23 March 2009

The "Problem" with Homosexuality

The "Problem" with Homosexuality...

...is not what one may think.

There's nothing inherently wrong with people being attracted to members of their own sex. Once we understand Rebirth, the Immortality of the Soul and the role we play in planning our Physical incarnations, we can approach things like this from a Cosmic perspective and begin to Understand.

First of all, We plan our Incarnations. This is Truth. Although most are not aware of and do not accept this Truth does not make it any less of a Fact. We set up our Incarnations in order to obtain the maximum amount of Experience for our Souls. We need this Experience in order to attempt to raise our Vibration, our Consciousness and our Awareness of what the Creator is. This is what Creation is about. Experience, Discovery and Unfolding.

Although our Spirit/Souls are basically bi-sexual/androgynous, we have to choose a sex/body before we incarnate onto the Planet. After thousands of incarnations, it is quite normal for some Spirit/Souls to develop a preference for a particular sex. As an example, I quite enjoy being a guy, and I'm pretty sure that I will be putting up a bit of a fuss before my next Incarnation if I have to be a Girl. No offense, Ladies!

We are supposed to alternate sexes with each incarnation, boy-girl-boy-girl, etc. So, let's say that I choose to not incarnate as a Girl. If my "Girl" Life comes up and I'm thoroughly attached to being a Guy, I may incarnate with what humans see as Lesbian tendencies. A Spirit/Soul that incarnates as Guy, yet does not desire to live as a Guy, may incarnate with what Society calls Homosexual tendencies.

Homosexuality: A Choice or a Birthright?

Gay and lesbian people adamantly maintain that they "knew" they were different from a very young age. They are correct. The paragraphs above explain why. HOMOSEXUALITY IS BOTH A CHOICE AND A BIRTHRIGHT. The Choice is made prior to Incarnation. The BirthRight is cemented at Birth.

There is nothing inherently wrong with same-sex attraction. A true "Love" attraction between members of the same sex is not frowned upon by Creation for such an attraction is actually an attraction of Soul-to-Soul. True "Love" is a Soul Connection and temporary Earth designations cannot affect that. No, the "problem" with homosexuality has nothing to do with guys-liking-guys or girls-liking-girls.

So What's The Problem?

The problem with HOMOSEXUALITY is the same problem that we have with HETEROSEXUALITY.


Humans fornicate way too much and for way too many poor reasons. Humans fornicate for self-pleasure, control, domination, ego-gratification and oh, maybe once in a while, a couple will actually CHOOSE to have a child. Heterosexual couples copulate mindlessly, not thinking about consequences until the pregnancy test or the STD test comes back positive. Then they have to deal with the results of their reckless actions.

Homosexuals fornicate for the same reasons as heterosexuals, only they have a bonus attached. No babies. That's right, no matter how many times a gay or lesbian person partakes in sexual activity with a same-sex member, the probability of a resulting pregnancy is about, oh, ZERO PERCENT.

Naturally, this leads many homosexuals to over-indulge in sexual activity. Although a pregnancy test is not in their future, the STD test most certainly is.

AIDS, God's "punishment"? Uh, no.

AIDS is not a punishment meted out by God to a specific group of people. AIDS is a man-made disease that accidently found its way into the gay community and was able to proliferate due to the promiscuity of members of that community. No judgments here, just fact. AIDS was designed in a laboratory, by human beings, to decrease African populations. Unfortunately, Haitian volunteers in Africa who were falsely "vaccinated for smallpox" by The World Health Organization brought it to the U.S. through Florida.

More fake Tuberculosis "inoculations" in San Francisco and New York in the late '70s and early '80's completed the infection of the United States. Global air travel took care of the rest of the world. I digress here, but the point is this: gays and lesbians should not feel overwhelming Guilt or Responsibility for AIDS. The AIDS virus was a bio-chemical war tactic that proliferated past the predictions and control of its Creators. The power to stop the AIDS epidemic rests in each Human's ability to successfully Control their Sexual Urges and to take Responsibility for their Actions. It's that simple, and that hard.

Abuse of the Sex Function

No matter which group we are referring to, homo- or hetero- sexual, both groups can (and do) create their own Hells by abusing the sacred Sex Function. Man was not granted the ability to copulate and orgasm with another human being just so he could use it as Entertainment. Sex has a very Powerful and Important function, the secret of which has been withheld from us for centuries. I hope to talk more about this in the future.

If I were to say that we should have sex only when we consciously desire to bring a child in the world, most people would look at me as if I were crazy. Perhaps even you.

And now you see why there's a "problem".

If we Humans cannot see the Logic in that, if we Humans cannot control our Desire for the "sensations" of wanton Sexual Intercourse, then we Humans deserve what we get.

If We sow the Wind, then We shall Reap the Whirlwind.

When we begin to think Cosmically, we begin to think in a grown-up fashion. As a result, the Lies that have constructed and upheld our Society will begin to crumble like a bad coookie.

Creator Loves ALL Its Creations. Any Misery or Misfortune that we Experience WE CREATE FOR OURSELVES.

All Love,

~~ G

P.S.: Love your Brother or Sister, Care about them, have Compassion for them. You cannot be given to know what Another's Journey entails. And trust me, sometime in one or more of our many past lives, we have indulged in sexual debauchery. Just because one may have overcome Coarse Desires does not give one the right to judge and hate another. That "other" is simply on their own Path, and whether it's a few steps behind or a few steps ahead, that "other" deserves Love and Respect because he or she is a Representation of the Creator.

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