21 March 2010

Man, Unfinished

Man is not a complete being. Man is more or less a highly-developed animal, superior to most of the creatures in the animal kingdom in almost all ways except one:

... animals have a closer relationship with the Creator, with Divinity, than does man. Animals are innately aware of their connection to the Universal Source. Man wastes energy debating and denying this Truth.

Man is separated from his Creator by his Ego / Personality (e / p). The e/p erroneously believes that man does not need the Creator in order to successfully navigate the world. The e/p tells man that it is all that man needs. And so, Man wanders about in the darkness, blindfolded, and proudly calls his ignorant meanderings the "proper exercise of free will".

Physical man is an incomplete creation. We are like robots whose internal programs are stuck in a loop. Instead of standing still for a moment to allow our programmers to correct our programming, we stumble hither and yon, making a mess of things and calling it "progress".

What is man missing? We are missing the input from our Spirit. We are missing the infusion of the Divine wisdom from beyond this fallen universe that could complete us, if only we would stand still and allow it. However, we have to invite Divinity into our hearts, it cannot and will not invade. If we insist on behaving as if "we are our bodies" and that the physical world is all there is, then we are doomed to countless lives of error and sorrow.

Again, Man without Spirit is little more than an intelligent animal. Think of it this way... if dolphins and elephants had opposable thumbs and could stand on two legs, they would also be able to create great physical civilizations. Being human is really nothing special, physically. What makes humanity special is its POTENTIAL. What makes it special are the forgotten reasons for why Humanity was created.

Humanity was designed to be the physical interface for Spirit to experience and create in the Material Realms. We are the bodies that Spirit has been waiting to unite with. Only through the unification of Spirit and Matter can the purpose and design of the Creator proceed apace. The design was/is for Spirit to handle matters of consciousness and for the Ego / Personality to handle subconscious matters (like breathing, staying alive). Spirit acts out of, and in response to, Love. The e/p acts and reacts only out of Fear, "self"-preservation. Creator was to use these united entities to actively participate in the Material realms.

Ages ago, Man's unfinished egos ran off in fear. Spirit withdrew, leaving the egos to develop on their own. This has symbolically been referred to as "the Fall of Man". Things have only gotten worse since then, as powerful aeonic forces continued to grow and infect Man's psychic atmosphere with more and more things to be Fearful about.

The coming Harvest is about re-uniting (qualified) egos with their corresponding Spirits. It is about an opportunity to either permanently leave this fallen universe or to continue evolving here, but in an environment where Man can be taught the Truth and the Way to Final Liberation without distraction from the Dark Brothers.

To enhance one's ability to qualify for Harvest, one must commit to allowing the Divine Spark within him to grow, and allow the Ego to take a back seat. Live life in such a way as to allow the Christ Consciousness to live through you, instead of doing what the "I" wants to do. Following the "I" will only lead us deeper into ignorance. Inviting Spirit into our affairs will afford us the opportunity to live each moment in Right Thought, Right Action, Right Discrimination.

Surrender the self... "self"-surrender. The Key to the Narrow Path which leads to Liberation.

~~ g

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