27 June 2010

The Key, Part I - Christos

There are many whose eyes glaze over at the mention of the word "Christ", who get angry, feel threatened, confused or fearful at the very idea. For a few minutes, put aside the beliefs you inherited from your parents, or were impressed upon you by others, or discovered for yourself. Reach deep inside and recognize that on a soul level, you understand that there must be an ultimate Truth. Realize that you are actively searching for that Truth, and only you can be responsible for how that search is conducted.

Recognize that to surrender your right to seek Truth to any religion or dogma, is to forfeit your God-given free will to choose. It is to forfeit your Destiny.

Therefore, read what follows not as a member of any faith or religion but as a fallen soul at a point of unrest, seeking that which will provide The Key which will open the Doors of Perception and lead out of Darkness to the Divine Kingdom.

~~ g

The next three separate sources explain what "Christ" actually means. There are scores of excerpts that could have been used, as this Truth has been laying around for Ages. In the interest of brevity, three will have to suffice for now.
Empasis and italics were added by BG.


"Christ or Christos, we must remember, is not a proper name. It is a title. It means ‘anointed’. To anoint is to bahir, bathe or baptize oneself in the Holy Spirit. In Egypt this anointing was depicted as a baptism in the waters or keys (tones) of life. In esoteric terms Christos or Christ, the Holy Spirit, INRI is a tone, frequency, vibration or ray that emanates from the Healing Sun that cleanses and purifies. This explains why Aton, the Egyptian name for the healing rays of the Central Sun, is also the root for Adon or “Lord,” a title later given to Jesus." -- The Ark of the Christos

Here's another,

"Firstly it should be understood that Christ is not a personality of majestic stature residing somewhere outside the dense material world, but is essentially an impersonal, cosmic Being, manifesting Itself as divine Light, Force, Love and Wisdom in a mighty Radiation Field. When Jesus was 30 years of age, a ray of the Cosmic Christ entered his prepared microcosm and used it until the climax of His mission at Golgotha. After the ascension of the dense body of Jesus, Christ appeared among His disciples in the vital (etheric) body, in which He functioned for some time. The vital body is the vehicle which Christ will use in these times as he comes "on the clouds of heaven" - 'the clouds of heaven' being the divine etheric plane. He will never take another dense body on Earth, for that phase of the Divine Plan of Salvation, which took place in the very nadir of manifestation of the Earth-evolution, is past. This is why only those with spiritual perception will behold the Christ in these times of His reappearance." -- The New Call

and finally,

"...true Christianity, as preached by Jesus of Nazareth, was not partisan and had no rival religions. It was simply a logical further development in the world-wide religious and Messianic Plan outlined in the Pyramid and manifested in all the world's major religions. Our research into the Pyramid necessitates a view, in other words, which sees Jesus not as an opponent of figures such as Osiris, the Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu or Quetzalcoatl...but rather as their logical and ultimate successor.

Consequently, whatever Jesus taught is likely to have been a logical and consistent development of the core of those earlier beliefs - nothing less than a re-statement of a knowledge that was once universal among the whole of ancient mankind, the true religion from which all established religions have since developed, or rather, declined.

None the less, many "Christians" (quotes are BG's) will take the celebrated text: 'I am the way; I am the truth and I am life; no one comes to the Father except by me' (John 14:6) as directly justifying the assumption that Christianity alone, of all religions, has hold of the Truth. It should be remembered, however, that the statement is made by the Jesus of John's gospel, whose author makes it quite clear at the beginning that his Christos is an eternal spirit who existed before time began. He is the life-giving Word, or 'man-thought', of God -- none other than the same Holy spirit who in all three gospels descends on Jesus 'like a dove' at his baptism. From that moment onward, the man, Jesus, becomes that Spirit's embodiment or incarnation, and what he says is said specifically in Its name." -- The Great Pyramid Decoded

...end of excerpts.

The Key

From now on, when you read the New Testament, comprehend that the entity named Jesus does not speak of, from, or for himself. It is The Christ principle speaking.The personality that incarnated as Jesus, after years of seeking and studying, accepted the Christine Radiation into his heart. This was the Baptism, and remains the true, underlying symbolism to today's use of the term.

Now, pick up the four gospels of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), and read them again. This time, with Eyes, Heart and Mind wide open. Use The Key.

The Truth was left for us, and has always been there, even though it was purposely distorted. You always knew it was there.

Now, find it.

The following verse refers specifically to our search for Truth:

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks the door shall be opened". -- Matthew 7:7-8

~~ g


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