02 February 2018

Be Mindful Of Spiritual Wickedness In High Places

This post responds to a comment posted in "The Reflection-Sphere".

Re: "How do you know if you are being used by entities from the reflection sphere?"

It's not like you will hear voices in your head saying "Do this" or "Do that". The aeons transmit their subtle influences via the lights of the microcosmic auric being, the so-called "higher self", which in turn transfers these subtle influences to the human brain system, specifically the twelve cranial nerves that control the physical instrument. The mental and emotional bodies are also affected by these impulses. The end result is that although the human-being may believe that it was his thinking, willing and feeling that caused him to execute a certain act, in truth, he is simply a marionette responding to the pull of the strings being manipulated by his aeonic puppet master.

If your actions are selfish, self-focused, unloving, not mindful of the needs of others, etc., then the impulse for those actions is being transmitted to you by the aeons of this nature. You can tell because those actions are a reflection of the thoughts that create them, and such selfish thought-forms are encouraged and circulated by the unholy aeons. That is the way that you can tell if you are being manipulated by the aeons of this nature. Examine your thoughts, your emotions and your resulting actions. Then you will know.

Re: "Are you saying one should not listen to wisdom from ascended masters?" 

In the reflection-sphere, the so-called "dead" are exposed to a wider range of information than we have access to here in the physical realm. They also have the ability to take on any shape, form or appearance that they wish. These two factors enable them to easily impersonate well-known historical figures, saints, masters, space brothers, etc.

Yes, there are higher regions of the reflection-sphere where so-called "good" entities dwell, who try to influence humanity in their own way to "do good". We call them light-spirits. The information that they are imparting may be of high quality and accuracy or of a very dubious quality, rife with subtle errors and misinterpretations. Information from so-called "ascended masters", etc., like all information obtained from beyond the veil, should be received with careful discernment. If there are contradictions or misstatements, one would be wise to discount the information being shared.

There is another factor that can affect the information being transmitted from beyond. The channel being used to receive, interpret and transmit information to humans can unwittingly color the message and distort it. For example, if the reflection-sphere entity is transmitting a scientific message and the channel does not have a scientific intellect, the message will be distorted by the channel to fit his limited scientific understanding. For this reason, channeled messages should beheld up to the heart for examination. If it doesn't feel right, then it isn't right.

The reflection-sphere is the realm of delusion and deception. An entity calling itself St. Paul could easily be someone's recently-deceased Grandma Betsy. Therefore we must be careful about the messages that we receive from non-physical entities. Some of these entities have evil intent, others are trying to help but can make mistakes, and then there is a very small fraction of these entities who are pure enough and sincere enough to get a genuine message through. Of course, they must find a channel that is just as pure and just as sincere.

Finally, if the message is one of Fear, then it is not coming from a member of the Universal Brotherhood. True Children of the Light would never try to lower the vibration of any physical human-being through fear. Also, if the entity uses flattery and praise when it refers to you, that entity is not of Light. Flattery is a tool of the Dark Brothers, and they will use it to appeal to our prideful nature (if present) and get us to let our guard down.

We're not saying that all messages from beyond the veil are not helpful or factual. Of course there is powerful, truthful information coming through. What we are saying is that we must not accept a message out-of-hand just because an entity says its name is so-and-so. Always use discernment, as there is a lot of mischief going on in the reflection-sphere.


~ g


Seeker said...

Thank you for clarifying. I love your blog. I've spent hours and hours reading and it resonates so deeply. I would love to learn more about the Gnosis as this all very new to me. Can you recommend any books? There's a ton of information on your blog but I would like to dig deeper or learn more about spiritual practices that can help me be more receptive to receiving Christine radiations as the new earth is being ushered in. Thanks!

Seeker said...

Also, I am wondering what your thoughts are about Eckhart Tolle's New Earth. He seems to be saying the same thing you talk about in this blog, with just different vocabulary. You go deeper but Tolle seems to be an introduction for the masses. He talks about transmuting our pain body to Presence and aligning with the present moment. I used to think I was on the right track because I meditate all the time and it was from your blog that I learned that meditation is not enough as it only gets us in touch with the reflection sphere. Eckhart meditates but that is not his primary message. He too says our awakening - of the Divine atom (your language not his) - is not up to us. I'm rambling. My question is what are your thoughts on Tolle's teachings?

