02 July 2017

Marooned In The Garden Of The Gods

A reader has asked: "If the Divine Kingdom was all that good, what are we doing here?"

Our human life-wave did not make a voluntary choice to maroon itself in the Seventh Cosmic Domain. It was the result of an error, a mistake, driven by self-will.

When we were in the Divine Realms, we were co-creators with God. As our will was aligned with God's will, we were omniscient, omnipresent and had the power to design living forms. These powers were not ours, but were the powers of God, manifested through us. Whatever glorious things we were able to do were made possible by our constant linkage with the Father, with Source.

A portion of the Creation was set aside for us, the Children of God, to design and create. This region was/is the Physical Realm, the Seventh Cosmic Domain. The Physical Realm was to be a workshop, a laboratory, a Garden of the Gods, where we could experiment with life and life-forms. We created everything from mineral formations, to plant and animal species, to human races. All things were possible.

We were to observe one rule: we were not to get involved with our creations, we were not to attempt to live inside of that which we were creating, especially the human races. The pull of duality was very strong. If we became too entangled, too involved, the magnetic properties of the Cosmic Physical Realm would pull us down like quicksand.

A group of us did not pay attention to this warning. Instead of continuing to align our will with God's will, we followed our own desires, our own self-will. We decided to go into business for ourselves. We chose to dabble directly in the Physical Realm, we chose to live inside of our creations.

As predicted, this had a negative effect on our microcosms, effectively dropping its vibration from the high frequencies need to thrive in the Divine Realms to a much lower frequency, more suited to the Physical plane. As we continued to "fall" in vibration, the Divine part of us slowly atrophied until finally, the Light of the central Divine Spark could no longer communicate with our Divine Home. It became obvious that we were not going to be able to return to the Divine Kingdom without help. In order to rescue these fallen microcosms, a Divine Plan of Salvation was developed and put into action.

The Seventh Cosmic Domain, that which was once a Garden of the Gods, was turned into an emergency-order. It was tweaked so that it would become a suitable location to house fallen microcosms until a way could be found to bring them back Home.

To answer our reader's question, no one intended to leave the Divine Kingdom and end up marooned in the Physical Realm. It was simply the price paid for not having followed the will of the Father, and for disregarding all warnings. Once we made the voluntary choice to follow our own self-will, things got messy. We are now trapped here, far away from Home, with very little memory of who we really are, where we've come from, and how to get back there.

Here's another way of looking at it. A group of schoolchildren go on a field trip in the woods. They are told what to do and what not to do. They are also told to stick together and to not wander off. One child sees something interesting just off the path that they are travelling and makes a quick dash into the woods to get a better look. When he gets there, the item that he wanted to look at is gone. He turns around to rejoin his classmates and realizes that he is lost. Just that quickly, everything has changed.

The child is never found by searchers. He remains in the woods abandoned and alone. He learns to adapt to his new condition. In order to survive, he devolves to the level of an animal. In a few years, all memories of his former life have vanished. He believes that he is a creature of the woods, and always has been.

Via the broadest of outlines, this post has attempted to answer the question "what are we doing here?". Now for the follow-up question: "how do we get out of here?". In order to return Home, we must re-align our will with that of the Father. In order to do this we must surrender our I-centrality. Most of us are spiritually asleep and disconnected from conscious contact with God. We think we have a connection to the Divine, but we do not. The churches, temples and mosques teach that man requires their priests, preachers, rabbis and imans to act as intermediaries between man and God. It's not even a teaching, its straight-up brain-washing. Listen closely to the following and commit it to memory: you do not need the help of any intermediary to reconnect you with the Father. The Kingdom of God is within you! It sleeps with your Divine Spark, awaiting proper and correct actions from you that will awaken and unfold its Power.

~ g


Anonymous said...

Thank you Brother Gee for your explanation on how we found ourselves in this physical realm. I have to be truthful and say that I still do not believe that this physical realm was intended to be a laboratory where we could experiment with life and life-forms. It reminds me of the Greek Prometheus myth where Mary Shelley got her book Frankenstein from.

However we are here and if someone offers a chance to escape we would be fools not to take it. I followed one of your links and found this which you wrote some time ago. I totally agree with what you said.

'Please, whether you believe the things that have been written here or not, I'm asking you to please, please change your life and prepare your physical and spiritual vehicles for a New Experience. Love those who hate you. Forego Anger, Jealousy, Greed, etc. GIVE. Give and give and give and give. Then give some more. Not money. Give YOU. Serve your brother or sister. Try to make his or her life a little better. A kind word, a pat on the back, a smile to a stranger. Whatever is needed.

We're not animals, murderers or killers. Those are Behaviors that have been Taught to us by malevolent beings. Inside, we are Love. We are the Creator's greatest Creation. We are so much more Regal and Splendid than we Know or Remember. Let's crawl out of the muck, clean ourselves off and live Knowing that we have the Power within Us to Conquer all Evils, to Accomplish All Things.'

BrotherGee said...

Where do you think those ancient myths originate from, my friend? ;-) What do you think they are trying to tell us?

Myths are memories. Memories disguised as fairy tales. They are reminders that call out to our Inner selves: remember...remember.

all love,

~ g

Anonymous said...

The problem of the omniscience of God and human free will has been around for a long time. To sum it up, if we liken it to a game of chess, if GOD made the game, its rules, and players, then how can any player be free?

CS Lewis argues that God is actually outside time and therefore does not "foresee" events, but rather simply observes them all at once.

So getting back to the game of chess we humans start the game as pawns but as the game progresses depending upon what choices were made have the opportunity of becoming a queen if the pawn progresses to the final rank.

The difference between an average chess player and a master chess player is that the master can choose his moves because he can see ahead what effect they would have on the outcome of the final game. The average player only sees maybe three moves ahead.

I do not believe we fell into the physical realm but do have the opportunity of raising ourselves to higher realms by simply learning the rules of the game we find ourselves in. So schools like the Lectorium Rosicrucianum must remind us of the rules which we have forgotten.

BrotherGee said...

re: "if GOD made the game, its rules, and players, then how can any player be free?"

If Man were under God's direct "control" would we see War, Murder, Rape, Poverty, Slavery, Counter-natural Sexual Practices, Child Abuse-and-Neglect, etc., etc., etc.? If the answer to that question is 'yes' then one is asserting that these things are of God because God "controls" Man.

No, these things are not of God. These things are born of the archons and aeons of this nature, which are massive thought-clouds created by the collective erroneous and selfish thinking by Man over long ages of time. These thought-clouds surround the entire planet and act directly on the mental and astral bodies of humanity. Long ages ago, Man freely CHOSE to begin feeling and thinking selfishly, thereby setting in motion the processes that resulted in the creation of these aeonic entities. The freedom of CHOICE to create was granted to Man by Man's Creator. Man chose to create selfishly - which is not how God creates. The results speak for themselves.

People will say "God knows everything, so He must have known this would happen, etc., etc." God is aware of all potentialities. To avoid negative outcomes for a Creation, God develops a Divine Plan of Evolution, which, if voluntarily followed, will bring Glory to the Creation.

When that Plan is not voluntarily followed by the entities who are entrusted with administering the Plan, we end up with wandering, blind, misled, fallen human races and an emergency-order situation like the one that exists on Earth at this time.

~ g

Anonymous said...

OK so plan A failed. We are now in plan B emergency-order. Seems very hard to escape this prison with all those aeonic warders guarding us but even death does not free us from this prison.

BrotherGee said...

My friend,

Answered in the July 9th post.

~ g