31 March 2009

"Many Mansions"

John 14:2 In my Father's House there are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to me, so that where I am, you may be also.


"In Creator's Universes, there are many planets and suns suitable for the spiritual level of every human being. If this were not the case, I would not be telling you this. I will return someday to retrieve you (that's us) so that you may be with me again, in a Higher Realm".

Please take a look at the following crude illustration drawn by Yours Truly:

BEFORE Planetary Ascension

In the "BEFORE" section, we see the Earth and its inhabitants as things are presently. There are Humans of various levels of Spiritual Vibration experiencing on this planet at this time. From left to right we see

- the very Low-vibrating, Negative, Service-to-Self human and non-human beings
- Mixed-vibration or "Neutral" beings (these are in the over-whelming majority)
- High-vibration, Positive, Service-to-Others human and non-human beings

There are also large numbers of beings that fall between Negative-Mixed and Mixed-Positive.

In the illustration, the "vibration" of these classes of Beings is described by the lines which fill them in. Negative=horizontal lines, Positive= vertical lines and Mixed=horizontal and negative.

The Earth itself carries a Mixed Vibratory Rate, which allows it to accomodate these various Beings and their varying stages of Spiritual Vibration. The Planet is currently in the process of moving away from 3D/4D Reality into a Higher, Lighter, Positive 5D Reality.

AFTER Planetary Ascension

In the "AFTER" section, we see that the Earth will "split". The old 3D/4D Earth and the new 5D Earth will co-exist for a very short time. Each Earth will be able to support Beings of specific vibratory rates. Those of Negative character and Service-to-Self will be left with the Old 3D Earth, which is destined for Destruction. These Beings run the risk of having their Soul Essence permanently Re-Absorbed by The Creation, to await another Evolutionary Period many eons from now. They will begin again as Virgin Spirits, with no memory of their past Evolution. It is truly a sad fate which awaits these ones of Evil intent.

The "Neutrals" will be Evacuated to other 3D planets suitable for their level of Vibration. These are the "fence-straddlers", the people who go through Life believing that they ARE their body, never Seeking to go within to really communicate with Creator, etc. They can go either way, and usually need someone to "lead" them in one direction or another. They will not advance. An attempt will be made to evacuate these but if their wishy-washy Vibration does not allow them to be "picked up" successfully, they will Transition naturally and Re-incarnate on other 3D planets elsewhere in the Universe. Remaining "neutral" will not guarantee advancement. It has been written "No Choice Is Still A Choice".

Those of high-enough Positive Vibration, who are Service-to-Others type people will be given the opportunity to be evacuated from 3D/4D Earth. They will not Transition. Their bodies will Transform into something Higher which will enable them to be "picked up" and placed aboard the evacuation ships, which exist in 5D but will materialize in 3D/4D for a short period in order to complete this Assignment. These Positive humans will either be re-located on the New 5D Earth and other higher planets or be given the choice of returning to their home planets. These Transformed Humans will be the "seeds" of The Sixth Root Race, the "new breed". These are the ones who will reap the rewards of long ages of advancement to become the New Custodians of a Pristine and Glorious New Earth.

Well, there it is in a nutshell. I figured that sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. We are on the brink of a great Adventure. We are thisclose to punching our "Ticket" out of here. Keep working on yourselves, keep striving to be Unselfish, Non-judgmental and as Loving and Forgiving as you can be. Meditate often - in Silence - so that you can speak to and listen to the God within you. Turn your back on the ways of Materialism and Egotism.

So much awaits Those Who Hear the Call. Don't Despair, don't Give up. The Goal is in Sight.

All Love,

~~ G

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