BrotherGee said...


There are no special exercises, meditations, concentration exercises, mantras, etc., that can make a human-being more receptive to the Christine radiations, which are of a Divine nature.

What is required is a change in one's state-of-consciousness, for state-of-consciousness is state-of-life. One must first gain Insight into one's true makeup, an understanding of the nature of the duality that we experience in, awareness of our predicament and knowledge of the single Divine part that lies dormant in the center of one's microcosm. If one is successful in redirecting one's focus away from the earthly desires of the "I" and towards the realization that the Divine True Human-being lives within the Original Atom and must be reborn, a deep Yearning for liberation from the Wheel of Death and Rebirth may result.

This Yearning should lead one to actively look to detach oneself from the things of this world. The "I" must decrease in its stature and influence over the personality, for it is the "I" that must step aside, disappear, in fact, in order for the Other One within to be successfully reborn. Not all seekers will obtain this Yearning. It all depends on the state of the microcosm and whether, through the bitter experience of repeated deaths and rebirths, it has generated a personality that has indeed grown weary of the earth-plane and desires to leave it.

Like Attracts Like. If one wishes to attract the Christine radiations of the Gnosis to oneself, one must actively radiate those same Christine qualities. These qualities have been expounded by the Christ, the Buddha, Lao Tzu and the ancient Hermes Trismegistus:

- Detachment from the things of the material world
- Unconditional Love for all beings, whether friend or foe
- Giving to others without expectation or desire for return
- Total Unselfishness in Thought, Word and Deed
- Purity of Thinking and Willing
- Purity of Desire
- Purity of Action

The above requirements are essential for creating an environment within the transforming personality for attracting increasing amounts of the Gnostic Light-Power. They are not easy to accomplish for we, as microcosmic personalities, have billions of years of self-focused behavioral patterns embedded within our auric being. It is difficult to break the habit of billions of years. A completely new attitude of life is needed. A radical reversal of our current state-of-being. This is why we are told to stand aside and let the awakening Other One fight this battle against the "I". Surrendering the self to the guidance of the Other One is a necessary task in the quest for Liberation.

As for reading material, The Coming New Man, by Jan van Rijckenborgh is recommended.

~ g

BrotherGee said...


I'd not heard of Mr. Tolle until you mentioned him in your comment, so a little research was in order. Impressions follow.

It appears that Mr. Tolle has many millions of followers and many millions of dollars. He talks about "the now" and "the present moment" as the foundation of his teachings but does not appear to go much farther than that. His aim is to show people how to better cope with this world and how to make life more palatable for themselves. The true brother and sister of the Rosycross knows that there is no way to "make this world better". This is a signature of the aeons of this nature, who will expound and support any philosophy that encourages humans to focus more on this world.

He cleverly mixes in the teachings of the great masters from the past (Christ, Buddha, etc.) to lend authenticity and authority to his teachings, but he does not drill down to the essence of the matter. Mankind is trapped within a Prison of Consciousness. He does not appear to offer any insight on how we are to escape this prison, except to "be still" and "observe". Okay, and after that, then what?

"You will know them by their fruits". Mr. Tolle appears to be a millionaire many times over. What does he do with his money? Why is he charging people to hear his particular version of truth? A true master knows that Truth belongs to everyone and should be shared freely, not profited from. Understood, it's not his fault that his books have become best-sellers (following recommendations by Oprah Winfrey, who is one of the biggest agents of the archons on this planet). Through her advocacy, millions have been drawn to his teachings and that in itself is not a good sign. Any spiritual teaching that is immensely popular with the masses does not serve any high purpose. Humans may be seeking, but they are seeking along the easy road, the feel-good road. Humans want to grow "spiritually" while simultaneously holding onto the self and the body.

Humans do not want to hear a doctrine that tells them that they must erase the self. That is because their "I" is still in control and recoils at the mere thought of dissolution. So, when a New Age type like Mr. Tolle comes along, the "I" encourages the personality to accept and follow the path of least resistance that is offered. This deception has been played upon mankind for millenia.

