19 January 2013

A Jump In Evolution

The following was originally posted on 7 May 2009.

Excerpted from "What Is To Come (Part II)" -- Universal Link - Borup, Denmark


This is a Message of Love to Mankind. God is Love and God is Merciful. God is The Almighty. God is He who guides Everything and Everyone. God is the Source of Life - nothing can live without God. And for this reason it would not be possible to do what we are going to do to the Earth without it being the Absolute Will of God.

Cleansing and Purification

Baptism was introduced and the baptismal service executed as a Rite, symbolising the Cleansing of the Spirit. Water was used as the spiritual Cleanser. It was water that symbolized the fact that one was desirous of that Spirit and Soul who wholly and sincerely wanted to give itself under God. Now I can inform you that we stand before a gigantic baptism, a new Baptism of Mankind. It is a baptism conditioning Admission into a stage of The Hierarchy where Man has hitherto never found himself. This baptism does not require Water, but Fire. Now Fire will be used as the Cleanser.

Fire will strike the Earth, The Earth will be purified in Fire, - but he who hears the Voice and he who heeds the Voice will - as truly as I am he who I am - be elevated into the air and from there witness what will happen to the Earth, which will be Cleaned and Purified in Fire; thereafter he will descend to Earth and continue his life in a new Spirit and with new Knowledge and new Understanding - in daily communion with Us and with Me - and consequently with God. Truly, it will be God's Kingdom now coming to Earth.

A "Jump" In Evolution

When you look about you in Nature you perceive infinitely many life forms manifested on this Earth on which you walk. Every single form of Life represents some part of God. Everything you see has been created by Him, by His force and His Spirit. When God desires that some life should go from one form to another it happens suddenly through a huge Upheaval. Man has seen and wondered at such upheavals, he has not been able to explain them, nor has he been able to understand how they happen. They have been called "mutations" and consist in a sudden "Jump" upwards on the Ladder - the Ladder of Life, on the road of Life towards God, to the great understanding of God and the close communion with God and to Life in His Spirit, manifested through His Law: True Fellowship Of All Beings.

It is a mutation like this that is now going to take place with Mankind - a Spiritual Mutation. Help will be coming to you from a rung above yours to help you acquire an Understanding of the value of God's Law. People have known God's Law for thousands of years - first in the law of Moses, later as it was written down by the four evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) - yes, it is all there; and when Man gets to understand it - when Man realizes its Meaning and tries to live accordingly, wholly and fully, then he will experience this Spiritual Mutation, and it will happen quickly.

How Life Will Be

The people here mentioned, who are to acquire this Spiritual Mutation, will come back to Earth in an entirely new Light - with an entirely new Knowledge - and, with Help from the Outside, given directly by Us, so that the Earth may once again become fertile and once again be able to produce the things the Earth was meant to produce. God's Spirit will be over everything and everyone, God's Spirit will help us reach the level we are meant to reach through mutual assistance. Every life on the Earth will be influenced by this. When I say that every life will be influenced it may sound strange to Man, but - just remember the old scriptures - it has been said as you know, that the Lion shall eat grass with the Sheep and this will come to happen. This will make you realize what happens when a planet is Elevated one step and Understanding becomes Perfect.

Man will live so perfectly that he will be able to manage everything and everyone surrounding him in such a way that everything will be in Peace and Harmony. No Killing will take place anymore. No Animal will ever again suffer harm. Everything will rest in peace and harmony. - Spiritual Understanding will not as yet be quite Perfect, but elevated so high that Life will in actual fact become as Paradise itself compared to the Life which has hitherto been manifested by Man. Thus it should be understood - for thus it is and so it will be.

Tribulation and "Loss"

There has been talk of perdition, but truly I say unto you - as I have said before: Nothing of that which has been Created will be Lost. The only Forfeit there is will be the loss of possibility this time to achieve that level which a great part of Humanity is to attain. But then this is something quite different. I have explained that it is a Spiritual Purification that is about to take place on Earth and he who does not fulfill the stipulations of the Law will be lost to this Earth - that is quite clear, but he or she will certainly not be lost to God.

It is not possible to be lost to God. God is always with every human being - as well as with all other living beings. Life continues Universally, Life continues Eternally - only that it continues elsewhere and on a level which the man or woman in question fulfills hierarchically speaking. That is to say: Those who are now "lost" are lost in the way that they will continue their lives in accordance with their present terrestrial patterns - in some other place. However, wait and see when My coming is a Reality, then you will find it a Loss, after all. Just imagine Yourself standing with a Friend on the fourth rung of a ladder, and your Friend suddenly takes one step upwards while you remain on the fourth rung. Then of course you have been left behind as compared with him, although you are still there.


We are about to experience a tremendous leap in human evolution, a "bridging of the gap" that will propel a significant number of humans towards the next phase of experience. There is a reason why there are "missing links" which confound science. Evolution proceeds slowly, gradually, until a point is reached where a new dispensation requires a new form of life.When this Turning Point is reached, a tension is created that builds up to a critical mass. When that critical mass is reached and the Time comes for a portion of mankind to take a Step Forward...


~ g

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