14 October 2017

The Unselfish

This post responds to a comment posted in Opening The Rose - The Fivefold Path To Liberation


(1) The transfiguristic process, as described, is not a selfish process. Throughout the description given, an "Other One" is referred to. It is not for the self that the sincere candidate seeks Liberation, it is to liberate the "Other One" who arises as a result of an opened Rose of the Heart.

When The Goal has been reached nothing of the human personality will remain. Perhaps this was not made clear enough. The candidate's consciousness will merge with the consciousness of the resurrected New Man, the "Other One", but the form does not persist, nor does the selfish "I" that once was.

Anyone who attempts to walk this Path in the selfish manner that you have described will not be successful. One cannot have it both ways. Once cannot execute the most Unselfish of acts while simultaneously thinking only of the self.

To "know thyself" is to know that the personal self is but a temporary image-bearer, whose sole purpose in life is to remember its Calling and to pursue it. That is embedded in the meaning of "Man, Know Thyself". If the image-bearer is successful in completing its Task, there will be nothing left of the personal self when The Goal has been reached.

It might help to think of the personal self as the yolk within an egg. The yolk is there to provide nourishment and sustenance for the chick that is forming inside the egg. As the chick grows, the volume of yolk gradually decreases. Eventually, the chick emerges fully-formed and there is no yolk to be seen anywhere. All of this takes place within the same eggshell. Transfiguration follows this pattern (As Above, So Below). By way of analogy, the "yolk" represents the personal self, the "egg" is the microcosm and the chick represents the "Other One", the resurrected New Man, the glorified Divine Personality.

(2) Once the goal of Final Liberation has been achieved, the victorious candidate does not straightaway ride off into the sunset. At that point, all Liberated Ones are presented with a Choice:

a. return to the Divine Kingdom and beyond, severing all future contact with earth-humanity forever, or,

b. remain behind within reach of the earth-sphere in order to help other lost and confused image-bearers to achieve the same Goal. In Buddhism this is known as "The Great Renunciation". The Liberated One can reincarnate - voluntarily, and by choice - in order to walk amongst men once again, if or when required to do so in service of the Divine Plan.

The large majority of Liberated Ones choose to remain behind. They recognize a duty to mankind, to their fallen brothers and sisters who are still struggling in darkness. Having climbed the summit of evolutionary achievement, they voluntarily choose to delay their own Evolution in order to help the fallen. It is from these exalted ranks that humanity gets its Christs, its Buddhas, its Krishnas, its Hermes Trismegistuses, its Bodhisattvas, etc.

Some may view the Liberated Ones who decline choice (b) as committing the ultimate Selfish Act. This view is mistaken. At that high level of evolution, having completed The Great Work, Liberated Ones are presented with the privilege of choosing their next step. There is no judgment, either way. Both Choices are valid choices. To the human-being, choosing to not remain behind appears 'selfish', but it is not. Earthly thinking will find it difficult to penetrate this apparent paradox, but there is no paradox.

3) Mother Theresa is indeed an example of humanism and earthly "love". As a nature-born human-being, there is a desire to help humanity but for lack of knowledge, she and others pursue this desire on a horizontal level. Yes, feeding and clothing those in need will help them - on a temporary basis. However, in order to truly help humanity and provide our fallen brothers and sisters with permanent relief from sorrow, those who can must walk the Path of Liberation. Doing so weakens the grip of the archons and aeons on the rest of humanity and provides more workers in the vineyard to serve the Divine Plan of Salvation.

"I will be with you always, even until the end of the Age" - The Christ


~ g


Unknown said...

Thanks. Very informative and specific in the subject. This is very different from Engar Cayce organization (astrology, dreams, diet, prayer, affirmations, symbols). This is like to go on monastery on Greece or Tibet or imaliya but stay on the word... Whiteout TV, radio, pc, books, good food, whitout religion, without woman, this this the ancient teaching of endurance. Very difficult for me and the majority of
Population. In Buddhism meditation is normal for 40 years and here is the denial of all material things and all spiritual things. Very difficult from me.

Anonymous said...

