27 March 2009

Stay Ready

Today may seem like just another day, but that's how it always is before something fantastic happens. Pearl Harbor (Dec . 7, 1941) was just another sleepy Sunday until all hell broke loose. September 11, 2001 was a beautiful day, not a cloud blemished a clear, blue sky. Then all hell broke loose.

When our Reckoning begins, it will be on a Day like many others that we have experienced in our Lives. A "normal", regular day where we are about our normal, regular business. Then, unbelievable things will happen everywhere in the World at once. A Global Event will take place that will not fail to gain the attention of every Man, Woman and Child on Earth. No one will be able to ignore it or explain it away.

The World will Stand Still.

Those of you who have made the decision to research the possibilities for our immediate future by reading this blog or examining other sources, will be better prepared than most of the rest of the world and will know that there is naught to Fear. You will know that the Time of the Choosing is at hand. Those who have not prepared themselves Spiritually will have much to Fear.

Whether you believe the things that I've set forth in this blog or not, my humble, yet strong advice is for you to err on the side of Caution, and PREPARE yourself. As I always say, if I'm wrong, then I'm just some crazy guy whose blog you once came across. But if I'm right, then if you have read earlier posts in this blog, you will have an Idea of what is happening and what you need to do to Survive it.

I feel that we are very close to some very big Happenings. There is literally not much time left to Life as we've come to know it here on Earth. I urge all of you to begin to make changes in your life now, before it's too late. The changes are not difficult, they only appear to be. Fairly simple rule of thumb:


We've been taught that Hate and Might means Strength and that Love and Compassion represent Weaknesses. This is a Lie. To Love, to Give, to Embrace are the marks of an Advanced Spirit Experiencing As Human. Love and Compassion = Strength. Those who understand and live this concept will stand the best chance of travelling into the New Earth and beyond, in higher dimensions where Selfishness and Evil are not allowed.

One day, very soon, many are going to look back and say "Wow. Didn't see THAT coming".

Unless you PREPARE yourself INSIDE. Then, nothing will surprise you. You will understand that Cycles are ending, that we must leave the Earth and that we are destined to resume our Experiencing somewhere else, soon.

All Love,

~~ G


Anonymous said...

Hi Brother G

No doubt Mt. Redoubt(no pun intended)in Alaska and The underwater volcanic eruptions off the coast of Tonga in the South Pacific are sneak previews of the Grand Global event on our horizons.

I live in a valley surrounded by mountains and an earthquake fault line runs right through it. For all I know Mt. Rose could blow her top at any time. Hence. I remain ready.

Peace and love to you.

BrotherGee said...

Hi, Kevin!

Yes, Mother Earth is indeed rumbling. There are so many tremors and eruptions going on around the world that it's been very hard to keep up.

You are wise to remain ready. I mean, we should certainly continue to live our lives, go to work, take care of the kids, etc. But preparations should be made so that when this goes down, we'll be calm and ready to take proper action.

Love to You, Brother Kevin.