11 January 2013

The Great Initiative


Like us, you will no doubt find the prospect of the world and mankind's current state anything but uplifting. One could easily lose heart over it. There are so few really sound, uncorrupted human beings in this world, and the majority neither heed them nor have faith in them. They are not capable of having faith in them, owing to the increasing degeneration of mankind's psychological state, and the thereby increasing power of the anti-man's grip. Thus, mankind has come to the end of its journey to the nadir of materiality. As we said before, its art, science and religion, as they have been known until now, have become worthless as sources of help and solutions. So what perspective is still open to mankind?

Powerless and without hope, he stands at the frontier, called to self-realization. And he has not prepared himself for this task in any way. Therefore, we ask again: what prospect does man have? Where is the supreme remedy that will break through the obstacles in and around the human being?

The young, gnostic Brotherhood answers that in this state of helplessness, the possibility has been born for the Sevenfold World Brotherhood of Christ to take a mighty world initiative, an initiative so far-reaching, so overpowering that the entire world dispensation will be changed by it.

Let us review the cardinal points. Firstly, the Moon Forces have totally withdrawn, as we explained. These forces, the Moon Angels, belong to a life-wave which in certain respects has preceded us on the Path of Development, but which does not belong to the human life-wave. Their task with respect to mankind was to help it along the road to the nadir of materiality, to stand by it until the descent had become total. This has now taken place.

That is why, in the service of the Christ Hierarchy, called in His name and by His task, the Sevenfold World Brotherhood must now take the initiative in the guidance of mankind. And we have explained why the initial stages of this period of transition are characterized by great confusion and the threat of terrible disaster. It is clear, though, that if man is to follow a path of self-realization, in the sense of genuinely transcending matter, in the sense of journeying back to the Original Fatherland, he will need to be capable of it. And if there are obstacles, they will need to be removed.

And we know that there are obstacles without number. There are countless difficulties -  we experience them. We also know that the powers and abilities that have served man until now, and which he is still trying to use, offer not a single hope of solution, not one prospect of healing for all the ills which threaten his destruction. That is the lesson mankind now has to learn, from bitter experience and in the face of extremely painful acts. The saying: "He who is not willing to hear, must feel," applies not only to child-rearing but is also a law of mankind's course of development.

So the trials at the border, the afflictions of the time in which we are living, are intended to make you  profoundly aware...that mankind has reached a total deadlock, or is rapidly approaching one.

In full awareness, you will need to understand what this experience has to teach you; you will need to feel and experience profoundly the pain of it. And when you have passed through the inevitable ordeal, when you are really working hard at the inner realization of its lessons, and the how and why of it all is beginning to glimmer in your consciousness, you will discover that neither communism, nor socialism, nor democracy, nor fascism, nor any natural-religious or atheistic form of life has any sense at all. And you will realize that no form of advancement is possible on the basis of the lying, quibbling practices that prevail between men and nations.

And then the Sevenfold World Brotherhood will take its Great Initiative, in order to give new direction to the world's course of development, which has reached a state of total stagnation and deadlock. And imprisoned mankind, diseased and ill to the very core, will be set free by this initiative.

How? By what initiative? Certainly not an international appeal or action, or some large-scale media campaign. And certainly not by opening special temples here  and there, although naturally, some temples will retain their value.

No, the Brotherhood will work through an initiative that can be experienced simultaneously by the whole of mankind, including the most primitive and even the most criminal and hardened people. An initiative, then, that no-one will be able to deny or repudiate. It will be a manifestation that will last at least twenty-four hours in one of the most subtle of the material domains, the stratosphere, and it will happen in such a way that every eye shall see it, every ear shall hear it and all the senses man possesses will react to it. It will be a manifestation of the Sevenfold World Brotherhood intended for all people and all races. All Brotherhoods participating in the Universal Chain will contribute. This manifestation will be accompanied by an intense outpouring of electromagnetic energy which will affect the entire human system and bring about a profound reaction in every human being. Among other things, this reaction will, for a time, bring about a certain condition in the head sanctuary of every human being, comparable with what we call the Spirit-Soul state.

As a result, human beings will temporarily have access to a certain amount of first-hand Knowledge and will have an active third eye at their disposal. They will thus become temporarily visionary and behold the plan of God for the world and mankind. They will begin to understand their True Task and Calling, and also what will happen if they refuse it.

End Part I

From Afterword - Esoteric Analysis of the Alchemical Wedding - Jan van Rijckenborgh


This future Event is not to be confused with the anticipated Fake Return of the Christ, which will attempt to trick man into believing that the New Testament legend has physically returned to earth. No, these are our Elder Brothers in service to the Divine Plan of Salvation and they will be executing a mission they have waited long ages to perform.

For a brief but glorious period of time, Man's "eye" will be opened. The Truth will be revealed to all. Those who have not yet done so will mercifully be given a final opportunity to make their Choice before the curtain falls.

You don't have to believe what you've just read. You just have to remember it.

~ g

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