17 October 2013

The Temple

Your body is a Temple.

You've heard this many times, and perhaps have assumed that it was just an allegory or a metaphor. Well, it's not. It is literally true.


[tem-puhl] noun

5. any place or object in which God dwells I Cor. 6:19.

Old English: "any place regarded as occupied by divine presence".

The Rosebud, also known as the Spirit-Spark atom, also known as the Rose of the Heart is the divine part of you. This tiny atom, unique among the billions and billions of atoms that make up your body, is the only part of you that is not of this nature. It is not composed of any of the ethers (chemical, life, light or reflecting ethers) of this material plane. It is composed of Divine matter. It is a Remnant, a Divine Inheritance that you carry within your microcosm. It is the pure Fire of God within your midst.

The Divine Spark is the immortal part of you. It is the proverbial Ancient of Days. It cannot be destroyed. It can only grow in Power and Glory. However, this growth can only take place under the right conditions. The Imperishable Seed within requires the right sort of nourishment in order to unfold. Asleep it lies, seemingly buried beneath the heavy weight of the coarse vibrations of this world. Waiting, waiting, waiting...

... for what? It is waiting for YOU to awaken from your Sleep of Delusion. It is waiting for YOU to shake off the cobwebs of a million-years-long dream and gain insight into the true nature of your imprisonment. It is waiting for YOU to tire of trying to make a paradise out of a dunghill and to begin yearning for salvation from this earthly vale of tears. It is waiting for YOU to surrender your "self" to the process of Rebirth. It is waiting for YOU to adopt a new attitude towards life. At the end of this fivefold gnostic Path ... Liberation.

Do you know what lies within this tightly-shut Rosebud? The seed of the True Man. The primordial, Original Man. It is that which is referred to as The Divine "Other One", who lies asleep, waiting to be re-born.

Man has no conception of what he carries within his microcosm, situated approximately in the area of the upper right ventricle of the heart. He has no idea that his microcosm and his body combine to form a great Temple.

"any place regarded as occupied by divine presence".

In ignorance, we abuse our bodies. We glorify our bodies. We neglect our bodies. We disregard our bodies.

In selfish indulgence we fail to control our emotions. We wallow in our emotions. We constantly over-stimulate ourselves in the name of "enjoyment".

In complete unknowing, we allow our thoughts to run rampant. We think erroneously and allow error to enter into our mental realms. We fail to realize that thought is a creative power, and we misuse it. We then try to live with the sinful creations that we ourselves have manufactured.

What is the result of this mindless desecration of the Temple? We burn out. We crystallize. Because we do not live with Right Purpose, we die.

But The Spark lives on. As death overtakes us, the physical body disorganizes into dust and the subtle bodies disintegrate over time. Yet, the microcosm persists, and with it, the Divine Seed that stands at its center. There it will wait for the next personality to inhabit the Temple. There it will wait for another opportunity to Awaken.

Don't waste your incarnation in frivolity and useless striving. You are here for a much grander Purpose than trying to squeeze happiness out of the dry apple we call "life'. You are here to awaken the Rose. You are here to give Birth to The Other One.

Abandon delusion. Embrace your destiny. Embark upon the Path.

Complete The Great Work.

~ g

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