Here is a rule-of-thumb: if a teaching is wildly popular with an immense number of human-beings, that teaching is useless when it comes to liberating the self from the clutches of this world. Such teachings are fostered and supported by the archons and aeons of this nature because they delay seekers from discovering the Truth of things. On the other hand, the Doctrine of Liberation is very distasteful to the "I", it is a bitter pill to swallow. That is why "but few" are interested in trying to understand it or show a desire to follow it.

These millions are at a certain point in their development. They are seeking, which is to be commended, but they are not being discerning enough in their seeking. They do not realize that teachers likes Tolle, Osteen, etc., are agents of the aeons in disguise. Their job is to divert humanity's attention from the Pure Gnosis and instead to convince humanity that we can create Heaven on earth, which is an impossibility. Through the subtle deception of these New Age teachers, no matter how sincere and dedicated they may seem, millions will continue to "live" (feeding the aeons of this nature the energetic nourishment they require), then die and move on to the reflection-sphere without ever having known that there is a Path of Return, a Divine Plan of Salvation that was meant for them to discover.

- to be continued -

~ g

BrotherGee said...

- in closing -

If Mr. Tolle maintains that awakening the Divine Spark is "not up to us", he is mistaken. We do have a role to play in this process as it is we who must provide the proper conditions for the Spark to awaken. We must be like John the Baptist, the Harbinger who "makes straight the paths for the coming of the Lord". Once Jesus appears on the scene, John is taken captive and beheaded. His purpose had been served. His beheading symbolizes the neutralization of the "I", as the Jesus-man now looks to take control of the microcosm.

Paul makes a reference to "milk for the babes, meat for the strong". Mr. Tolle offers the former, which may be what some need or can handle at this point in their development. It bears repeating that his teachings will not help anyone to achieve Liberation, but will only lead to further turns on The Wheel. Those who are ready to renounce the world and all the matter therein will eventually sense the emptiness of his teachings and move on to search for that which can direct them to the Path that will lead to ultimate victory and true immortality.

Please know that i am not attempting to tell anyone who they should or should not follow. You asked for my impressions, and i have endeavored to present them to you as honestly as possible.


~ g

Seeker said...

Thank you for your swift response. There's a lot to think about. Eckhart Tolle helped me realize I had a pain body
(accumulation in the body of negative, low-frequency energy like shame, depression etc.) that needed to be brought to awareness and transmuted to Presence. Before him, I lived in victim consciousness, blaming the world for my problems. So I must admit he helped raise my consciousness. Your blog is giving me a lot to think about and has sown some seeds. My dad was a Rosicrucian when he was alive and i had an intense spiritual experience a few months ago where i heard from him and he told me a lot, urging me to leave the United States (I'm not from the U.S. and was having a hard time finding a job). It was a loving and healing experience. I have since moved back home and I'm so much happier and at peace than when I was in the U.S. Shortly after I left, Hurricane Harvey hit Houston and displaced the family I used to live with years ago. Then the California fires forced the cousin I was staying with just before I moved back home to evacuate her house. Then the Harvey Weinstein story broke and is bringing to light how ugly Hollywood really was. My dad (when he was alive) and I loved America and really believed in the American dream as the greatest country but my dad told me we had been greatly mistaken as America had a lot of healing to do and now it seems as if there is a purging of negative entities (referring to Harvey's demons and demons of the other "powerful" men in Hollywood whose abuse of women is coming to light.) Since that experience, I have been looking for information to explain what i went through. I felt like i had entered a different dimension during meditation that allowed me to hear him. I wasn't seeking him. I didn't even know i could contact people on the other side. Reflection sphere, Shamballa, Liberated Ones, aeons etc. all these concepts are very new to me. As grateful, happy and comforting as it felt to feel the loving presence of my dad, I realize now after reading this blog that I need to be cautious as I'm still new to all of this. I think the best thing for me, as you mentioned, is to follow the example of Christ, Buddha etc. Anyway, I am rambling. Thank you for shining some light on my questions.

