04 September 2009

Christ. Jesus. You.

Those who cringe at the sound of the words "Jesus Christ" will probably not finish this post. That is as it should be, as all are at different stages of Discernment and Development. It is fashionable these days to discount and ridicule the life of Jesus as a "myth". Those who do so cavalierly risk a prolonged and arduous Journey.


Jesus is/was not "God". At least not in the way that so many misguided souls look at him today. Jesus was a flesh-and-blood man - a very special man, of that there is no question - but a man nonetheless.

Jesus was a highly-developed Soul who had prepared and qualified himself over many lives for the role he was to play in recent human history. His physical parents, Joseph and Mary, were initiates and virgin. Being initiates of a high vibratory rate, they were able to consummate the act of conception in a pure manner, as a sacrament. Not as a lust-filled night-cap to a wild night of partying. The "virgin" birth refers to this Purity of Intent between Joseph and Mary, as well as their own physical state.

The man, Jesus was the result of this sacred Act. A special body was needed to perform the Special Work that lay ahead.

The concept of "Virgin birth" never meant that Mary conceived without having sex. In a physical world, that is preposterous. However, this falsity has been encouraged and allowed to stand by those opposed to Mankind's liberation because it was known that such dogma would cause doubt in the minds of many and turn them away from The Path.


Christ is not "a man". Christ is a Consciousness, also known in Greek as "Kristos" and in ancient Sumerian as "Kiristus" ("the Son who resides in the stars"). This Consciousness, this Energy exists everywhere . It is the Love Force of the Universe that emanates from Creator, throughout Creation. When beings align their Will with Christ Consciousness, they are willingly allowing Creator to work through them. When this happens, one's Acts are in union with the Will of the Creator. The key word here is "willingly". If one chooses to turn this Energy away, or block it, even unconsciously, then one has chosen to live without recognizing their connection to this Energy.

Jesus spent many years on earth remembering his purpose, studying and preparing himself to receive Christ Consciousness. This event finally took place upon his being baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. At that point he was no longer "Jesus", but "Jesus, the Christed One". Modern times have distilled this down to "Jesus Christ" as if that were his birth name, a la Joe Smith or Mary Avery. No. His first name, "Jesus", was who he had been. The second name "Christ" was what he became.

Once he aligned his Will with Christ Consciousness, he spent the remainder of his life doing "my Father's will". It was not Jesus "the man" who, from that point forward, lived, taught, healed, suffered and died on the cross, etc. but Jesus, the Christed One whose Life shone as a Lamp in a world consumed by darkness.

Jesus, the Christ did not "die for our sins". Sorry, but our Sins are and have always been, our Responsibility. Jesus, the Christ purposely lived his life in such a fashion as to leave an indelible blueprint for how the so-called "common" man or woman of this or any other Era must live to achieve Liberation from the Wheel of Death and Rebirth. Through the physical vehicle of Jesus, the Christ Consciousness left a Living, Shining Example of what a man or woman must do if they are to achieve Liberation from Darkness.


We are Souls using physical bodies to gain Experience in the lower densities, or dimensions. Existence in this 3rd density is such that every act we perform which is out-of-line with Christ Consciousness must be balanced by a corresponding re-action. In this way, Man vascillates back-and-forth, strapped uncontrollably to the Pendulum of Balance we've come to know as Karma. Even the "good" we do must be balanced by "evil" because "good" cannot exist without "evil". It needs its polar opposite in order to exist, at least that's the way it works in this 3D "reality".

Because of this fundamental misunderstanding of how Duality works, Mankind has found himself on a treadmill, a hamster-wheel of Death-Rebirth, Death-Rebirth. Little by little, life by life, Souls will take small steps forwards or backwards in their attempts to evolve out of the quagmire we've created for ourselves. The key to escaping this treadmill is to follow the example of Jesus, the Christ, or the teachings of Krishna, Buddha, Confucious, Lao Tzu etc. The great, true avatars of human history. These are men who achieved that state of alignment with Christ Consciousness which allowed them to act as Vehicles of the Creator's own Light. These were inspired ("in" + "spirited") beings, whose incarnations were a conscious "joint venture" between Man and Creator, as all of our lives can be.

The only difference between those men and us is that at some point they recognized this "reality" as folly and consecrated themselves to doing the will of the Creator in helping to bring Man out of Darkness.

We can do the same. We will do the same. The question for each soul is when? Will we start today? Tomorrow? Next life, a thousand Lives from now? It has been recorded:

John 14: 10-12

10 "Do you not believe that I am with my Father and my Father is with me? The words that I speak I do not speak of myself, but my Father who abides with me, does these works. 11 Believe that I am with my Father and my Father is with me, and if not, then believe because of the works. 12 Truly, truly I say to you, he who believes in me shall do the works that I do, and even greater than these things he shall do."


Remember: when you read the New Testament (specifically the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) and the words of the post-baptized Jesus, realize that you are not reading the words of "a man". Those "words" are the energy of the universal Christ Consciousness speaking directly to YOU, through the man known as Jesus. You are reading the words of our Creator, in whom we Live and Move and have our Being. That Consciousness, that connection with the Creator is "the Father" of whom Jesus, the Christed One refers to. That relationship explains why these words were sounded from Heaven upon Jesus' baptizement: "This is my Beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased".

We are all Sons of the Father. Many of us have strayed far from Home. Our Father awaits our return still, with arms outstretched to us in Infinite Love. We must begin now to do the Work that will turn us off the Way of Darkness, the matter-born path and towards the Light which has always been our Home.

All Love,

~~ G

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