22 September 2009

Man, Control Thy Thoughts - Aeons and Archons

With love and respect to the creators of The New Call website (http://www.thenewcall.org/), I would like to post the following (bold emphasis and italics are mine).


Collectively, mankind constitutes a much larger thinking-desiring organism, and the sum total of the thoughts and desires in the auras of all the people that together make up mankind, interpenetrate and form what might be termed a 'radiation cloud' around the planet. This cloud is replete with the results of all human thinking, feeling and desiring, not only from causes created in the present but also from the past, for thought and astral energy creates certain elemental forms that can and do survive their creator in the flesh. There is, then, clearly an interaction between human beings and the planetary atmosphere; the human beings contribute toward the quality of subtle substance of the planetary aura in the form of mental, astral and etheric matter.

In the beginning phase of man's spiritual descent, or 'Fall from Grace' (the Garden of Eden days) the psychic atmosphere of this world was still virginal, void of these human emanations. However, with the passage of time they came into manifestation and are forever being strengthened by mankind's incessant ignorant and selfish activity.

Now what happens when many hundreds, sometimes many thousands, or even, over time, billions of people continuously project similar selfish or fear-based thoughts and desires (which include religious desires for personal salvation, personal empowerment, personal happiness, etc.)? Just think of the selfish prayers repeated endlessly in the churches; the wild enthusiasm of the crowds at football games; the mass outbursts of passion during blood-stirring political demonstrations or evangelistic speeches; the daily repeated negative suggestions in the media that are supposedly formulated in order to enlighten the masses and the millions of people who are all tuned in to the same violent TV programs simultaneously!

Like attracts like, and the corresponding vibrations thus launched into the atmosphere coalesce to form one great cloud of unwholesome energy. It is an elementary esoteric fact that when, over time, many people fix their minds upon one idea, a mighty astral image of that idea develops. The astral world possesses specific possibilities of reflection. So when the minds of many of us are continually fixed upon one and the same idea, then we shall discover that at a given moment a huge astral image has been generated, which is becoming clear and well-defined, and with which we are connected and in communication because we created it ourselves. It is thus that a collective spirit, a collective idea, a collective thought-form or a collective image is created and continuously fed by people of similar disposition and/or belief.

Over centuries such an image can and does become so fortified that it acquires consciousness and becomes an intelligent, self-directing being; a huge, living, feeding elemental being that has an agenda namely to perpetuate and fortify its own existence and nature. This it proceeds to do by inciting mankind, via mental and astral impression, to continue producing ethers of a like quality on which it can feed, on which it can grow. At first it is an image 'with dead eyes', but the moment comes when this image gains life and begins to hunger for more of the peculiar type of energy that spawned it. This is when it starts actually dominating us, when certain powers radiate from it and when it is even capable of attracting all kinds of undivine forces and of pouring these down onto the people. This is the way in which pseudo-religious beings (false gods) come into being. Such gigantic elemental beings can be and are utilized by the 'archons', entities residing in the subtle worlds who, with selfish and malefic intent, control and manipulate the mass-consciousness of humanity on earth by way of the images that man himself created.


Excerpted from
The New Call / Rare Insights http://www.thenewcall.org/rare_insights.htm

Some may have a difficult time in accepting what they've just read. I can only recommend that they read the pamphlet linked to above.

A couple of years ago, I read a book called "The War in Heaven" by Kyle Griffith. He discussed this at length and named these powerful elementals "Theocrats". At the time I was like, "yeah, uhhhh, okay?". Then I came across this information posted above which explained it in a much clearer fashion (or maybe it was my ability to understand which had "cleared up" a bit?).

In summary (to my understanding), human thoughts and emotions are food for beings that cannot be physically "seen". These elemental beings are called aeons and they are controlled by even more powerful beings called archons. The aeons siphon off the negative, gross energies from the billions of lower thoughts and emotions that humans generate moment-to-moment. They then regurgitate, or recycle, a portion of those negative thought-forms back towards humanity as "thought-clouds". These clouds then hang around, ready to influence or incite those who impulsively react in a negative manner to external stimuli or lower desires. The negative vibrations that result from these actions are again, used as food by the aeons and this cycle repeats itself, ad infinitum.

This is why Mankind has always been admonished to adjust his thinking. For if every human permanently turned their thoughts to those of Love, Kindness, Charity, Compassion, etc. these "powerful" beings would lose their "food source", shrivel up and expire quicker than a garden slug in the noon-day sun. But Humanity is stubborn. That stubborness is born out of ignorance. Once Man learns the Truth of how the Earth planes work and of our role in the tapestry, he can take the steps necessary to evict these free-loading elementals from his psychic atmosphere.

Although the hour is late, it is never to late to begin to live in a New Way as we approach the dawning of a New Age. Humankind should try to Purify all Thoughts and Emotions. Check our Desires before we Think and above all, THINK before we Act. Strive to turn away negative influences, thoughts and desires. For those who say that there is nothing Man can do to change Man's world, please reconsider.

Man, Control Thy Thoughts.

All Love,

~~ G

The New Call / Rare Insights http://www.thenewcall.org/rare_insights.htm

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