Actually, last question if you don't mind indulging me. I read in one of your posts that the Divine Mother/Mary has interceded (my word not yours) in the past in preventing the complete destruction of earth. I cant really remember and i might have my facts wrong. I can't seem to find the post. If you know what i'm talking about, a few words of enlightenment on the subject would be appreciated. It's possible I'm not remembering correctly what I read. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Thanks, is very helpful this explanation for the work of the school. Maybe is helpful your individual opinion for me for:

Cayce,Samael aun Weor,psychology in general and osho... Thanks again....

BrotherGee said...


Glad you have been able to recognize your victim consciousness and overcome it. There are many who are trapped in that self-made prison. Their I-being sees itself as the center of the world, its focus, and interprets every event in a personal manner.

When we develop certain habits of thought, those vibrations affect our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies. The entire microcosm takes on that vibration. As a result, when we look out into the world, every impulse and influence that heads our way is colored with our microcosmic vibration. So what we see and observe is literally a reflection of that which we ourselves are. This is one reason why it is important to purify our thinking and, by extension, our microcosm.

America is not alone in the troubles she is now facing. This is not a localized phenomena. We are in the End Times, and the issues that you describe are taking place the world over. Although it is America that makes the headlines, atrocities and shameful acts are taking place in every corner of the globe. Again, this is a symbol of the times, as dimensions are merging, which is enabling some very unsavory reflection-sphere entities to invade the earth-plane and take up residence in the bodies of those who are of low vibration.

America has a great purpose to serve in the times that are upon us. It is not by accident that people of all races, nationalities, creeds, etc. were thrown together in America and asked to learn to live with one another. This "melting pot" is to be the one of the nations from which the Sixth Root Race will be formed.

As for the visits from your Dad, yes, you should remain wary, no matter how comforting it may be to be in contact with his energy. Some reflection-sphere entities can literally read our minds and can use our memories of loved ones to create detailed copies of same. We will think that we are in contact with a loved one, but the odds are very high that it may not be.

It is true that the newly-dead do tend to hang around the earth-plane for a few hours after death and during that time, can possibly make contact with others who are still in the physical. But there is so much deception taking place in the reflection-sphere that it is just advisable to try not to form a link with disembodied entities that may wish to cozy up to us. Perhaps an entity sensed that you were in distress over the loss of your father and took the opportunity to try to do some "good" by pretending to be your Dad, issuing you some guidance along the way. It appears that you are at peace with your decision to leave the U.S. so for you, the experience appears to have been a positive one.

Please remember that we are not on this earth to be "happy" or "at peace". We will never be "at peace" until we recognize that the physical plane is not where we are supposed to be and take the necessary steps to leave it and return to our True Home, the Divine Kingdom.

i don't recall the post you referenced regarding a Divine Mother. i will look through the archives and see what i can find.

~ g

BrotherGee said...


Will offer impressions shortly.

~ g

Anonymous said...


Why don't we see ourselves? This question occurred to me while shaving. For about 50 years I have looked into a mirror and shaved myself. But I have never seen what is in the mirror. But my senses tell me all my friends and relations are getting older but I have never seen the image in the mirror getting older. This is not a Zen type question. Who is doing the shaving or observing what appears to be happening? And why don't I see myself? The obvious answer would be its your ego working through your mind (Concrete mind)and until your abstract mind becomes active you will never see who is doing or not doing the shaving. What is your take on this Gee?

Like gorge I have have had contact with my dead mother. She simply told me that all is well with her and that one day we will have contact again but it may not be as my mother.

BrotherGee said...

re: "Who is doing the shaving or observing what appears to be happening?"

For those who are still imprisoned in dialectics - the natural world - it is the earthly, so-called "higher self" that acts and observes.

For those who have achieved Liberation, it is the God Within that acts and observes.

For those who are on the Path to Liberation, both observers are present, but, through the process of endura, the God Within increasingly asserts Itself as the motive force behind all Thinking, Willing, Desiring and Acting while the earthly "higher self" decreases in that role and eventually relinquishes it completely.

Ultimately, it is the One True Creator that sees all, but all created beings are given the freedom to Think, Desire and Act. Unfortunately, not all created beings choose to align their will with God's will, most especially the fallen human-being here on earth.

~ g

BrotherGee said...


