05 December 2012

Look Neither To The Left, Nor To The Right

Dear Anonymous:

The response to your recent question was too long to post in the Comments section, so it will be posted here. ~ g

Your question:

Bro~g, you seem to be in the 'know' of the coming events...how does it feel when all but a small minority are considering to change their ways. Even NASA seems to be in complete denial, or are they too just covering up? Help...somebody help!!

To all:

NASA is covering up, as furiously as possible, any evidence which can alert humanity to the cosmic and atmospheric changes now taking place which are directly affecting mankind. So is the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), which daily adjusts the number of earthquakes world-wide downwards to mislead observers as to the frequency and severity of global seismic activity. Many serious earthquakes which occur in remote locations are routinely deleted from the Geological Survey. Leaders of world governments are in on the cover-up, as they all belong to the same "club".

The idea is to keep the mass of humanity in the dark until the last possible moment. For one thing, those in power do not want to see their 'castles of gold' crumble, which is what would happen if humanity were to become truly aware of what is now upon us. Who would continue to go to work? Who would care about paying bills? Who would be left to keep feeding 'the beast'? This is why the idea of "climate-change" is being so forcefully pushed upon the world's consciousness. It is a way of forcing humanity to focus its gaze in the wrong direction while providing a convenient, "catch-all" excuse for all of the natural and atmospheric phenomena which is taking place.

Yes, this implies a massive conspiracy involving governments, science agencies and the media, which is the propaganda arm. Yes, this massive, gargantuan conspiracy actually does exist. All of this is a part of The Great Play. Not everyone on the planet thinks "small", as does the majority of humankind. Trust me, there are entities on the subtle and material planes who think really "big" and really long-range. Lonnnnnng range.

If the true import of what this major world ending-cycle means was to be revealed to humanity and, more importantly, understood by humanity, many of those who have been misled by the empty shell of earthly religions would quickly embrace the Gnosis unconditionally and turn their focus inward, to the Divine Kingdom within, instead of outwards, to the sham 'kingdom of man' here in the nature-of-death.

At this time, the number of those who have received the Gnosis into their hearts while truly understanding what is taking place and what is required of them is very small, relative to the 7 billion souls now incarnate on the earth-plane. However, before the definitive end, all of humanity - without exception - will come to know what is at stake, and will be offered a final opportunity to change their orientation from "service-to-self" to "service-to-others". Even then, confronted with the Power and Might by which Divine Grace will manifest Itself, some will still choose the road of darkness. So be it.

The Ark has once again been constructed and is now boarding. Those who wait too long to enter the safety of The Living Body may have to leap very high indeed in order to latch onto the gangplank before the hatch closes. Keep in mind that it is never too late for ANYONE to turn their gaze towards a re-linking with The Only Good. The key to a change and a permanent re-orientation of one's state-of-being? Purification of the material and subtle vehicles so that you can be prepared to receive the Grace of an Age. Remember:

"Not my will, but Thine, be done".

In closing, these words of warning / advice: ignore the confusing enticements of the spiritual supermarket now hawking its wares on earth. Pay little to no attention to the "extra-terrestrial" help mankind is receiving, most of which is based in the reflection-sphere and, for the most part, serves only to confuse rather than assist.

One must recognize the Truth behind the times we are living in and then make the decision to walk the straight and narrow path of the Gnosis, the Path of Return, looking neither to the left, nor to the right, but straight ahead towards The One Goal. In this way only, can one be assured of not being misled by the veil of The Great Deception which is now descending upon mankind.

all love,

~ g


Anonymous said...

"ignore the confusing enticements of the spiritual supermarket now hawking its wares on earth. Pay little to no attention to the "extra-terrestrial" help mankind is receiving, most of which is based in the reflection-sphere and, for the most part, serves only to confuse rather than assist."

~g, thanks for the detailed post. However, the above excerpt seems to contradict your previous post of Nov' 2008 titled "The Harvest of Souls - Evacuation". What brought about a transition in your revelation from a more 'universal' perspective to a rather increasingly 'christian' dogma of salvation??

BrotherGee said...


Your use of the words "christian dogma" indicates that you have no idea of what the Gnosis is. The Gnosis is diametrically opposed to "christian dogma". By way of proof, hundreds of thousands of Cathars were massacred by the Catholic church - at the order of Pope Innocent III - during the Albigensian Crusades in the 13th century because their adherence to the "pure doctrine of the Christ" was a threat to the Roman Catholic Church. We're talking about men, women and children, burned at the stake, or run through by the sword. Once this threat was eradicated, the world was left with the "christian dogma" that we have today. Perhaps a little research is in order.

