21 October 2011

Aeons 101

The following is a short primer on aeons and their relationship with humanity. This subject continues to show up in this blog because it is of critical importance in understanding the nature of our bondage and in learning what we must do to break these invisible chains.

An aeon is an enormous thought-form that has been vivified and maintained by humanity. When first created, it is a creature with "dead-eyes". As it is continuously fed via the thoughts, feelings and ether-bleedings of humans, it can grow to enormous proportions and develop a primitive, yet powerful will of its own. There are many different kinds of aeons. Perhaps you've heard of The Seven Deadly Sins (Wrath, Greed, Sloth, Pride, Lust, Envy and Gluttony)? Well, you can be sure that there is an aeon representing each one of these cardinal vices.

Let's take an elementary look at how aeons are formed, how they are sustained and what are their effects on mankind. By way of example, we will use the Aeon of Greed.


Let us say that a group of men all harbor powerful urges to become the wealthiest man in the world. Their minds are focused upon this goal both day and night. Every action they undertake, every thought they have is bent upon helping them to achieve this outcome. All of their plans, their relationships and their designs are undertaken within the constraints of this very narrow focus - the ruthless acquisition of wealth.

Such one-pointed determination eventually leads these men to success (or ruin). Some will become unbelievably wealthy (by earthly standards). Along the way, their powerful, individual thought-forms of greed, power and wealth will have coagulated (in the astral realms) into a large, unified "thought-form of greed". We call this thought-form an aeon.

With every greedy thought, emotion or act, these men "feed" this astral Aeon of Greed. The problem is magnified when we realize the following: these men are connected to this aeon. It is their creation. In truth and in fact, it was their thoughts, feelings and emotions that combined to create this monstrous thought-image! Universal Law holds that we are always tied to our thought-creations (which is why we are always advised to be careful of what we think, feel, say or do. Better yet, we are also urged to keep silent). Their link, or connection with this aeon maintains it, gives it constant nourishment.

For its part, the aeon responds by radiating strong impulses back to those men who are connected with it. We can liken these impulses to "suggestions". As long as these men remain tied to this aeon, as long as they continue to feed it with their thoughts, feelings and actions, the aeon will, in turn, continue to provide them with powerful ideas, intuitions, hunches, desires, etc. -- all tainted with greed, all focused upon the acquisition of wealth. At this point, the Aeon of Greed is no longer a creature with "dead-eyes". It is now self-willed creature, conscious of its own existence and with a desire to continue that existence. The creature has gained an ability to recognize that it must unceasingly influence mankind to entertain certain thoughts, feel certain emotions, perform certain acts, in order to receive the ether-bleedings that it needs to survive.

So the Aeon of Greed begins to radiate its impulses not only on the original group of wealth-seekers, but to mankind as a whole. Therefore, whoever may be susceptible to those radiations will "pick them up" and will feel an urge to pursue wealth, will begin to desire more. The pool of humans who are donating their thought-forms and low-grade ethers to this aeon will increase. Like an inescapable, escalating flood-tide, Greed goes global.

This is how aeons are born and this is how they thrive. We can apply this example to any of a number of human vices. Just as there is an Aeon of Greed, there is most certainly an Aeon of  "Sex", of "Depression", of "Drugs and Alcohol", "Sadism", "Fame", "Political Power", "National Pride", "Race Pride", "Gambling", "High-Tech Gadgets" and on and on...

We think that we control our thoughts. We are quick to say that our thoughts are our own. The truth is that for the vast majority of men, women and children on this planet, their thoughts are not their own. Rather, they are simply responding to powerful impulses continuously sent forth by the many Aeons that act as parasites upon unwitting humanity.

How many times have you had a thought and then said to yourself, "where did that thought come from?". Well, now you know! Did you act upon it? Did you shoo it away? Nine times out of ten, we act upon it, because nine out of every ten men are too weak and too ignorant of the consequences to resist. Later on, after the deed has been consummated, we end up with another familiar thought..."Um, why did I do that?".

The reason we respond to these aeonic impulses is because somewhere in our aura, we carry vibrations of a similar nature. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. You may say, "no, I'm not greedy" or "Come on, I'm not prideful", but mark: if you are constantly having such thoughts "pop into" your head, or if you're constantly "feeling" a certain way, it is because you still harbor those impulses within you. These auric lights must be extinguished before we can be free of whatever "bad habits" we are prone to indulging in. We must adopt an air of neutrality when it comes to the capital vices or any other negative aeonic impulses that come our way. Only when we have extinguished every light and ceased to entertain these nefarious radiations, will we be free of their influences.

Think about the foregoing. Give it consideration. Again, not accepting or believing a Truth that has been presented to you does not make it any less the Truth. Work to neutralize the Impulses of Vice that surround and provoke you at every turn. STARVE AN AEON TODAY! It is hoped that the contents of this post will perhaps help at least a few to understand more fully the gnostic expression that states:


all love,

~ g

"For your conflict is not only with flesh and blood, but with the aeons, and with powers, with the rulers of this world of darkness, and with the evil spirits under the heavens". Ephesians 6:12

Note: You may also want to view a prior related post: Archons, The Rulers - 23 November 2009 

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