Cayce was in touch with his earthly higher self. He had a negative connection with the auric being of his microcosm which put him in touch with the akasha. These were powers and attributes that his microcosm had accumulated over millions of years of experience. The personality named Edgar Cayce was generated with the ability to tap into those microcosmic powers and attributes. His readings were true and his desire was to help.

Samael Weor: it is disturbing that one would choose the name Samael, which means "the blind god". In gnostic teachings, Samael is the creator of the dialectical universe who arrogantly and foolishly pronounced himself as God. He is also known by the names Sakla and Yaldaboth (see "The Hypostasis of the Archons", Nag Hammadi Library). Not a good sign.

This one's teachings appear to focus upon the occult and upon the attainment of earthly comfort. Occult practices are something that all candidates on the Path should avoid. Occult binding will stand as an obstacle to obtaining the goal of liberation. One should be wary of this "teacher".

Psychology: is "modern" man's primitive means of trying to understand the Mind through trial-and-error, external observation, clinical tests, etc. As with all "modern" disciplines, psychology refuses to accept the reality of the Invisible Worlds. Not until psychologists accept and understand the influence that the Invisible Worlds have on the mental and emotional bodies of the human personality, psychology will continue to stumble and wander in its efforts to understand the workings of that which is called the Mind.

Osho: not aware of this entity or concept. Will have to look into it before commenting.

~ g

Unknown said...

Thanks again....

Anonymous said...

What does "negative connection with his auric self" mean? Please talk about that. Thanks

BrotherGee said...


A negative connection with the auric being means that the personality is in close affinity with the earthly "higher self". The earthly higher self is a being of tremendous stature and great power. It retains millions of years of dialectical experience, attributes and talents.

The mortal personality is a projection of the auric system. When there is a close connection between the personality and the auric being, certain phenomena can manifest.

Famed stigmatists like Therese Neumann and Padre Pio are examples of personalities who had established a negative link with their higher self.

The connection is referred to as "negative" because the personality is not directly responsible for the phenomena. The personality serves only as a passive receptor used by the earthly higher self for its own purposes.

~ g

Anonymous said...


How can one consider the differences in consciousness between a later personality of the microcosm reaching the one true goal and doing so when the current personality is occupying the microcosm when the "I" must die to allow the coming of the new man. Thank you for taking the time to field my question.

BrotherGee said...


re: "the differences in consciousness between a later personality of the microcosm reaching the one true goal and doing so when the current personality is occupying the microcosm"

Your question is not completely clear but will try to answer.

The consciousness of the current personality and any subsequent personalities is the same consciousness. There may be differences in gender, race, nationality, occupation, state-of-mind, etc., but the consciousness is the same.

The personality that succeeds in reaching the One Goal of Humanity - Liberation - will attain immortality as it merges with the immortal, glorified Personality of the reborn Original Man. He or she will have a choice of either leaving this plane of existence, thus severing all ties with humanity forever or remaining in the vicinity of the earth-plane to lend assistance to the rest of fallen humanity in obtaining the One Goal.

The personality that is undergoing the endura, the erasing of the "I", will, after death, be taken up to Shamballa to complete the transfiguristic process. This personality will be the last personality to undergo mandatory reincarnation. It will be the last personality in the microcosm, unless there is a need to voluntarily return to earth in service to mankind (see above paragraph).

The important thing to remember is that any Candidate who successfully begins the process of Liberation while on earth will be assured of completing the process in Shamballa. Thus, the victory is won at the start.

If the question has not been answered satisfactorily, please let me know.

~ g

Anonymous said...

I apologize for not articulating the question better, I don't want to make it sound like I'm trying to get into semantics. What I'm thinking of is a two-part question on the identity of self over time, now (as we currently view ourselves) versus after the death of the "I" (via endura) and comparing what the percieved difference would be in the current occupying personality reaching liberation versus a latter personality doing so. I think many seek immortality as a continuation of existence for their personality self, but how much of who they are now will still remain after the death of the self, the "I"? Conversely, if a latter personality of the same microcosm reaches liberation, to what extent does who we are now perceive this, given it is the same consciousness, spirit-spark atom, and microcosm? I hope I've made the questions a little clearer, frankly I still have an elementary understanding of these concepts, although all your posts have helped greatly.

