14 March 2010

The Truth Hurts

This post begins with the following world-renowned verbal exchange from the American motion picture "A Few Good Men":

Jessep: You want answers?"

Kaffee: "I think I'm entitled to them!"

Jessep: "You want answers?"

Kaffee: "I want THE TRUTH!"


Now, a quote concerning Truth from The New Call - Q & A - "The Truth Hurts".



The energy of Truth is like a sword that pierces the heart. "In order to walk the Path, the blood of the heart must first bathe the feet that walk it." - Theosophy.

The Truth may be "hard-going" for compromised human beings due to the encrusted, crystallized condition of their microcosms, which the light of Truth necessarily breaks up. However, servants of Christ are but tiny acupuncture needles on Earth compared to the torrential Light that is about to enter this world. If humanity is afraid of the messengers of Christ (the 'John the Baptists'), how will they react, do you think, when the filthy, infected astral plane of this world begins to reveal itself to all as the dimensions merge?

If a friend of yours had gotten drunk on a ship that was sinking, would you be concerned about his feelings as you yelled at him to don his life-jacket, or would you just act intelligently in the emergency?

Do you think that human beings who shy away from the Truth given in conceptual form will be able to receive the Truth (Grace) at the Harvest Time?

The Call of Christ in the fallen world has ever doubled both as a Blessing (to those with eyes to see and ears to hear) and a 'sifting tool' (for those who choose to serve duality).

Do you think that Jesus and all the Avatars would have been so successful if they had compromised on their message and Call by making concessions, diluting the Truth, in order to appease the fearful and ignorant?


The next few posts will offer a couple of concepts for consideration and contemplation. How these posts may affect the reader, and what the reader does with this new information will be up to the reader. If the reader is disturbed or agitated by any of what they encounter, it would probably be best for the reader to withdraw from it, as all are not ready to consider re-arranging deeply entrenched thought-processes and belief systems, no matter how erroneous they may be.

If, at any point, the reader finds that the concepts touch him or her in some way, that reader should seriously consider investigating the matter further, on their own.

There is no more time left for lolly-gagging and procrastination. The time of The Great Separation is nearing an end.

The Truth has always been offered to mankind. Mankind, in ignorance, has most often violently turned it away. In these last days, it is being offered to mankind once more. Those who will earnestly seek, resonate with, accept and then selflessly LIVE such truths, will have taken major steps toward extricating themselves from the bogs of illusion that have trapped Humanity in ignorance, sorrow and death for ages upon ages
. More importantly, they will increase their chances of being able to take advantage of the tremendous Grace that is being offered to all those who intrepidly embark upon the Path of Return to the True Kingdom.

It is hoped that you will indeed be willing, ready and able to handle a portion of the Truth.


~~ g

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