You write beautifully Brother Gee :) Mucho gracias! I appreciate all your posts. B

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your attention to this topic, as this very well may be the one question on which all else turns I think it is important to go into the more subtle aspects. Everything rings true to me in the above section and it does in fact speak to the paradox of selfishness that I offered in my comment. This is very similar to the path offered by the Buddhist traditions as you yourself made reference to the choice of the Bodhisattva. We agree on the structure of this transformation as an intellectual construct.

This leads me to question another point from your previous post when you disregarded the use of meditation as a tool along this path. This process of transformation is something that I come to with an abundance of seriousness, I am not just playing with this thing, I like yourself, am willing to give my life to this work. It is from there I ask How am I to "Know Myself" if I don't meet myself alone in silence?

You speak of gaining insight into the predicament, attributes, and the true nature of our imprisonment. Why I agree it is necessary to acquire intellectual knowledge as to what is really going on, that in my experience is of limited value. Ultimately the only true insight is when one puts away all authority and meets this face to face, first hand knowledge of the living truth. In my experience this occurs in meditation, that is where I must start at the only place I have, myself.

Ultimately if something in me yearns to find its way back to the source of all life, to find it, to live it, where else can I start but with life as it is in me? Thank you again for your attention G and thank you for your work on this blog, you sent me a copy of a book (the servers if I recall) some 7 years ago and I have followed your blog closely since. Much Thanks Anthony

BrotherGee said...


"Gaining insight" is not a pursuit in intellectuality. It is actually a form of Remembrance. We who are Spirit-spark human-beings already possess this Insight. It has simply been forgotten as we've chosen to focus our attention on this dense physical reality.

Gaining insight entails looking at the world and at ourselves without blinders. This is extremely difficult for most people to do as their microcosms have spent millions of years enjoying a deep attachment to earth-life. It is hard to face the fact that this is all a delusion and that it must be given up absolutely, totally and completely.

It is our attachment to the things of this world that keep us bound to the Wheel of Death and Rebirth. This includes practices such as meditation. Meditation may be beneficial to the earth-bound personality, but that is because it is an earth-bound practice, designed to serve the earth-bound human-being. Meditation will not put one in touch with that which is Divine. It will only link the personality closer to its terrestrial "higher self", an entity that is the accumulation of all the powers and attributes of all of the personalities that have inhabited our microcosm over the last few million years. This terrestrial higher self is our personal god, and it will always look to preserve itself by encouraging us to remain attached to the earth in every way possible.

Cultivating the personality will not deliver the microcosm to the Divine Kingdom. Indulging in practices that are designed for the "I-being" will serve only to distance us from the True Goal. That which is Divine vibrates at a frequency that is normally too high for a terrestrial human-being to attain. Fortunately, we are now living in the end-times when, as part of the Divine Plan of Salvation, that high vibration is being "stepped-down", so to speak, so that yearning Seekers can reach up towards it and be accepted into the safety of the Ark. The only part of us that can begin the process of re-establishing our link with the Divine is the Spirit-spark Atom, the single Divine element in our microcosm. We have to awaken that Divine Atom in order to begin making strides towards Liberation.

Meditation had its day, and it served a noble purpose in times past. But these are special times indeed, a time when man no longer needs gurus, priests, middle-men or special practices to move towards a re-linking with the Divine. First-hand knowledge is being revealed to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. In order to recognize that fact we have to let go of this world. We can't just say that we're letting go, we really have to let go. No, it is not easy.

If you feel that meditation helps you in some way, no one should discourage you from indulging in that practice. You will find out soon enough - and on your own - whether it is truly helpful. This writer is simply acknowledging that everything that is a part of this world, even the so-called "good" things, are not Divine and serve only the Prince of this World. As long as we are attached to anything that is of the earth, whether it be meditation, other human-beings or chocolate cake, we are demonstrating by our actions that we are not really ready to renounce the world and all of the matter therein.

These may appear to be unforgiving words but the Path of the True Way is an exacting one. We are reminded to always "count the cost" before making the decision to tread this Path. It is a very high cost indeed.

Thanks for continuing to visit this blog over the years. And may you be led to The Good End, my friend.


~ g