08 December 2012

Awakening The Divine Spark

We will now take a look at the first step in the process of transfiguration. It is being posted here as a reminder that transfiguration is a real process which leads to a real result. Like any journey, it has to begin somewhere.

What is transfiguration? Briefly, it is the alchemical process through which, by purification of the mortal soul, a new soul body is born. The possession of this new soul-body makes it possible for the divine Spirit to descend into the man and take up residence in the head sanctuary. God and man are thus re-united, the Word is made flesh.

The human being, as presently constructed, is cut off from the Divine. People talk about "my spirit", when in truth, Spirit is nowhere near the natural human being. The human being is a biological phenomenon, a conglomeration of living atoms. Because these atoms are alive and intelligently assembled, they impart to the nature-born human being a certain degree of consciousness. The ability to reason is what places the human one rung above the animal. But he or she is far from divine. However, the good news is that the link with the divine can be attained, if the human is willing to go the Path in full self-surrender.

"Go, sell all that you have, and follow me" - The Christ

"You must give up the body before it dies..." - Corpus Hermeticum

When the nature-born human being finally tires of the sorrow and grief of earth-life, when the human being reaches the nadir of existence and truly yearns for an answer, something happens in the heart sanctuary. The divine spark, the spirit-spark atom, the mathematical center of the microcosm, is located in the approximate region of the upper right ventricle of the heart. This divine nucleus is sleeping in most human beings, although like a beacon, it has the ability to send and receive signals; specifically, divine vibrations of a like nature.

The Gnosis, or The Christ, is the name that we give to these divine vibrations. The Gnosis is everywhere. Its vibrations pass through us from second-to-second. If the human is of the earth, earthy, and completely attuned to the physical world, he will not be able to respond to the Gnosis. The divine spark will remain asleep. When the human, in yearning and a desire for salvation from this world of sorrows cries out from the heart, something happens. These thoughts of yearning are transmitted to the heart sanctuary. The divine spark, the Rose of the Heart, begins to stir and in the process, will give off a faint vibration.

The breastbone of man is known as the sternum. Sternum means "radiator", or "to radiate"*. The sternum will radiate the vibrations of the Rose and, because like attracts like, this fervent call will elicit a response from the Gnosis.

* Human bones, which are basically made of limestone, are crystalline structures. Because of the regularity of their composition, crystals have always been used to transmit radio waves or electrical impulses. The ancients were aware of the radiative capabilities of the breastbone and thus, gave it the name sternum.

The Christ vibration, this divine force, on its way to the heart will pass through the sternum and encounter the thymus gland. The thymus is an endocrine gland that is active in children but atrophies as people grow older. Medical science is perplexed as to its function. This is its function: the thymus will react to the Gnostic vibrations and immediately begin to manufacture a new hormone. This hormone is quickly secreted into the bloodstream. The blood, now irradiated with the touch of the Gnosis, will ascend to the head sanctuary. The result of this new hormonal activity will be that the person begins to think new thoughts, thoughts of a different nature than those previously entertained.

This initial touch of the Gnosis usually does not last long. Because we are nature-born, the human body will fight to eliminate anything that is not in harmony with its nature. The new gnostic hormone will eventually be eliminated by the liver-spleen system, whose job it is to defend the natural body from intruders or invaders. The Gnosis, being of divine origin, definitely qualifies as an "intruder" in our un-divine bodies. The new hormone is eliminated, but all is not lost. The Rose has been awakened, and if the man can continue to radiate his divine-spark's cry for help, the Gnosis, which is ever-present, will continue to respond in the manner mentioned above.

With every subsequent divine response, the presence of the Gnostic vibration within the man will grow stronger. Eventually, the liver-spleen system will be unable to eliminate all of the new hormone. The Gnosis, similar to the invading Allied troops on D-Day in 1944, will have established a beach-head. It has gained a foothold in the life of the man. The first step in the mighty process of transmutation has been taken!

