16 July 2017

Like Attracts Like

Contrary to what we have been indoctrinated to believe, opposites are not attracted to one another. Opposites repel, they do not attract. At times, opposites may complement one another, but even that will be due to the existence between them of some element of attraction that brings them together through a process of bonding.

Only things of like nature are attracted to other things of like nature. The reasoning behind this is quite simple and clear, if given enough thought. When something is attracted to something else, it is expressing an affinity, a magnetic desire to collect or aggregate more of itself. This is known as attraction. When a thing encounters that which is of an opposing magnetic polarity to it, that thing will not have a desire to attract that which is not like itself. Instead of moving towards that opposite thing, it will move away. This is repulsion.

The number one use of the Fallacy of Opposites Attract is in the realm of personal relationships. Human-beings are prone to saying such things as,

"My partner and I are so unlike. But you know what they say: opposites attract!"

The reason why people say these things is because they are ignorant of the above-stated Law that Like Attracts Like. They focus on what is unlike in their partner, characterize it as being opposite of their own nature, and, at a loss to explain their attraction to one who is so much not (apparently) like them, they attribute the phenomena to the Fallacy of Opposites Attract. If people were to look deeper, if they were to try and understand the infallible Cosmic Law of Cohesion (Like Attracts Like) that rules here in the Seventh Cosmic Domain, they would begin to see a clearer picture.

If one is attracted to some other one that has traits that are dissimilar to one's own, then either of the following things are happening:

1. one is so much more attracted to similarities that exist between one and one's partner that they accept or ignore the existence of their partner's negative or, polar opposite traits.

2. one possesses within one's own auric field, traces of the traits that they characterize as being undesirable, or "opposite".

If your partner likes to argue, and you do not, then why are you with that person? What attracted you to someone with that trait? Either you have chosen to ignore that trait in your partner while accepting and focusing on the common traits shared by both of you, or you yourself have argumentative traits within your auric field. Many do not like to even consider the possibility of the latter.

The ancients stated that "the world we see is a reflection of who we ourselves are". From within our microcosm we peer out through an invisible sea of habits, fears, desires, likes and dislikes. As we look through this vibrational fog, it colors the appearance of everything that our senses receive, so that if we are the argumentative type, we will see an argument in everything others say or do. If we are sexually-focused, we will see sensual overtones in everything that we observe in the world around us. If reject or dislike ourselves, we will see rejection and dislike in every person that we come in contact with.

Predisposition to violence, fear of harm to the self, selfish focus upon the accumulation of wealth or power, all these things and more exist in one's aura and color one's perception of one's world. If we see ourselves attracting irresponsible types, abusive types, miscreants and other assorted negative types into our lives, we must look to ourselves when we experience the repercussions of these associations. Chickens will always come home to roost! It does not matter if you have been a saintly person in this life, thus making you "undeserving" of such treatment from others. What about the life of the previous personality in the microcosm? Or the life of the ones before that? There is a strong possibility that in previous lives you were the irresponsible type, the abusive type, the miscreant, etc. Although no longer acted out upon the physical realm, traces of those traits may still exist somewhere within your aura. Traces of those traits are enough to attract the same emanating from others, thus resulting in the seeming phenomena of attracting that which appears to be opposite of one's self, when in fact, what is being attracted is the same.

There is another saying that goes: "Be the one that you wish to attract". If there is a particular type of mate that one has in mind, one should first make sure that they have self-examined their own traits, both positive and negative, for it is these vibrations that will radiate forth from one's microcosm to attract their own from another microcosm.

The responsibility for the people we attract into our lives, the experiences that we have, etc. belongs solely to each one of us. The objective world is truly a mirror. You are being shown yourself. Like Attracts Like. It must be so on this plane of existence. It is Law. You can learn to work with this Law, or you can continue to work against it, and reap the consequences

Remember that what is returned to you originated from that which is within you. Do not waste time arguing and speculating that it can't be possible, because it is not only possible, it is fact. Spend your time instead diligently working to identify your undesirable traits and then endeavor to expel them from your microcosm as soon as possible. If one persists in this process of purification, one will begin to see the clouds lifting. The people, places and things that once vexed and troubled you will begin to fall away. Why? Because you will no longer have an attraction or desire for those things. Instead, the things that you desire and have an affinity for will become a constant in your life. It is hoped here that all of your desires will be pure and unselfish ones!

One asks: how will I know for certain? How will I know that the negative traits have been purged forever? You'll know. You'll know because when you look out at the world, the world will no longer reflect those things back to you.

Now, a final question will be asked. Having read and contemplated the foregoing, can you begin to understand the origin of your attraction to the Gnosis, its Universal teachings and the liberating Path of Return?

Like Attracts Like.

~ g


Anonymous said...

Just a question about the serpent fire. We get our physical bodies from our parents but does the serpent fire come from them as well? I was thinking it must, because how would the microcosm choose that baby if like attracts like? Both embryo and microcosm must have similar vibrations. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Clearly, that is out of the query for most of us.

BrotherGee said...


