13 October 2017

Opening The Rose - The Fivefold Path To Liberation

How does one open the Rosebud? How does one awaken the Rose of the Heart, the latent Divine Spark that sleeps within the center of the microcosm?

The sleeping Rose is a Divine principle. It is the only part of the human personality that is not-of-this-world, As such, it will not respond to dialectical measures to awaken it. Therefore, the following practices will not be of any use in awakening the Rose:

- meditation
- concentration
- yoga
- splitting of the personality (i.e., astral travel, etc.)
- breathing exercises
- special diets
- tantric practices
- various narcotics and hallucinogens
- kundalini (as taught to the masses of the current era)

The above practices might help one to obtain consciousness in the astral planes of this nature-order, but they will still be prisoners of the Seventh Cosmic Domain, the undivine physical realm. They may achieve great heights and be crowned as "initiates" in the lofty heights of the reflection-sphere but they will still be lashed to the fence-posts of the earth-spheres.

That which is undivine can obtain no reaction from that which is Divine.The only way to awaken this Divine Principle - the Spirit-Spark Atom -  is to relink it with its Divine Origin, the Sixth Cosmic Domain. Once this Link is re-established, the Rose will awaken on its own. The candidate must not "do" anything to interfere or help in this process of Rebirth. The candidate must stand aside in not-doing and allowed the process to unfold. The most that one can do is to surrender the personal self to The Goal, as will be mentioned below.

There are five steps that the candidate must fulfill in order to reach the Good End.

Insight - "Man, Know Thyself". The candidate must gain insight as to his origins, his attributes, his current predicament, the nature of his imprisonment and the discovery of a Path to Liberation. The candidate must undertake to learn everything that he can about the Path of Return.

Yearning - once insight has been established and the candidate knows the truth about the earth experience that he has for so long accepted as "reality" and about the capabilities that have been embedded in the human personality for use in transfiguring the microcosm, he can do one of two things:

1. dismiss all that he has learned and go back to life as it was
2. from the depths of his being, begin to yearn with all of his might for Liberation

Self-surrender - to begin the process, the candidate must offer up his earthly personality. That is, he must stop living selfishly for the self, and instead, live for others. To serve the self is against everything the Gnosis represents. God, the Logos, The Only Good, gives to all. God does not take. If one is looking to re-link with the Divine, one must reflect that single attribute of the Divine, for only Like Attracts Like.

Gnostic Rosicrucians refer to this self-surrender as the endura, a "dying daily" to the things of this world. It is probably the most difficult part of the entire process because the self will not easily relinquish its control or its desires. Through weakness and uncertainty, the candidate will falter time and time again, yielding to selfishness. But he must persevere and weather all storms. He must remember that it is not he who will fight this battle against the self, but the Other One within, who is stepping forth from the opened Rose, gaining in power and might with each passing moment.

New Attitude of Life - once the self has been moved to the background, the Other One must take the lead in the life of the candidate. The candidate must effect a fundamental reversal in his manner of living and being. The earthly things that he once desired and reveled in he must renounce for good. The New Life that he leads while still on earth must consist of the following attributes:

- Complete Unselfishness
- Non-Attachment
- No Judgment
- No Criticism or Gossip
- Constant Service-To-Others
- Devotion to the Gnosis

As this New Attitude of Life becomes automatic for the candidate, the power of the Rose will manifest itself to an ever larger degree. The entire microcosm will begin to fill with the Light of the Gnosis. The New Soul, the Spirit-Soul will seek to re-unite with the Spirit. The Bride shall await the Bridegroom.

Liberation - Devotion to the New Life will result in permanent separation from the earth-spheres.  By way of a process, the old personality will completely diminish in its authority. It will not be erased, but will merge into the glory of the reborn microcosm. A total Transfiguration of all the vehicles of the personality will take place. That earthly personality will be the last earthly personality to incarnate in the microcosm. It will not taste death, but will instead share in the omniscient, omnipotent. multi-dimensional capabilities of the Heavenly Original Man. The Divine Link will be re-established. Eternity will break into Time. The microcosm will celebrate its victory over death and its return to the Fatherland, the Sixth Cosmic Domain.

There, in the briefest of summaries, is the fivefold process that must be followed in order to open the Rose, to allow it to bloom and restore the microcosm to Divinity.

~ g


Unknown said...

Ī¤hanks, this is the ancient practice
of gnostic... the other part of gnostic is tantric similar practice
like the teaching of Samael Aun Weor. The same old story whith gnosticism. Thanks again.

BrotherGee said...

The Gnosis is very ancient. It has been with mankind for millions of years. No one "owns" these teachings. It is a Universal Doctrine. In every Age there are always those who have the ability to properly interpret it and transmit it to others. Usually, there are very few who are able to receive and apply these teachings.