As for my 2008 post, this writer has evolved in the four years that have passed since that post was written. The reason for warning people to not place all of their confidence in what our "space brothers", "ascended masters" and other discarnate entities offer to us by way of assistance is due to the following:

a. these entities must communicate with humanity via telepathy or a targeted "radio-type" broadcast into the human brain. These communications are done in the form of images, like pictures. The human who is receiving these communications must be able to interpret them and then put them into words. If the human does not have sufficient knowledge, vocabulary, or other communication skills, something can get lost in the translation.

b. also, if the receiving human is fear-based, it will color whatever is transmitted to them with their fear.

Because of this and many other reasons, we are told to be very careful about the information that we receive from "beyond". No one is saying that all of it is inaccurate, or that all of it is rubbish. However, distortion is always a possibility.

These old posts should probably be removed from this blog, as they reflect this writer's orientation at a certain point in time. As the years progressed, this writer continued to seek, and via that seeking, discovered another path, one that demands that HE do the work required to save himself and others, instead of relying on our "space brothers" to come to the rescue.

Will there be an evacuation? One cannot say. What we have are transmissions from beyond which may, or may not be credible. In 2008, this was all this writer had, and in his desire to help, that's what was posted.

Years later, the writer encountered "the pearl of great price". What came before has been discarded, and this is what is now offered.

There is no contradiction. These warnings represent an evolution in consciousness.


~ g

BrotherGee said...


P.S.: The Christ Radiation is universal. The Greeks named this universal, cosmic energy Kristos. The ancient Sumerians - many thousands of years before Jesus was even thought of - called it Kiristi.

None of this has anything to do with "churchianity". If one makes that mis-interpretation, one will risk losing his way.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the clarification

'Your use of the words "christian dogma" indicates that you have no idea of what the Gnosis is.'

It was not my intention to be judgemental, I was only pointing out the apparent transition in your outlook which could be misleading to others.

'To thine Own Self, Be True'

Love "A".

Hey! I do know about 'Gnosis', I have a very reliable source.....YOU!!

BrotherGee said...


My apologies for jumping to an improper conclusion.

In truth, long ago i came to the decision that some of the earlier posts on this blog should probably be removed, for the reason you stated. The issue has always been one of finding the time to do this work, as it would take several hours of review in order to ensure that the "baby is not thrown out with the bath-water".

However, this task is always on the agenda, and i do plan to tackle this at some point in the future.

As for the Gnosis, i grew up in darkness, lived my whole adult life in darkness. The only positive constant throughout my bumbling walk in the dark was my persistent and laser-like Seeking. It was this heartfelt seeking, this yearning to know the Truth, that brought me into contact with someone who was able to reveal the Gnosis to me. Once this contact was made, the Flame was ignited, The Rose was sparked. From there, i took the ball and ran with it, so to speak. i endeavored to learn as much as i could about the process of Transfiguration and the Path of Return. More importantly, i made the decision to walk that Path in full self-surrender and service to humanity.

People continually ask, "What is the Meaning of Life?" "What is My Purpose?". It is the Gnosis that has The Answer.

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear".

all love,

~ g

Anonymous said...

No Hard feelings.

May we meet on the distant shore. I too came to the awareness of the 'knowledge' some time ago although admittedly it was not in the form of 'Gnosis'. With this awareness came the awakening from slumber....never been the same since.

Rest in peace and may the strength uphold us through the last parts of the "play of illusions"

Love "A"(Let me remain Anonymous...see if you can pick me out on the "other side")

Unknown said...

Hello Bro G, since finding your posts almost 2years ago, thru the searching of the Photon belt, I've come to enjoy your older posts just as much as the latest. It shows the growth in seeking the truth one must go through. There is so much information in your blog that attract people searching for one particular subject but in the end will find the Gnosis. That is what happen to me. I was looking for Photon Belt info 2 years ago, now I no longer look for that because your blog has given me understanding of the Gnosis. I think the blog should remain as is, plus I like to see from what I came from. I think it's better to explain your transition such as you explained to Anonymous. This way we get to see the growth, that a lot us need to go thru, understand the transition, and know we are getting information from a source that has done a lot of homework, and studying. This way we know the whole Bro G.

BrotherGee said...


Thanks for the insightful comment. i tend to agree, which is probably why those old posts are still here. i cringe when reading some of them, but as you stated, it does provide an opportunity to view the contrast between then and now.

"Let not him who Seeks...cease until he finds. And when he finds, he shall be astonished; Astonished, he shall reach the Kingdom, and having reached the Kingdom, he shall rest"


~ g