09 October 2013

Always Rise

There is nothing harder than the Great Task that is set before each and every human being.

a. undergo birth in darkness and forgetfulness

b. suffer a living-death in ignorance and confusion

c. despite this struggle, he or she must somehow manage to hear the Call...and answer correctly

d. having awakened the Divine Spark, the Rose of the Heart, he or she must nurture It

e. in humility and with purpose, he or she must follow the Path of Return to its Glorious Conclusion.

Answering the Call is not an instant panacea. Life doesn't become flowers and seashells overnight. Indeed, things are apt to become more difficult for the candidate. Why is this? The primary reason behind the great difficulties that confront those on the Path is the fact that they are now living two lives.

Although the candidate is now engaged in trying to build the New Soul, he or she is obstructed at every turn. Again, why? Because although there is a Divine metamorphosis taking place within the microcosm of the candidate, the old, earthly personality is still there, still living in the natural world, still of the earth, earthy. The physical body, as well as the emotional and mental vehicles are still attuned to the nature-of-death. As a result, the candidate will continue to find himself or herself attracted to the old temptations, the old allures, the old glamours.

The pull of physical nature is strong. We've been attracted to it for millions of years, for thousands of incarnations. Now we are attempting to break free from the nature-order which has become our prison, to which we are attracted like moths to a light, mindlessly flitting about the bright glare until our wings are singed by the heat of the lamp and we fall, helpless, to the ground.

The path of least resistance is to give in, to allow the old habits to hold sway "just one more time".  We take a fall. And after the fall, we feel miserable, guilty, dejected, unworthy. "What's the use", we say to ourselves. "I will never be able to walk this Path to its end. I will never be able to achieve Liberation and Immortality. I may as well give up".

All candidates reach this point of despair. Not once, but many times. What are we to do when this happens? How do we respond?

First, we must realize that the "give-up" voice we are hearing is the voice of our nature-born Ego, our I-being, as it tries to dissuade us from pursuing our True Purpose. The I-being will do everything in its power to coerce us into quitting, for it knows that if we triumph in our Quest it will cease to exist. So we must learn to ignore that "give-up" voice.

Secondly, pay heed to the following:

"Always build diligently on your own life. Even if you fail time and again, never give up".


~ g

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It quite accurately summarizes the 'struggles' that I go through. Liberation requires a new mindset or paradigm shift, rather pursuing a path......we have to become the path. Does it make sense? In the words of Mahatma Gandhi...rather than waiting for change to come in your life ...be the change that you wish to see in your life.