28 October 2012

The Power of the Divine Touch - Conclusion


This twofold activity of the Divine Light is of enormous significance in your life. It is of such absolute significance that all of your life's experiences can be explained thereby. Every page in your book of life is written by these influences. It accounts for your particular situation as a pupil, as a worker, as a man or a woman, your relationship to others and to society. It is clear that you, as a pupil of the Spiritual School, open yourself to mighty activity of the twofold Light of God. Just as you reflect ordinary sunlight by a concave mirror and focus is thereby formed by the mirror, so is this School a focus for the Light of God.

To the extent to which this mirror is more finely polished, gradually yielding a better and better  focus, and the whole reflection system is constantly improved step by step, the spirit-spark atom within you will be moved, attracted and called with ever-increasing force. Simultaneously, and this is the second gift of the Spiritual School, the state of being moved and calling is explained to you, spelled out as it were. Thus the pupil knows what the infrared Divine Light requires of him, why it calls him and what it enables him to do.

Enable him? Certainly, and in a direct way, because the infrared Light of God is accompanied by the ultraviolet radiation potential. This means that the pupil willing to tread the paths of God discovers that the divine ultraviolet radiation removes all difficulties and barriers for him at the appropriate moment. This power of Christ clears the way for him, to such an extent that the pupil "need not trip over a single stone".

"He who calls you is faithful", as the Bible says, "and He will carry it through, too". Thus the call to the Path at the same time implies the possibility of treading it. Therefore, the prologue in John's Gospel states with great certainty:

"To all who receive Him, He gives the power to become children of God again".

Now you will understand why those who know about these things can state with certainty: the power of The Call is simultaneously the power that clears the way.

Let us now consider the case of the pupil who, by virtue of his pupilship and by virtue of his presence in the power-field of the School, is attracted and called with great intensity but is not prepared to break, who is not prepared to break with that which must be broken up and is not willing to abandon that which must be relinquished. In spite of all that is said to him, this pupil holds on tenaciously to a great deal of delusion which, in the course of many incarnations and by means of thoughts and feelings, has become a supposed reality to him.

What happens then? When a true pupil reacts harmoniously to the calling aspect, he likewise reacts harmoniously to the shattering aspect of the intervention of Christ. Then the Path will be smooth for him. However, should a pupil react harmoniously to the calling aspect, but not to the shattering one, then both influences will have a disharmonious effect in his life. This is obvious! Then a series of difficulties arises, fruitless efforts, endless worries, an inner strife, loneliness and sadness and the entire pit of vipers in which he is then ensnared. By no means are these afflictions caused by the Gnosis: we scourge ourselves with the whip of the dualistic zealot and in this state, there is no one that can help us, for we ourselves must break the scourge of the zealot.

An unbounded happiness awaits you! You are called to belong to the people of God but keep yourself here in pain and misery. Can you imagine a more unintelligent way of life?

You should not take these remarks as a sermon or as a call, because you have already been called a long, long time ago! Our call is but a very faint echo of Eternal Reality. No, we talk with you about these things because the time has come! The prophesying phase is over. The preparatory stage has passed. We have entered the period of realization! The multitude of those who wish to join this group -- and this word is spoken to those who can join -- should make haste for highly urgent, scientific reasons.

We have already mentioned that besides the twofold radiation of the solar-field of Christ there also exists a twofold radiation power of the dualistic nature. The infrared light of this nature attacks and breaks up everything that resists the "I". In this way duality develops: formation, flourishing and wasting away (rising, shining and fading), eating only to be eaten. So this natural radiation field exhibits a degenerative development, while the Radiation-Field of Christ causes an expanding, regenerative development. This means that the two fields are exposed to a change of vibration in mutual opposition: the distance between these two fields becomes greater and greater.

It is clear that a moment will come when an entity existing in one field cannot possibly cross over to the other. The difference between the two fields, originally fundamental and qualitative, ultimately becomes so great structurally, and the entities manifesting themselves in the two fields so different biologically that, from a certain moment on, a person belonging to the dualistic field can no longer reconcile himself, link himself to the field of Christ. Such a tragic situation always develops at the end of a period of mankind's history. It is clear that a person called by the field of Christ but clinging to duality cannot serve two masters: he will be broken away from the field of Christ; he does it to himself.

The time has come for this process of breaking away to take shape in the world: a great cleavage is building up. The word "Christ" will vanish from the lips of all those who do not belong to the field of Christ. They will be unmasked and recognized by all,

The remainder, the serious seekers as yet still have the choice in their own hands, if they but take leave resolutely and promptly of their own brokenness and fully entrust themselves to the Radiation Field of Christ. Then the song of the ancients will apply to them as well:

"Though you have lain among the pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold."

"For He will give His angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone".

Pupils of the Rosycross, act intelligently: build upon the Everlasting Cornerstone rejected by the masons of this world, and thus celebrate with us, the coming Day of the Lord!

From "Christ, the Universal Source of Light and Power" - The Coming New Man - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Those who think that the fore-going is about "religion" are in danger of missing the boat. This is not about "religion", it is about a known process, a path of evolution known to the ancients, forgotten by modern man and now being revealed once more. The Path of Return is a living process in which certain organs of the physical body and the force-centers connected with them cooperate with ever-present Divine energies in order to transfigure the personality and liberate the microcosm.

Those who remain attached to duality, who cannot imagine ever leaving good ol' Earth, or discarding their beloved physical body, or releasing their emotional ties to people, places and things of this fallen world, will not be able to take the first step towards Liberation. Why is that so? Because even though the Remedy we seek is all around us, the power the Christine radiations cannot help us unless we choose to seek it out and open our hearts to it.

There are perhaps many who are not aware that such a great Cosmic power actually exists that can transform a human into an immortal. Well, for those who have read this, non-awareness is no longer possible. This writer can personally vouch for the existence and the efficiency of this process. What is left to you now is a decision. The Great Separation that is upon us will be a two-way split. Either we choose the New Life Field, or perish (as a personality, not as a microcosm) with the old. No middle-ground, no undecideds.

Mankind has reached the Gate of Choice. When the gate swings shut, may you be found on the side of New Life.

~ g

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