10 December 2012

Nervus Sympathicus

Once the divine-spark has been awakened and the Rose has been attached to the Cross, the blood, laden with the new hormone being secreted by the thymus gland, circulates throughout the body. The body's nerve fluid and hormonal secretions are conditioned by the purifying radiations of the Gnosis, as well as the serpent-fire housed within the spine. However, it most especially affects the consciousness fluid in the head sanctuary, housed within the seven cavities of the brain. So, the following soul-fluids are affected by the circulation of the Gnostic vibrations:

the blood,
the nerve fluid
the internal secretions (hormones)
the serpent-fire
the consciousness fluid

These are the fluids which combine to compose man's light-vesture, the soul-body. Once they are touched by the Gnosis, a great process of  transmutation starts to take place. The birthing of the New Soul begins.

Within the head sanctuary, the Gnosis irradiates the medulla, and from there begins to descend the nervus sympathicus, two nerve strands that run along each side of the spinal column. These two strands equate to the sympathetic nervous system. The Hindu name for these nerve strands is ida and pingala. The Gnosis will descend the right-side strand, the pingala, where it reaches the sacral plexus. The sacral plexus is where the accumulated karma of all the personalities that preceded us in our microcosm is housed. All of the transgressions of previous lives lived in the microcosm are kept here during incarnation.

The fire of the Gnosis burns away this karmic dross, thereby erasing the candidate's karma. This is the hidden, gnostic truth behind the mutilated symbolism of the Christ (Gnosis) and the forgiveness of sins. From this point on, the candidate is no longer bound by past karma. However, it is his or her responsibility to not create new karma. As the Christ said "Now go, and sin no more".

After this downward, creative descent, the Christine radiation begins its upwards, revealing ascent by way of the ida.. Throughout the entire journey, the gnostic fire passes through several chakras, purifying each as it travels. It then returns to the meeting point in the head sanctuary. The ida and pingala will serve as the new spinal cord for The New Man.

What happens after this circuit has been completed? From "The Pure Gnosis":

"The sympathicus, which has now come under the control of the divine Intelligence of Christ, will develop into a new nervous system; the body will undergo a fundamental change. In the blood, a new hormone-group is released that reacts exclusively upon the new nerve-fluid; a new etheric blood-fluid takes over, and in this way a totally new personality is formed within the old, dualistic personality, and yet, as it were, outside of and beyond it.

This new personality is the coming New Man who will constitute the new human race on Earth in the New World that is today being born.

He who has begun to build this new Temple, even if he has laid only one foundation stone, is truly blessed".

~ g

For in-depth details on the transfigurative process, read "The Coming New Man" by Jan van Rijckenborgh

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