19 March 2009

Upside-Down and Backwards

The Secret Rulers of this World, our Controllers, do not rule or control via Force.

They Rule and Control us through the integrated system of Money, Usury and Credit. They are Directly responsible for the financial "crisis" that is gripping the world today.

They are a Minority, and so, they must work in the Shadows. However, even a minority, when armed with a tried-and-true Plan can move mountains. Well, our Controllers have been moving mountains for centuries.

How? How are they able to continually pull the wool over the eyes of The Masses?

French Revolution
Russian Revolution
World Wars I and II
The Great Depression
September 11, 2001

We are taught in our schools from an early age that all of these are "organic" occurrences. That they occurred "naturally", due to a combination of factors that historians attribute to "human nature". Well, we have been lied to. Everything that happens in this World is Directed, Orchestrated and Executed from a Plan which is Ancient, Secret and Effective. The Number One reason why this Plan works is because The Masses have been purposely Distracted and Misled for centuries to look one way while The Brotherhood of the Serpent works its black deeds behind our backs.

Their Ultimate aims, which They have worked centuries to implement, are

- the elimination of all borders
- the elimination of nationalism
- 90% reduction in the world's population
- total control of the remaining 10% via a single, despotic, dictatorial World Government
- to prepare the planet for its takeover by their long-awaited "King" or "Messiah"

Now, I am going to give you the most important piece of advice that you can be given in regards to the workings of our Physical World...

...Upside-Down and Backwards.

Whatever you read in your History books, turn it around and you'll have the Truth. Whatever you see, hear or read in "the press", turn it upside-down and you'll have the truth. Anything that comes from the "official" propaganda organs of whatever country you live in, flip it and you will have an idea of what is really being advanced by our Controllers. They are accomplished Liars. We all know that for a Liar to succeed, he or she must have a Trusting Victim.

As an example, take Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein was painted as a "monster". The real problem with Saddam Hussein was that he was a Dictator. A dictator cannot be Infiltrated and Manipulated like a republican government can. The Dictator is one man with one vision who has complete autonomy in what he does. In order for our Controllers to effect their takeover of the World, all despots and dictators must be taken down and republican or democratic governments put in place to replace them. These "governments of the people" can then be successfully infiltrated by those whom our Controllers choose to carry out their bidding.

In addition, Iraq is a very important country, not for its Oil, but because it was the ancient colony of the Beings who came to this Earth and proceeded to Enslave Mankind. These Beings are returning, and the U.S. Armed Forces, the military arm of our Controllers, was sent in to establish a presence in this area, in preparation for "The Return". Here's a little more un-asked-for advice...

...Stop Trusting Men of Power and Prestige. Such Men Cannot and Should Not Be Trusted.

Whatever you See, Hear or Read, run it through your own System of Discernment before you Accept or Reject it. We have been bent over and ruthlessly violated by our Secret Rulers for centuries. It is time for THIS Generation of Light to stand up and state firmly, to our "Leaders", to our "Historians", to our "Teachers", to our "Clergy"....

... "No more. I do not believe you. You are a Liar, a Communicator of Falsehoods designed to Imprison my Mind and Extinguish the Light of my Spirit".

Then we tear ourselves away from the TV and proceed to search out The Truth for Ourselves. It shall, indeed, Set You Free.

All Love,

~~ G

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