26 May 2010

A Vision of Our Future

From The Revelation - Barbara Marx Hubbard © 1995

A Vision of Our Future


You-in -the-future will be as different from yourselves-in-the-present as you today are different from early Homo-Sapiens, several hundred thousand years ago.

Your body will not decay. It will shine with the radiance of the total love you feel for God and all beings.

Your eyes will be lit with the fire of Joy that you are the blessed son or daughter of God, co-creative on a universal scale.

Your feet will be like fine brass. You will glow with a bio-magnetic field through which you will materialize and dematerialize, ascend and descend, from one vibratory plane to another. You will glitter and coruscate with the radiance generated by the intensity of your coherent thought in alignment with God.

Your voice will have the sound of many waters. It will flow effortlessly with the profound oratory of perfect meaning and truth in every word.You will know what to say at all times as your mind is linked with the Mind of God. Remember the most eloquent moment of your life. Multiply it by the intelligence of God and imagine what you will sound like when you have inherited God-like powers!

Out of your mouth will come words of perfect discernment: Yes, this is consonant with God's will; No, that is not consonant with God's will. Your voice will be a two-edged sword. You will constantly cut away that which is off the mark. You will be able to align your will with the Will of God at all times. Your power to create or destroy will come from God.

Your countenance will be as glorious as the Sun, shining with the strength given to you by your heirship as a son or daughter of God. As Jesus was transfigured, so you will be transfigured when you recognize that you are the direct children of God.

Your nervous systems must be prepared to accept the shock of seeing yourself-in-the-future in its full potential. Your self-confidence must be high enough to accept your inheritance. Confidence means "to trust with". You are trusting me, as an elder brother who has already plunged from the high-diving board when he beckons you onward saying "Follow me. You can do it, too".

Do not be afraid, Beloved. I have come to earth to demonstrate your potential. I took a mortal body like yours to demonstrate your potential to build a new body. I did not suffer on the cross and rise again on the third day to show you what I could do, but what you can do. Yours is the power. Yours is the glory. That is my message to you!


Your move.

~~ g


Diane said...

Hi G,
your quote from BM Hubbard:

I did not suffer on the cross and rise again on the third day to show you what I could do, but what you can do. Yours is the power. Yours is the glory. That is my message to you!

Its so simple isn't it? How different the world would be if that simple truth had been taught in church. Instead of "He died to save us from our sins", which never made sense to me, "He died to show us the way".
Regards, Diane

BrotherGee said...

Exactly, Diane.

The message was purposely distorted because The Adversary did not want us to know.

The high-quality Soul born as Jesus planned his entire incarnation as a template for future generations to follow. Through his living, He showed us the steps we must take along the way to becoming "Christed" men and women.

Birth, Baptism, Transfiguration, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension.

So simple. When understood, one is able to see the enormous Gift that was given to the World two thousands years ago, designed to prepare us for this moment, in these times.

~~ g