03 February 2016

Proof Of The Soul, Return Of The Spirit

What is the force that moves man? When you reach for something, walk towards something, where does the impetus come from? Is there an external force that pushes man for action?

No. The force that moves the man comes from within. That force is the soul.

What then, moves the soul?

In the nature-born man, the soul is moved by the influences of the aeons of this nature.

In the man with a Reborn Soul, the motive force comes from the Spirit.

The purpose of the soul is to serve as an intermediary between the Divine Spirit and the physical instrument.

However, Divine Spirit cannot reside in a natural soul that has degenerated into the fallen state. Therefore, the natural soul must be purified, cleansed of all sin, in order to make a suitable home for Spirit to reside.

A famous film once postulated, "If you build it, they will come". With some modification, the same can be said of the descent of the Dove (the Spirit).

"If you purify the Soul, Spirit will return".

This is the overriding aim of the transfiguristic Path of Return.

This is the goal of the Gnosis.

~ g


Andrew said...


In the nature-born man, the soul is moved by the influences of the aeons of this nature. Could you clarify how exactly the aeons influence us. Is it through our thoughts or emotions or both? Am I right in thinking that we made the aeons or were they once pure and were corrupted by the wrong use of our will? Thank you.

BrotherGee said...


Re: "Could you clarify how exactly the aeons influence us. Is it through our thoughts or emotions or both?"

You can say both. Thought and desire precede all action but what is it that urges a person to think or feel a certain way?

To answer this question, one must have at least an elementary knowledge of the following:

a. Vibration
b. Attraction (Like Attracts Like)
c. Thought-Forms (Thoughts are things; they go somewhere)

When a person has a thought, that thought is created out of the ethers that compose the mental body of the person. The thought manifests itself either as a vibration or a thought-form. Both of these creations have a sort of life. They can loiter in the vicinity of their creator or travel and affect the thinking of another, if the mental body of that person is composed of ethers of a similar vibration to the original thought.

If the original thought is unable to discharge itself upon another, it will return to its creator, where it will remain expectantly until it is acted upon or until it dies from a lack of attention.

When large numbers of human beings collectively think the same or similar thoughts over a long period of time, those thoughts (which are living things) will coalesce to form an enormous thought-cloud -- an aeon.

The aeon can only remain "alive" if it is continually fed the proper ethers. These ethers can only be acquired by stimulating its human creators to continue generating the same type and quality of thought that produced the aeon. It does this by radiating back to its creators the peculiar vibration common to both parties. The group accepts these radiations as "inspiration", upon which they invariably act, thereby creating more thought-forms that are hungrily absorbed by the aeon. It is a reciprocal arrangement.

Take war, for example. War, the idea of war, is an aeon. Long, long ago someone or something decided that the best way to solve a problem with another human-being was to kill that human-being. He shared his philosophy with others and in no time at all you had armies, weapons, tactics and strategies. War becomes a science, a way of life. The thoughts of all those who believed in War, who loved violence and lived for the excitement of combat melded together to create and maintain a humongous thought-cloud of Death: the Aeon of War. Obviously, this aeon is still with us today and is more powerful than ever.

There are many, many different types of aeons. You can apply the above methodology to any group-think activity that takes place on the planet. All are fed and controlled by aeons. Religion, sports, entertainment, sex, gadgetry, politics, science, occultism, the list goes on. These aeons all share the same method of creation and are sustained by their creators in the same way as demonstrated above.

There is a cosmic law that states "The Creator can never forsake the work of his hands". This law not only applies to the Absolute Unknowable One, but to lesser gods and men alike. Thus, humanity lives with its creations and unwittingly continues to feed them by responding to the impulses that the nature aeons radiate to mankind. Humanity cannot help but respond. It is a result of like-vibration combined with mankind's ignorance and a lack of insight as to the power of Thought.

Will stop here. May have to finish this comment as a post.

~ g

Andrew said...


Thank you, that was very helpful. So what are the 12 aeons in our microcosm? I understand the School is the thirteenth aeon, so does that mean School is out to change our thinking? Or does it come from the 6th cosmic domain and lifts our thinking into a higher level? Sorry to be such a pest but I think it important that I understand this clearly and your posts usually shine some light on my ignorance.

BrotherGee said...


re: So what are the 12 aeons in our microcosm?

Although there are countless aeons, they all spring from twelve (12) major aeons. Those twelve major aeons are known to us as the Zodiac.
As we know, each zodiacal sign is in fact a constellation of stars, and therefore a concentration of astral powers. These powers encircle the macrocosm (the solar system) and radiate their specialized astral influences continuously to all of the planets therein.

The microcosm mirrors the cosmos (as above, so below). Man stands in the center with his material and subtle bodies. These are surrounded by the respiration field which is, in turn, surrounded by the lipika. The lipika is like a star-studded heaven, composed of millions of points of light. These points of light are magnetic in nature and will attract compatible vibrations while repelling those influences that do not agree with their nature.

As the Zodiac radiates its twelve major influences towards the microcosm, the lipika lets in those only those influences that are in agreement with the nature of the personality that inhabits the microcosm. The lipika, in turn, radiates these impulses through the respiration field and into the brain, which distributes those impulses among the twelve cranial nerves. These nerves control the functioning of the body. At that point, transmission is complete.

The following from The Gnostic Mysteries of Pistis Sophia by Jan van Rijckenborgh:

"Twelve gods rule everything that exists and lies within the zodiac. These twelve gods have their reflections in our lipika and hence in our magnetic system and in our personality."

~ g

BrotherGee said...

-- continued --

Re: "I understand the School is the thirteenth aeon, so does that mean School is out to change our thinking?"

The Spiritual School itself is not the Thirteenth Aeon. It partakes of the powers emanated by the ever-existing Thirteenth Aeon, whose influence on earth was re-established some time ago and has slowly been built up over the centuries by true gnostic transfigurists united in Thought and Purpose. Using the gifts of the Thirteenth Aeon, the School has been able to create a power-field, a Living Body that reaches from the material realm to the lowest plane of the Sixth Cosmic Domain.

Please note, the School does not exist to change anyone's thinking. This must be clearly understood. The School exists to provide for all those who are ready, an opportunity to embark upon the Path of Freedom, the path that will Liberate man from the earthly Wheel death and Rebirth. The School provides the information needed for one to develop the necessary insight as a foundation for the journey that must be taken. No one is ever forced or coerced. In fact, the warning is always given that one should "count the cost" before making the decision to embark upon the Path. This because once one begins to walk the Path of Return, that one is choosing to undergo a gradual transmutation, ultimately leading to a complete transfiguration.

The process results in specific biological and ethereal changes taking place within the microcosm. Once these changes begin, it is extremely dangerous to abandon the process in an effort to turn back to the "old ways".

The School cannot (and does not desire to) "change" anyone's thinking. All change must come from within the person, voluntarily. The School only reveals that which has been hidden from man so that man can make an informed choice.

The School outlines the Path and its requirements so that the candidate can clearly see what lies ahead for those who make the decision to walk it. Once a candidate embarks upon the Path, The School is there to help transmit the right amount of gnostic light-power necessary to help the candidate along the way.

Re: "Or does it come from the 6th cosmic domain and lifts our thinking into a higher level?"

When the Divine Spark is struck by the power of the Gnosis, the thinking of the individual immediately begins to change. Thoughts begin to arise that are not-of-this-world. Thoughts of leaving this nature-order are not of this world! They are un-natural and go against the power and influences of the aeons who work to maintain this world. Therefore, the "new thinking" is initiated by the person, who, having reached the nadir of possibilities in this nature-order, is now yearning for a way out.

~ g