30 March 2009

The Origins and Purpose of Disease

A very quick note on the origin and purpose of Disease.

The Origins of Disease

Disease is the manifestation of a Spiritual Imbalance. If we over-indulge in Sensed activities such as Anger, Fornication, Drugs and Alcohol, Fear, Worry, Regret, etc. we will inevitably bring on a Spiritual imbalance which will manifest itself as Illness or Disease.

Disease. The word speaks for itself...Dis Ease.

Illness and Disease are Effects that WE (our Spirit) choose to experience in order to learn some lesson. To prevent Illness and Disease we should (1) live Lives of Balance according to the Laws of Creation, and (2)

... stop believing that we are "Sick".

We have the Power to heal ourselves. Of course, we can't just say, "I'm Healthy!" and then proceed to inject ourselves with heroin or cocaine. We live in a Physical world and we must still obey Physical laws. We have to first work to Eliminate the bad habits that are causing our Imbalance, and then we have to Assert that we no longer wish to experience the sickness that comes with the resulting illnesses and Diseases.

Where Does Disease Come From?

We think that we "catch" diseases or that we're "born with genetic tendencies". No one realizes that we "develop" disease as I outlined above, based on what parts of our Personality are unbalanced.

In addition to that, is the little-known fact that we don't "catch" disease. If this were true, all doctors would be dead by now. The Truth is that diseases originate from the soil of the Earth and that WE CARRY WITHIN OUR BEING THE SEEDS OF EVERY DISEASE EVER KNOWN TO MAN.

Follow me, now.

Ancient man used to cremate the dead. This is the right and proper way to take care of the lifeless physicall body, for a couple of reasons. One, it allows man's Etheric Body to release from this Earth plane quicker. Two, it disperses the molecules of whatever disease that the person died of and, in effect, destroys the disease and prevents it from spreading.

When Man started BURYING the Dead, he made a critical mistake. This practice contaminated the soil. The same soil which thousands of years later, other men would be planting and harvesting from. Animals would eat the vegetation that grew from this soil. All of these products would be consumed by humans. After being ingested or breathed in, these molecules of disease are made a part of Man. There, they hibernate until Man does something NEGATIVE to activate a disease.

I'm going to stop here and give everyone time to think about what I've just written. I'll attempt to elaborate later on.

All Love, Love to All...

~~ G

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