12 March 2010

The ALL Is In All

For the next few minutes, you are invited to put aside your earthly religious and/or scientific beliefs. The following is an attempt to offer a bit of clarity on the true nature of God.


God is not some great, bearded man of stern countenance who looks down upon "puny humanity" and keeps notes in a little black book. God also does not "take sides" in sporting contests, so athletes the world over should stop pointing up to "heaven" every time they score a goal or a touchdown (by the way, how come athletes never point down to "hell" when they miss a penalty kick or strike out swinging? Just asking, hee-hee!).

In any event, the image of God that we have been indoctrinated to "believe" in over the past few thousands of years is a false one. Belief. That's another thing. To "believe" in God implies that one is not really sure about the matter. One just "believes". Belief is the brother of Hope and the cousin of Faith. None of these are equal to "Knowing", and that is what one's relationship with God should be: to know what God is, without the cartoon special effects. Here's hoping that what follows will offer an opportunity for Knowing.


The first hermetic axiom states that "The ALL is in All; All are in The ALL".

God is ALL. Every created and uncreated thing is God. Before matter and spirit manifested, there was God, The ALL. The ALL was at rest. The ALL contained Chaos. The All contained Potential. It wasn't (as we have been told by our myopic and spiritually deficient scientists) that there was a "big bang" and that this universe and others were created out of "nothing". There has always been, and always will be "something". That "something" is The ALL. The ALL is Infinite Intelligence. The ALL is Infinite Consciousness.

When The ALL was ready to rouse from its meditative slumber, it spoke "The Word". Let's think for a moment. What are words? They are formulations of sound...sound is vibration. The ALL vibrated a tone that rippled like waves on a pond. The Tone of Creation. The Creative Word. Chaos was set into motion. Potential was shaken awake. Creation resumed. Not "began", resumed.


What did The ALL use to "create" with? Did it reach "over there", grab some "Acme Universe Creation Mix" and start working? Did The ALL Fed Ex a shipment of "Galactic Goo" to begin constructing the early galaxies? No. It is impossible for The ALL to create from outside of Itself because there can be nothing outside of The ALL. If there were, then The ALL wouldn't be The ALL, correct?

Therefore, it stands to reason that all created things are created...from...The...ALL.

Every material, every substance, every thought that will ever be needed to create anything is contained, right now, within The ALL. THE ALL CREATES FROM ITSELF.

Now, stay focused, because we are coming to another important point. Let's build on the fact that The ALL creates all things from Its own Infinite and Unlimited Consciousness. This Infinite and Unlimited Consciousness infuses every portion of The ALL. This means that every atom, quark, etc., right down to the tiniest unit of "stuff" existing in all Universes contains that Infinite and Unlimited Consciousness.

As such, it should be evident that everything in Visible and Invisible Creation, manifest or un-manifest must contain portions of The ALL. This is the true meaning of "God is Everywhere". From pebble to mountain, from moss to redwood, from insect to elephant, these creations are The ALL, because these creations contain the Infinite and Unlimited Consciousness of God, The ALL.

A rock is God experiencing Creation as a rock.
A Star is God experiencing Creation as a Star.
A dung heap is God experiencing Creation as a dung heap.
A Human Being is...(go ahead, you finish it)

This is the Number One reason why the wise have always advised us to treat and see others as ourselves - because in essence, they are us. There ARE no "others". We all emanate from the same ALL, we are all the projections of Its mighty Infinite and Unlimited Consciousness. Ultimately, we are all One.

We are individual sparks, differentiated portions of the One, Undifferentiated ALL. Physically, our spiritual and material vehicles are composed of "God-stuff" which contains the potential of accessing the Infinite and Unlimited Consciousness of The ALL.

This is the reason why the not-so-wise will foolishly and erroneously utter "I am GOD!". One should be cautious of such faulty reasoning. If a human walks in front of a moving train, he will still experience an uncomfortable demise, "Godhood" notwithstanding. Remember, The ALL is experiencing Itself, in different realms of various states of matter. These realms have their Laws which must be understood and respected.

The ALL has, through many trillions of years, differentiated, or involved Itself down through countless formations of matter, from subtle to gross. We human egos occupy the lowest rung on the ladder, the dense material plane. This material existence represents the low point of the current Involutionary process, where Creator's Spirit involved itself into the lower vibratory realms. We are now about to embark upon our upward Evolutionary phase, but let's not jump the gun. We'll leave that for a future discussion.


It is hoped that the foregoing will be given serious contemplation. If one approaches the matter with Simplicity, an open Heart and an open Mind, then confusion about just what God "is" should vanish like a vapor in the wind.

Look around you. There is God.
Look in the mirror. There, too, is God.
Look within you. God waves hello.

May you be blessed with eyes to See.

All Love,

~~ g

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