06 June 2010

The Great Symphony

From Servers of the Divine Plan -- excerpted from The Group Program, The Portal to the New World


Upon their Earthly sojourn all Servers must initially venture forth upon a lonely path, separated from their soul-family and isolated in their search for Life and Purpose. During their quest for remembrance they will naturally seek to share something of the Truth which they have recalled so far, and to offer that understanding which is theirs to others wherever they may find themselves and in whatever capacity they labour. Individually, their task may seem small, but collectively they form a very substantial global latticework of spiritual light, forged today in readiness for the physical manifestation of Light Centres all around the planet.

Today, as the planetary deadline draws swiftly closer, many of those who have worked during the past in relative seclusion are consciously seeking to unite with kindred souls in order that group synergy may be potentiated and so that the great ethereal web of light - now woven around the globe and interpenetrating it - may be vitalised to its highest capacity and its potencies thenceforth released upon the physical plane where they will ultimately proceed invincibly to effect the necessary, long-overdue and
complete healing of planet Earth together with all life thereupon.

It should be understood that, contrary to popular belief and during the transition period, those Light Centres having the most far-reaching and beneficent influence will not be primarily healing centres; they will be centres of spiritual service bearing many different functions, only one of which shall be personal healing. It is the responsibility of genuine spiritual communities to offer a field of service to those who wish to help raise the planetary consciousness by purifying their own. Selfless service, in raising the vibratory rate of consciousness, induces a process of transmutation and necessarily confers comprehensive healing, yet does not focus solely upon it, and this is a vital key to success during the birth of the New World. Healing is an integral part of any truly divine work, but should it be the prime focus of any community, then such a group will be extremely limited from the start, for there is something of far greater moment than personal healing and happiness, and which is today calling humanity from divine spheres.

Following the efficient, logical framework exemplified by all successful esoteric schools of the past, the occult structure of Light Centres in the Aquarian age will incorporate inner and outer circles. These concentric rings of serviceful activity will reflect the degree of spiritual attainment and, therefore, capabilities of those souls who work within their boundaries. In accordance with their own abilities, level of commitment, purity of motive, point of spiritual attainment and merit, aspirants will be naturally drawn inwards toward those groups who demonstrate greater spiritual influence and responsibility. Each person will find the appropriate position or office that will present the best opportunities for them, while simultaneously harmonising with the collective purpose and, therefore, the good of the whole group.

* * *

Much more important, then, than the personal program is the group program, yet greater even than the group program is the Global Agenda, which embraces the sum total of all efforts made by the multifarious assemblages of Servers - both physically incarnated and incorporeal - who will together usher in the New World Consciousness on Earth and thus assist in preparing humanity for the birth of the New Eden for planet Earth. The Global Agenda is no less than the invincible Divine Plan for humanity and the planet itself, and the exultant fanfares of its prophesied and long-awaited triumph for this current phase of solar evolution will be heard by all mankind soon after the required critical mass has been gathered together under the auspicious guidance of the Servers.
Strategically-placed nodes of light (comprising many souls who have aligned themselves with the Divine Will in holy service) will then begin to expand, linking-up around the world via the Earth's subtle energy grid to form one great sphere of loving force that will be responsible for launching the whole planet into a higher reality.

The essential nature of the group program may be regarded esoterically as a great and sovereign Thought that was conceived within the Mind of God at the beginning of Creation, and which has since been constantly expanding and developing. This Cosmic Idea is an integral part of the Universal Divine Plan of Evolution for all life throughout Infinity. Its particular form of expression, as it influences our world, is ever being adjusted to integrate appropriately with the current cycle of development so that it may correspond with and assist the specific level of consciousness demonstrated by humanity at its particular stage of spiritual unfoldment.

Forever, the group program has manifested itself as an intelligent and purposeful evolutionary pattern incorporating great complementary Forces that have progressively advanced themselves throughout innumerable incarnations in a multitude of different worlds. Originating from diverse realms in all parts of the Cosmos, these consciously-evolving Forces are ensouled within the lower spheres of the universe by a myriad of both collective and singular embodiments. Karmically related each to the other, these temporarily individualised and differentiated lives are naturally impelled to coalesce and separate repeatedly during innumerable interdimensional transmigrations of intentional service across vast regions of space and eons of time.

Each seemingly separate life knows that it is essentially an indivisible part of the Whole, and that in synergetic union far greater achievements may be realised than by the sum efforts of the individual parts alone. Cosmic law greatly favours the cumulative and selflessly-directed attention of a group of dedicated souls who are able to work together as one. When pure motives for loving service are foremost, unity consciousness draws upon an insuperable Power that ever bestows the assurance of success, and the group program has always as its indomitable motivating thrust the sole determination to fulfil perfectly the behests of the Divine Plan. Therefore, absolutely nothing in the whole of Creation can prevent the inevitable triumph of the group program.

A brief, mystical analogy may here serve to offer just a hint of the complex dynamics that are initiated within the higher worlds when awakened Servers begin to reunite for group work upon the physical plane. Each individualised fragment of the group-soul and its personality (the Server) bears a unique musical chord. Timing is of the essence, and when the soul-family regroups once again at the appointed hour upon Earth, each individual tone will combine to produce a transcendental code that will be peculiar to the group, and which will confer certain occult privileges. When the correct number and combination of notes are sounded together synchronously, a secret latch will be triggered, a hidden portal will be opened, and a great Mystery shall be revealed.

It is thus that the overall collective mission of Servers upon Earth might be compared to a great symphony comprising many and diverse musical notes. Yet if one or more within the planetary orchestra ventured to play their instrument too early and before time, a dissonance would be heard, a confusion would eventuate amongst all the players, the medley would fracture, and the world auditorium would be thrown into disharmony with the Divine Plan. For the global symphony proper cannot really begin before a certain stage of world preparedness. However, let all awakening Servers and readied humanity alike now be assured that they are about to commence playing the most beautiful and melodious part of the Great Rhapsody in which all Earth-life has been waiting to partake since mankind's fall from Paradise.


Servers, awaken. Shake off the sleep of Duality, begin the processes of Purification and Remembrance. When the house lights dim, and the curtain begins to rise, all must be in their positions. All must be ready to play.

~~ g

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