07 March 2017

Immortality Or Death? The Choice Is Yours

You are a temporary personality. A natural phenomena created for the express purpose of helping to Liberate the microcosm that you inhabit.

If you fail in this endeavor, death will be your share. Yes. you'll spend some time in "heaven" (the reflection-sphere) but slowly, like the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz, you will dissolve away, leaving not a trace of the "you" who was.

Your Consciousness will persist, as will your Karma, and all the positive and negative receipts of the life just lived. But "you" will be gone, to be replaced in the future by a new personality, whose job it will be to try and accomplish what you failed to accomplish.

If you succeed in this endeavor, if your personality manages to locate the Path of the True Way, the Path of Return, then Immortality will be your share. The remains of your personality will not take the common road to the reflection-sphere and gradual dissolution. Your soul vehicles, minus the physical body, will instead travel to the Vacuum of Shamballa, the outpost of the Universal Brotherhood here on earth.

We refer to Shamballa as a vacuum because it is sustained by ethers that are not of this world. The high vibration that is to be found there is conducive to helping those souls who have begun their Walk while in the physical to complete the Great Work with all the help and support needed. Victory is assured.

The Journey starts here. You have reached the Gate of Choice. You must decide: will I take the road of least resistance and remain rooted to the earth-plane or will I fulfill my mission and travel the Way of the Stars? There is no middle ground. The proposition is either-or. It must be one or the other. You cannot have both. Remember that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom.

Fear nothing. Choose with Wisdom.

~ g

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The way of the stars please:)