14 August 2014

Let Go


We have just discussed the farewell, the moment that the new body of the Spiritual School and the magnetic  field of ordinary nature have drifted so far apart that a link is no longer possible. At that moment, the natural scientific farewell is celebrated. But there is still another farewell, the farewell to the world for each pupil who enters the heavenly ship, the magnetic body of the School. One should know that such a farewell is a demand, an absolute necessity; yet, one should realize that it is easy to fulfil. It is out of the question that the School should demand something from you that you could not fulfill or that you could fulfill only with much difficulty and pain.

We say this with emphasis because it is out of the question that a pupil can continue to exist in two fields. At present, you are in a phase of transition, you participate in two worlds. You are of this nature and, as a pupil, of the New Life. But this is an impossible state of affairs that can be only temporary. That is why a choice is necessary. The Sermon on the Mount states very clearly that we will have to choose between God and mammon.

Mammon is often seen as the god of money and to a certain extent, that is right. But that is not the most profound meaning of the Sermon on the Mount; by mammon you should understand everything of this world; hence, the choice between God and this world.

The problems of the soul which prevent a choice and its smooth realization lie principally in the form of self-maintenance of every description. You think you are prevented from choosing on account of all your dualistic difficulties. You think that you are not in a position to do anything right, as you have already succumbed to so many obstacles of ordinary nature. But we say to you: remember the evangelical expression: "Whoever loses his life for My sake, will find it".

Leave your dualistic difficulties for what they are. Do not try to disentangle them. For with every knot you disentangle, you perhaps fasten two other knots even more strongly. Nobody on the horizontal level has ever found a solution to the tangle, a way out of the labyrinth of ordinary nature. The deeper you enter the Maze of Life,  the more new passages, the more new doors you will meet and behind each door another labyrinth will be found. There is no liberation from this. Leave your difficulties for what they are and lose yourself. Take leave of yourself and your difficulties. You will get rid of all your difficulties and miseries if only you let go of yourself. A conscious neutralization is demanded.

From "The Gnosis In Present-Day Manifestation" - Jan van Rijckenborgh



Gregory Papas said...

Just to say hello... and many kisses.

BrotherGee said...

Thank you, Alex!

How'd you manage to locate that excerpt?

i'd started this post some time ago, but didn't finish it. Weeks later i decided to post it but couldn't remember which book i'd gotten it from. Great assist! Thanks, friend.

Gregory! Very good to hear from you. Please accept my warmest regards.

United in the Gnosis, my friends.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Hello G.,

Curiously I've been reading this exact chatper from the book "The Gnosis In Present-Day Manifestation" in the last 15 days - I read it multiple times. So I recognized instantly the excerpt you posted when I saw it :-)


Anonymous said...

Also I must add that I'm reading the Portuguese translation of the book (I'm Brazilian) :-)


BrotherGee said...

There are no coincidences, eh? How's that for timing?

By the way, an LRC center is being built in Brazil. Forgot the exact location but it's supposed to be centrally located.

Thanks again for the assist!

In unity,

~ g

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think all is interconnected but we cannot see the whole :)

Maybe we must open a space for LIFE itself to manifest through us and in ourselves, and coincidences can take place or be perceived, but we insist in doing things in our own forceful ways. Well I speak for myself, but I think everyone has a strong I-centralized, speculative will and willpower.

About the Center, weren't you refering to the new Conference Center in Bolivia? I know it is centrally located and was inaugurated recently!
