

BrotherGee said...

Peace be with you, Gregory.

Dei Gloria Intacta!

~ g