If you were to go to another planet in this solar system or others, you would find these teachings in some fashion. They are meant for the salvation of all fallen human races in this fallen nature order.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Brother Gee, Here is the difficulty I find with this process as it is described. If I yearn to be released from the wheel of life and death and follow the path home by turning away from the things of the world in a daily battle against myself in order to gain the greatest of prizes, how is this action not every bit a selfish action for personal gain? To know myself is to accept myself as I am because one cannot understand something that he also rejects. Everything I do is to fulfill myself in some way, this is the great paradox. If I am to accept that the point of this life is to achieve liberation then the only true self sacrifice would be to decline transfiguration and stay behind with no hope of leaving and help others to be free. Any other motive is selfish in nature so either selfish motives must be permitted or one must choose to stay in prison voluntarily. As Samson said vanity of vanities all is vanity. Mother Teresa is a common example of selfless service to others but when we look closer it is not so simple. I would offer that she was indeed selfish she wanted to be beautiful that was her selfish desire and for evidence I will leave you with her words which to me indicate that she was exactly that. "I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world". I see that not as self sacrifice but as true love and acceptance for oneself.

BrotherGee said...

Please see post dated October 14, 2017 for the reply.

~ g

Anonymous said...


Why in your descriptions of the path do you not mention the new astral field that school has built. Because without it people are just wasting their time. As I understand it school has 7 levels and one only progresses if one attends services and conferences on a regular basis. Having the theoretical knowledge is simply useless without breathing the pure new astral power field that one receives by attending services and conferences.

So its not only reading books but having a strong enough will to attend services every week or monthly conferences. To do this we have to use our dialectical will which is under the control of the dialectical aeons and so the need to attend consecrated places like temples to breath this pure astral power field. Like what it says in the Bible, when two or three are gathered in my name. Then the Gnosis comes to you not the other way by you going to the Gnosis.

BrotherGee said...

My friend,

This will be answered in two parts, due to length.


Those who are not yet on the Path cannot be led there by someone saying, "Listen to me, you must join this School, attend these services, it is the only way to accomplish the Great Work. Otherwise you are wasting your time". This is a complete turn-off to the seeking human-being of today, who is wary and distrustful of any organization that says they have "the key".

The seeking human-being must be given the opportunity to consider and choose the Path on his own. To be told that he "must" become a pupil of any mystery school infringes upon his right to choose.

This blog is not an official arm of the LRC. It just happens that during the eleven years that this writer maintained this blog, he came upon The School. It would probably be more accurate to say that he and The School found one another. Before making a decision to join the School, this writer read all of the literature, keeping an eye out for inconsistency and B.S. It was only after recognizing the Truth that was presented in the literature that this writer chose to join The School. If someone had mentioned the Seven Aspects of The School at that time, this writer, lacking understanding, would have immediately associated it with occultism. Seekers have much to learn before they can assimilate such information. It is not absolutely necessary to have knowledge of the Seven Aspects of the School to effectively walk the Path.

Do not dismiss gnostic material or the works of Jan van Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Petri as merely "theoretical knowledge". All written works have a signature. They act as a carrier wave for a particular vibration. When reading gnostic works, it is not just words that one is perceiving. There is an underlying vibration that is embedded in the work which is being assimilated by the reader at a level beneath the waking consciousness. It is that embedded frequency that can assist in the opening of the Rose.

To discuss the Seven Aspects of The School in this blog would not serve the Seeker who is not a pupil. Such things will mean little to him. Further, those things can be learned at a future time, if Seekers make the decision to join The School.

~ g

BrotherGee said...


What's important for the seeking human-being is to be made aware of the two nature-orders, his true origins, his true predicament, his constitution and purpose, the Divine Principle that sleeps within the microcosm, the need to awaken It, the need to "turn around", and the fact that there is a modern-day Mystery school that can assist in the process. To say that people are "wasting their time" trying to walk the Path without attending conferences and temple services puts the School in an elitest light, which is not what the School teaches or intends. Yes, it is beneficial for one to join in group unity with others in conference centers and temples where the Light of the Gnosis can be concentrated among many or a few, but what of the untold numbers who wish to walk in that Light but cannot travel to these places? Do we tell them "too bad"? Additionally, those gatherings only take place for a few hours or a weekend. What about the rest of the time that pupils spend away from these earth-based foci?

If you are a pupil, then you should know that physically attending conferences is not the only way to grow in the Gnosis. That would be limiting and insufficient, and God's Divine Plan of Salvation is anything but. Dei Gloria Intacta! Candidates can bathe in the Light Bath of the Consolamentum during the hours of sleep as well. This has been mentioned on this blog in the past (see: A Stranger On Earth IV). The New Astral Field has also had prior mention in this blog (see: A Stranger On Earth II).

