06 August 2013

The Mystery Of Speech And Sound - Conclusion


By dividing the exhaled air, the prana, into various currents of vibration, in keeping with the thought-image behind them, and in this way conducting the differentiated prana outward via the larynx, themental and thus the astral become audible. They are converted into sound. Consonants and vowels form words in magic characters, sound-images.

All these sound images have their origin on the astral plane. So this primary origin is invoked by the magic of speech; it is vivified, liberated, activated. This activity, this magic, naturally has results. These results may be helpful and liberating, but they can also be encapsulating and dangerous, as much for the sender as for the receiver.

That is why Lao Tzu warns that he who speaks little is spontaneous and natural. Every nature-born human being has his own, fundamental astral nature. So his primary concern should be to prevent this state of being from deteriorating or crystallizing any further than it has already. The human tendency to chatter on meaninglessly leads not only to the wastage of creative energy, but also to serious damage, not only to the person concerned, but to others.

Those who speak little, because they are conscious of these things, because they know what they are doing and are aware of their responsibility, remain themselves and are completely natural. Then the foundation is present for liberating self-realization.

So protect yourself from meaningless chatter; avoid gossip and scandal-mongering. The so-called higher creative power is many times more harmful than the lower creative power. Sometimes people have the tendency to make their thoughts known to others in a very invasive way. Standing right next to them, leaning over them almost, they pour out their word-streams, spewing their criticism and stirring up their listeners with their exhaled air, infecting them with their astral state-of-being. You must protect yourself from this kind of behavior.

From "He Who Speaks Little Is Spontaneous and Natural" - The Chinese Gnosis - Catharose de Petri, Jan van Rijckenborgh


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reading those words on the Mystery of Speech and Sound, it became clear how little we know about ourselves.

We are only aware of the physical, densest level of reality, which is determined by those subtle levels (astral, mental, etheric etc..). We are only aware of the effects and not of the causes level.

Our sense organs: our sight, our hearing, tasting, touching and smelling are filters and not real sense organs, for they FILTER the reality instead of sensing it directly. Our hearing, for instance, is only capable of hearing sounds from 20 to 20,000 hertz. Our eyes only see the so called "visible light" spectrum, and so on.

We cannot perceive the reality which is part of ourselves (astral, mental, etheric etc) and influences and is influenced by us. Maybe we are like blind people with no sense of smell and taste living in the middle of the dirt, smelling the dirt and eating the dirt without even realizing it!

The same applies to our so called diseases. We only see the symptoms and are unable to determine the causes, because we are unaware of the mental, astral and etheric impurities we allow - by ignorance abd blindness - to enter into our personality systems!

-- A.