When the Rose of the Heart has been awakened in this manner and has established communication with the Gnosis, we maintain that The Rose (the divine-spark) has been attached to The Cross (the "cross" of matter, the physical body). This is the origin of the term "RosyCross". He or she who has, in sincerity, embarked upon this Path of Return, who has undertaken to "re-build the temple without sound of hammer", has become what the ancients called a Rosicrucian.

"This is the guide on the way that leads to Freedom. You must give up the body before it dies and overcome the life of conflict; then, if you have won that victory, you will return to the Highest" - Corpus Hermeticum

~ g


Anonymous said...

Hello `g,

Having read "TPG" a couple of times, it has become clear to me what I need to do. However no sooner I took the decision a couple of days ago, I am plagued by severe upper respiratory infection (not something requiring antibiotics) however with severe inflammation of the throat and aggravation of immune system disorder that was dormant (through immuno-suppressant drugs.)

Your post speaks of the activation of hormones especially by the thymus gland has intrigued me. Since the thymus glands primary function is secreting a hormone that teaches the 'T-cells' to work in a specific way, do the physical symptoms presented above have anything to do with the 'awakening' or thwarting of it thereof.
Thanks for any feedback.

BrotherGee said...

i'll preface my response with this statement:

i am not a doctor.

i can only share with you what happened to me once i made the decision to walk the Path.

First, i got a bad sinus headache. i'd never had sinus problems in my entire life. A persistent high fever (105 degrees) came along with it. i was bed-ridden for two days, blowing my nose the entire time. What came out of my nose was not clear and it smelled just awful. i thought to myself, "what the heck is going on?". i began to get pain in the lower back area - in the area of the sacral plexus - i could barely straighten up to walk to the bathroom for a puke. Never had back problems before. To top it off, there was trouble in the throat area - soreness and phlegm.

On the evening of the second day i fainted in the bathroom, hit my head on the tub and was out cold. i regained consciousness to find myself face down in the bathtub with a bump on my head. i dragged myself back to bed weak as a dishrag. The next day, the fever broke, the sinuses cleared, the headache subsided and my appetite returned. A couple days later, i was back to normal.

So what happened? i can't speak for anyone but myself. Throughout the entire ordeal, i did not go to a doctor. i knew that if i'd went, they'd have prescribed all sorts of medicine and antibiotics. It was obvious (to me, anyway) that a cleansing was taking place as a direct result of the Choice that had been made. The last thing i wanted was to be pumped full of conventional drugs.

The throat area is the location of an important chakra, as is the heart. It is my belief that as one makes the firm decision to walk the Path, there may be some momentary physical discomfort as increased divine energies begin to work their way through the human system. Specificially, those areas of the personality in which we have the most pollution or blockage will be the areas where we may notice discomfort. Once these imbalances are burned away by the Gnosis, the discomfort ceases. i haven't had a single problem since that episode a few years ago.

Again, these are my own interpretations of what happened to me, based upon my knowledge of my life experiences and my body. i reiterate: i am not a doctor. You know your body better than anyone else. If you feel that you need to see a doctor, by all means, do so. In my case, i was able to connect the illness to the commitment that had been made. That intuitive knowledge is what enabled me to endure those few days of hell. If the episode had lasted for more than 72 hours, i would've probably had to seriously entertain the idea of seeking medical attention.

All of the areas we are discussing (throat, sinus, sacral plexus) are the locations of major force centers and chakras. It is the job of these centers to receive astral energies - dualistic astral energies. As the candidate prepares to receive the pure, divine astral energies, these force centers have to undergo a certain amount of purification.

i'm not sure if the foregoing has been of any help. Continue to monitor your condition, follow your intuition, use common sense.

all love,

~ g

Anonymous said...

Thanks ~g,

I too have intense soreness of the throat and sinus areas (no headaches). The phlegm is putrid yellow green. Have not been able to go to work (serve the 'beast') for a couple of days. Holding out on seeing a doctor, i think it will pass.

Thanks, once again.

Oh! Something I wanted to share with you.....After I made this decision, the song that was played at our rather non-conventional gathering that we call church was 'Carry Your Candle" by Chris Rice. Do listen to it, it touched me in a special way.

BrotherGee said...

Beautiful song, lyrically and musically. Thanks.

~ g