The human parents donate the physical, etheric, astral and mental raw material needed for the infant personality to begin its new life on earth. Understand that microcosms are standing in line on "the other side", in the reflection-sphere, waiting for the right opportunity to re-enter the physical realm. This requires that the correct set of parents must be located and brought together because, due to its karma, the microcosm has to begin the new life where the old one left off. It therefore needs to build a body of the same material as that which was used by the previous personality in the microcosm.

The blueprint for the serpent-fire system is stored within the microcosm. The serpent-fire itself is an astral principle which is linked with the infant child when the new personality is introduced into the microcosm. It does not come from either parent. It is an inheritance that is passed on from one microcosmic personality to the next, from rebirth to rebirth. With this in mind, we can say that yes, the parents of a child are chosen for the microcosm. The microcosm does not choose. It only carries the blueprint for what type of human-being it needs to bring into incarnation in order to further its development. The complex and precise work of choosing the parents, time and place of birth, etc. is done by highly exalted beings referred to as The Lords of Destiny.

Once the serpent-fire system is situated within the physical child, it is further conditioned by its environment, experiences, affinities, repulsions, etc. By the age of 21, the serpent-fire system is more or less at the point of development at which it left off during the previous incarnation.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Thank you Brother Gee for explaining that. Also thank you for explaining the law of attraction. After the first step on the path which is insight how important must be the second step on the path to crave for salvation. By making this our primary aim we will attract all that is necessary to go the path. If we do not make this our primary aim it will have to compete with all the other desires in our hearts and then it becomes just another beautiful philosophy in our luggage.

Anonymous said...


What does school mean when it talks about the reflection sphere? Is it the astral world?

BrotherGee said...

re: yearning for salvation

The second step in the Fivefold Gnosis is a critical one. After obtaining much-needed Insight into man's true condition, the candidate can react in a couple of ways:

1. the candidate can sink deeper into the dialectical world, or
2. the candidate can begin to experience a strong yearning to be rid of this world, desiring to return to the Divine Kingdom by way of the method that has been revealed to him.

This yearning must not come from the "I". It must come from the heart of the candidate. It must be a sincere, heartfelt longing for the Fatherland, our Divine Home. Without sincerity and one-pointedness of focus, the candidate risks attracting only dialectical energies, and not the life-giving, restorative powers of the Gnosis.

Without true yearning for salvation, the Rosebud will not open. It is the yearning of the heart that attracts the Gnosis to its mate, the Rose of the Heart. When the link between the two is restored, the petals of the Rose will begin to unfold, releasing a great faculty. The blood will become infused with Gnostic Light. This Divine Light-power will travel to the head sanctuary and ignite a new fire in the consciousness of the candidate. Head and heart will unite to begin the process of uniting in the Gnosis.

This is how the transfiguration process begins. First, the acquisition of Insight ("Man, Know Thyself"), then follows a yearning for salvation that develops naturally from what has been learned from Insight.

~ g

Anonymous said...

The law of attraction reminds me very much of the movie Groundhog Day. In it the self-centred weather man Bill Murray has to relive the worst day of his life over and over again. This continues until he learns his lesson and changes from being an egotistical person to helping and serving other people. His life changes and he gets the one woman in his life that matters, his producer Andie MacDowell. Andie MacDowell, Rita could be a symbol of the rose in our hearts.

BrotherGee said...


You've made an interesting correlation. One could indeed interpret the movie as an allegory of that which is experienced by the nature-born human-being who maintains a total self-focus in order to navigate the physical world. Because such a one is not pursuing the One Thing Needful, he encounters one obstacle after another, disappointment upon disappointment.

After long bitter experience, the person who seeks on the horizontal level will begin to realize that true happiness can not be found on the earth-plane. Having achieved this important bit of Insight, he will start to Yearn for a way out of the oppressive misery of the material-world.

Self-surrender then follows, as the human-being, now a Seeker, puts his ego aside in the realization that something deep within yearns to reach out and help others simply for the sake of helping others. This results in a New Attitude of Life, one of unselfishness, non-attachment and a powerful Inner desire to serve others, in whatever way possible.

At some point after this fourth step of the Fivefold Universal Gnosis has been reached, the New Day will finally dawn, the Liberation of the Seeker will become a Reality. It is possible that the character 'Rita' represents the Inner longing that all Spirit-spark human-beings have to return to the Divine Kingdom. We long for this Return constantly but do not have knowledge of the steps that are necessary to get us there. Because of this lack of Insight, we struggle to obtain on the Physical plane that which can only be found in a completely separate domain, the Divine Astral Plane. Failure, frustration, disillusionment and disappointment are the fruits of those misdirected labors.

It is only when Man makes the voluntary decision to renounce the physical world and all of the matter therein that Man's focus begins to turn upwards, in a vertical direction. When Man begins to yearn for that which is not of this earth, that is when Man's Fortune will begin to change.

From the archives: Groundhog Day.

all love,

~ g

Anonymous said...

Thanks g! Never knew you have already discussed this movie. Why are there a lot of movies with hidden Gnostic meaning in them? Are there good aeons doing this? Am currently reading Moby Dick and its full of Gnostic references. Must watch the Moby Dick movie again.

BrotherGee said...

Myths and fairytales are the products of mankind's collective sub-conscious memories. Man carries the Truth within him, but only a few have remained silent long enough to hear It speak.

~ g