17 March 2009


The hardest thing for any Spirit-Experiencing-As-Human to do is to accept the realization that the "world" we live in, it's history, its traditions and our current societies are all carefully orchestrated lies designed to Separate us from one another and sever our Connection with Creator Source.

In order for one to even begin trying to grasp the Truth of our Existence, one must be ready to suspend their trust in everything that has been taught to them since the time they were old enough to walk. All that we have learned are Lies. Not just a few things. About 97% of the Human "Knowledge" we are familiar with on Earth is either False, Inaccurate, Tampered with, purposely Misleading or an outright bold-faced Lie.

We have been "fed" these Lies by Humans we trusted. These Humans, our Leaders, our Parents, our Teachers, were fed those same Lies by those who taught them. And on and on into the past it goes. The Lies are now so entrenched that we will vehemently fight anyone who challenges what we believe to be "the truth".

When I write about What Is To Come, it sounds fantastic, impossible. I sound like the proverbial "Chicken Little", clucking that "the sky is falling!". But if everyone knew the TRUE history of this Planet, the many Cycles that have come and gone prior to this one, they would no longer scoff. If we had been taught, from birth, the truth about Endings and Beginnings, the Immortality of the Soul, of our Eternal Journey, nothing that I've written here would surprise or frighten anyone.

Knowing the truth about ancient civiliations such as Atlantis and Lemuria, their origins and their demise, knowledge of those things alone would be enough to open our eyes to what is really "real". Unkown to billions of Humans is the fact that there is a group of beings who feel they know best. They feel that we are but "sheep", "cattle", whose lot it is to be led by the nose to serve the purposes of these so-called "higher beings". These are the beings who have manipulated Mankind for hundreds of thousands of years. These are the beings who rule us, unseen, behind a curtain of Lies and Deception. These are the beings who are determined to stop as many of us as possible from exploding our crysalis and becoming the beautiful "butterflies" our Creator intended for us to be.

Please, whether you believe the things that have been written here or not, I'm asking you to please, please change your life and prepare your physical and spiritual vehicles for a New Experience. Love those who hate you. Forego Anger, Jealousy, Greed, etc. GIVE. Give and give and give and give. Then give some more. Not money. Give YOU. Serve your brother or sister. Try to make his or her life a little better. A kind word, a pat on the back, a smile to a stranger. Whatever is needed.

We're not animals, murderers or killers. Those are Behaviors that have been Taught to us by malevolent beings. Inside, we are Love. We are the Creator's greatest Creation. We are so much more Regal and Splendid than we Know or Remember. Let's crawl out of the muck, clean ourselves off and live Knowing that we have the Power within Us to Conquer all Evils, to Accomplish All Things.


All Love,

~~ G

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