21 May 2010

One Foot In, One Foot Out...

A question arose recently regarding the difficulties of living a life of detachment while one is still enmeshed in the Illusion. Although the road to Liberation requires extricating oneself from the Illusion, the difficulties of modern life should pose little impediment if one sincerely works to adjust one's Thinking and one's Approach to the Dual Life.

The following is excerpted from "Serving Humanity" by Alice Bailey / Djwhal Kuhl



1. Progress is made in spite of, and not because of existing conditions. For disciples. . .there is no retiring from the world. There is no condition of physical peace wherein the soul may (not) be invoked. . . .The work has to go forward in clamour. The point of peace must be found in the midst of riot. Wisdom must be attained in the very midst of intellectual turmoil, and the work of co-operation with the Hierarchy on the inner side of life, must proceed amidst the devastating racket of modern life in the great cities.

2. Your problem is not to get rid of difficulties, but simply to be indifferent as to whether they exist or not.

3. Be content with your duty and the immediate service which will lead you a step further upon the way unto which you are ordained, and this way you can travel rapidly and with eager feet, or slowly and with lagging steps.


The trained intuitive or disciple lives ever the dual life of mundane activity and of intense and simultaneous spiritual reflection. This will be the outstanding characteristic of the Western disciple in contra-distinction to the Eastern disciple, who escapes from life into the silent places and away from the pressures of daily living and constant contact with others.

The task of the Western disciple is much harder, but that which he will prove to himself and to the world as a whole, will be still higher. This is to be expected if the evolutionary process is to mean anything.


If one wishes to, or is constrained to, maintain their earthly responsibilities, then by all means, do so. A key was given to all embedded in a phrase spoken by The Christ:

"Render unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar; render unto God that which belongs to God".

What we are dealing with now is what The Christ was specifically referring to over 2,000 years ago.

Pay your taxes. File those invoices. Clothe, feed and care for those entrusted to your care. Do all the things that are required of those of us who chose to incarnate in the modern world, in this closing cycle. But only give these things the time that they are allotted, reserving time for spiritual introspection, investigation, meditation, communion with the Divine Higher Self.

Don't brood and complain over your taxes. Don't place undue emphasis or commiserate upon the perceived "drudgery" or "thanklessness" of your job. Don't immerse yourself in unnecessary worry and fear over the future for your children and loved ones. All will be cared for in the manner, and within the limits, that their evolution calls for.

If one is driven to attend to such matters, then give these things only the attention that is required of them, and then immediately turn one's attention back towards The Goal - purification of your vehicles, subduing of the ego/personality, selflessly serving others, effecting the Fundamental Reversal that will lead one to Final Liberation from the Wheel of Death and Rebirth, towards the reclamation of the Immortality that has always been yours.

Your Mind and Heart are perfectly capable of being in one place while your Hands and Feet are in another. Ponder this!

The Battle of Armageddon is an inner, as well as an outer, battle. The Path to Liberation is open to all. The duration of the Journey can be as swift or as slow as one wills it. Each Soul will choose the difficulty of The Journey, its own Itinerary and its own rate of Ascent.

All Love,

~~ g


Diane said...

Thanks G, i have that book and have started reading it.
So if one is learning the lesson of detachment, to drop out then (which would be the easier option)would be to turn one's back on an important lesson which was available in the now. By retreating from the illusory world completely would also be to lose the opportunity to possibly assist others to understand the truth. Perhaps the inevitable should only happen when the detachment lesson has been thoroughly learnt and put into practice. Diane

Kevin said...

Brother Gee

Is this basically saying that we need to live in the world but not of it? The 'hands and feet' being in the world and the 'mind and heart' being not of the world?

BrotherGee said...
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Kevin said...

"One thing that must be said is that each of us have to listen to our own Inner Voice, in order to receive sure instructions on what we should be doing"

Thank you BrotherGee, It is better understood now and it is also realised that nothing can substitute for the above truth.