In closing, the Gnosis is all around us. It surrounds and interpenetrates the planet and every member of humanity. Just because many millions do not respond to it doesn't mean that it is not present. The Gnosis is not exclusively located at geographically-situated centers around the world, although such concentrations do exist. No, the Christ-Radiation is nearer than hands and feet, waiting for the sleeping human-being to hear its Silent Voice and answer the Call. The large majority of Seekers who visit this blog have to become gradually aware of this. They will respond in their own time, when they are ready.

Those who have already chosen The School to assist them on the Path must have patience with those who are in the forecourt, just as others were once patient with them. Otherwise, things like the Seven Aspects will only sound like so much dogma, and humanity has had it up to here with that.

Those who have not yet chosen to avail themselves of the help being offered by The School have the right to information that is best suited to their level of development, in order to help them make up their own minds as to how they wish to proceed in their search for Truth. If they are led to The School, so be it. If not, so be it. This may not be the lifetime in which they are to take that Next Step. Either outcome is valid, for no experience is ever "wasted".


~ g

Anonymous said...


The following comes from the website of of the LR.

"The Light is the teacher and master

All further steps on the way to a renewed awareness result from regular participation in meetings and experiencing the spiritual power of the Light in unison with other pupils. No teacher or master stands between the pupil and the Light. Everyone follows the path in self-authority at his own pace. The Light itself is the teacher and the direct knowledge resulting from the Light is called Gnosis – knowledge of God.

Pupilship aims to achieve the universal wisdom teachings in everyday life and to serve humanity on a spiritual level. This increases the desire and necessity to attend regular temple services. In the local centers of the International School of the Golden Rosycross several services a month are usually offered. These services last about one hour. In addition, pupils participate in weekend conferences in one of the conference centers."

The above is simply a fact. The light is the teacher and the master. Not books or peoples opinions. What I'm saying is regular attendance in a consecrated work space should be included in any explanation of the five fold path so the seeker can experience the light.

Of course one is not forced in anyway to attend services, and is most welcome to proceed at their own pace which may take many more lifetimes. That is why we have membership. But lets be honest about it and say regular attendance in a temple is a must if one really whats to change.

BrotherGee said...

Thank you for your contribution, my friend.

In the original post it was mentioned as a caveat that the post was the "briefest of summaries".

Just a note: never has it been implied by this writer that books "are the master". However, some writings can and do carry the gnostic vibration, that is also a fact. van Rijckenborgh wrote scores of books on the Gnosis. Why was that so? Are we to assume that JVR was wasting his time? The written word is how concepts are communicated to humanity at this phase of our development. When telepathic capabilities are returned to us, books will no longer be required.

The things that you mentioned in your comment above are not under dispute. For a pupil or a member of The School, it is important to attend as many conferences and/or services as possible and avail themselves of the gnostic Light-power that congregates in those gatherings.

The Living Body of the School has been discussed previously in this blog. One may use the blog's search feature to locate those posts. Even so, it may be time for a fresh post on the subject.

Be advised, this blog was not originally directed towards pupils and members of LRC. It was directed towards those who were outside of the School, floundering in the sea of life. Only recently have pupils and members begun to show up here. Readership is now mixed, to some extent. Some or all may not agree with the presentation of this blog, its focus, its content, its pace, its scope, etc. These ones have my apologies for any shortcomings that they may find in this humble and sometimes flawed attempt to contact our sleeping brethren. This writer is doing the best that he can.

You appear to have an aptitude for writing. Perhaps you should consider starting a blog of your own where you can also present the ideas and concepts of the Universal Doctrine to others. The need for workers in the vineyard is as great as ever, especially now as we move ever closer to a decision-point for humanity. Additional voices are always welcomed in the attempt to provide as many channels as possible for the Gnosis to penetrate this fallen nature-order.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Therefore, the following practices will not be of any use in awakening the Rose:

- meditation
- concentration
- yoga
- splitting of the personality (i.e., astral travel, etc.)
- breathing exercises
- special diets
- tantric practices
- various narcotics and hallucinogens
- kundalini (as taught to the masses of the current era)

The basic desire of human beings is to live forever. So all the above practices have been tried with little success. They all require some sort of doing, so when someone suggests non-doing as an answer its worth considering.

The Finance Dude said...

the school of the rose is another religion - its not about either/or but both/yes...light is the master? last i checked - sound is much more ancient than light :) but lets not quibble since the light and sound dance naked-ly for all to see :)

how is it that i knew during my childhood - i was not from here? how is it that i knew i wasn't the body, that i was inside the body? live forever - we exist...where doth that originate? phone home et :)

so - its not about inner or outer - but the marriage of the two...congratulations and my condolences :)

Ghansham said...

Just perfect the more you vibrant your mind in useless stuff more negativity is outcome, let the Lord take care surrender & faith,unconditional ok