BrotherGee said...


re: "how much of who they are now will still remain after the death of the self, the "I"?"

After physical death, the remaining vehicles of the personality will pass on to the reflection-sphere, where they will slowly dissolve over time. Nothing will be left of the personality.

The metaphorical death of the "I" via the endura is not a physical death. It is the extinguishing of the control that the "I" has over the personality. The emerging True Man assumes control of the microcosmic personality, which no longer responds to aeonic influences. John Smith or Jane Doe, as personalities, still remain but their consciousness has been "turned around", re-directed away from the thoughts and desires of the "I" and is focused on the Gnosis. This fundamental reversal of thinking, willing and acting is one of the major keys to self-surrender.

A personality that is successful in erasing the "I" will not be the same as it was prior. It has been transformed through the Gnosis. He or she may look the same, but the consciousness and emotional nature will no longer be "of the earth". The Candidate will effectively be IN the world, but not OF the world.

re: "if a latter personality of the same microcosm reaches liberation, to what extent does who we are now perceive this, given it is the same consciousness, spirit-spark atom, and microcosm?"

If a latter personality achieves Liberation, we as current personalities will not consciously experience or participate in it.

It is important to realize that if the current personality dies without having begun this process of gnostic transformation, that personality will go the way of all flesh as previously described above. You as a personality will eventually dissolve in the reflection-sphere. Nothing will be left of the "you" that was. The microcosm will eventually create an entirely new personality to incarnate on earth and take another shot at achieving the One Goal.

The karma, memories, attributes, powers developed (if any) and experiences of the current personality will be retained by the microcosmic auric being but the entity John Smith or Jane Doe will no longer exist.

This is why it is important to take advantage of the opportunity being afforded to you at this time. It literally is an "all-or-nothing" proposition. It is a tragedy when Seekers get this close and then turn away for whatever reason. They have no idea as to the permanent effects that will result from such a decision.

Now that you have experienced a touch of the Gnosis, you will have to make some important and far-reaching decisions. Those who choose this Path solely to preserve their personality will ultimately fail in the endeavor. They will be unmasked, as God will not be mocked. One must WANT this transformation with their entire being. It is through a sincere yearning for salvation that the Candidate will receive the Power required to become a Child of God once more.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Thank you for elaborating even further. I guess the same consciousness inhabiting the microcosm over different lifetimes is what confused me, but I appreciate the clarification. I figured as much because we do not identify as a continuum of a previous personality. I'm currently searching for descriptions of our wondrous future, the True Man acting on behalf of the Gnosis, as I find this topic fascinating although I understand if it is difficult for us to even imagine. I greatly appreciat all your posts.

Gregory Papas said...

To achieve Knowledge from the astral plane mostly via spiritualism is not only the most dangerous thing ever, specially in our times, but also, it is not for free because the only purpose of the dead is to steel ethers from the living, also the knowledge that they transfer have only a 20% of truth and all the rest are fantasies and lies.
During the last century, some occult groups appear to us some masters from the spiritual world but it was just a fraud or in some times it was a overshadowing from evil spirits with an angelic form. A pupil of an authentic spiritual school is not interesting for the knowledge of this world we all know were it leads, we desire a spiritual light to in-light our poor being so to be able to walk the path of purification, only then, true knowledge is coming to us from above as a gift from God and so we can complete our transfiguration in life. Sorry for my English

BrotherGee said...


You've stressed important points by reminding us that any linking or binding with light-spirits - the so-called "good guys" beyond the veil - will result in ether bleedings. They will "steal our light", so to speak.

Also, the veracity of the information that they provide to humanity must always be taken with a grain of salt. It is difficult to accurately transmit information from the astral plane to an earthbound human-being. The information itself could be faulty, as dying does not make a man smarter, wiser, or all-knowing. He remains the same as he was during earth-life and takes his faulty, erroneous beiefs with him to the Other Side.

Gnosis, the True Knowledge of God, comes to us via the agency of the Spirit-Soul. This is the state we attain once the New Soul has been reborn in us and reunites with the Sevenfold Spirit. Then we will live from an inner understanding that will speak to us without words.

Thanks for an important reminder, my friend.

~ g