29 April 2009

You Can (And Do) "Pick Your Parents"

I'm sure that you've heard the old saying (dripping with Helplessness and Self-Pity):

"Well, you can't pick your parents".

Thinking like this makes it easier for one to put all the blame for the sorry state of his/her life on their parents.

I'm on drugs? My parents.
I'm a prostitute? My parents.
I'm in jail? My parents, of course.

Well, it's not that easy. A person who thinks that way will find it hard to get to the Truth of, and Reason for, their Life. I'm here to tell you that you Can, and Do, "pick" your Parents.


Once again, if we do not understand and accept Reincarnation, we will find it impossible to understand what I am writing here. But I am here to tell you that everything, everything in our Lives, right down to where we live, where we work and who we associate with has been placed there for one Reason:

To Test our Reactions, our Decisions, our Actions.

Before we are born, we "contract with" other Souls for them to play certain roles in our lives. These Souls agree to do so because they are looking to grow in their own right, and "teaming up" with us at certain stages of the upcoming Incarnation affords them an opportunity to do so. One of the most critical of these "contracts" is the "parenting contract". Now, it is time for an example of how the Wisdom of Spirits plays out on the Earth plane.

Let's say that in your last Incarnation, you were a child abuser. Physical, sexual, it doesn't matter. You destroyed the childhood of one or more human souls. You don't remember being that way -- now. But that...was...you. Because of your actions, you incurred a karmic debt. This debt must be repaid. So, between lives, your Spirit/Soul, which is Compassionate yet Wise, Practical and Impartial, decides that it must clear this Karmic debt of being a Child-Abuser. Your Spirit/Soul asks another Spirit/Soul to play the role of an abusive parent/adult, so that it can Experience the Pain that it inflicted on others in a Life past and clear it's karmic debt.

Now you're born, your childhood is hell. You don't remember why this is happening and that is as it should be. Your job is not to remember, but Experience. To "walk a mile" in the shoes of one(s) you hurt so long ago. The only way for "the lesson" to work is for you to have no memory of what you did to earn this Lesson.

Some are able to overcome the tragedy and grow to learn that all humans are sacred beings who are to be Loved and Respected. Their Debt is Repaid.

Others will grow in Bitterness and Resentment and will grow to simply repeat their Crimes of Lives past. These ones will have to incur even Harsher Lessons in the future.


I could go into this in depth, but I don't want to over-do things. I think you guys get it. Whatever our parents were, or that person that did "irreparable" harm to us, should not be hated or despised. They contracted with us to do us a favor. To help us learn a Lesson or Lessons which we sorely needed to Learn. Look back on your Lives. Forgive those that Hurt you. THERE WAS A DEEPER PURPOSE FOR WHAT THEY DID TO YOU.

It was part of The Contract to help us Grow and retire our Karmic Debts. We should be Grateful that these Souls played their Roles --- and Kept Their Promise.

We are not "Victims" of the Lives we Live. We are Learning How to Love while Living. Earth is "a School".

This is How "the Lessons" Are Given.

All Love,

~~ G

26 April 2009

The Root of Fear

The Root of Fear stems from Not Knowing.

Walking in Woods the dark can be a Fearful Experience. Walking in the dark in your own home is not. Until you hear a sound that you cannot identify. Then you may place yourself in a State of Fear.

Fear can only manifest when we allow it to. When we lack Knowledge about a particular thing, we should not become Fearful, but should resolve instead to identify and learn all that we can about that which it is that we "Fear".

Once we learn the truth about Life, we shall no longer Fear Life.
Once we learn the truth about Death, we shall no longer Fear Death.
Once we learn the truth about The Harvest, we shall no longer Fear the Harvest.

Where Light is, Darkness cannot be.

Know All. Fear Nothing.

All Love,

~~ G

20 April 2009

Tragedy By Chance

I've forgotten where I'd gotten this from. When I find the link, I'll pass it on to you all.


On the higher Spiritual Planes the process of Evolution takes place as an unbroken continuity of conscious awareness. At the Earth level however, the difficulties of Third-dimensional Earth life, and the physical aging of the dense Earthly body, place limitations on the length of time during which we can tolerate the dense Physical Plane. This requires that we eventually must physically "die", and then spend a relatively long period on a Higher Spiritual Plane reviewing our Earth life and receiving much needed spiritual refreshment before returning to another physical Incarnation. We often find that we need to repeatedly learn from the many faults within our makeup at the challenging physical Third-Dimensional level until we have finally overcome them. This cycle is known as Reincarnation.

The Spirit Guide Tendor: "Earth is a school, and you learn even when making mistakes. If you face a test and fail, you push yourself to take it again. So if you have lessons to learn in one life which you fail to learn, then in another life you will present yourself with those lessons again; for you cannot progress - and all life is an upward progression, an upward spiral - until you have learned those lessons.

"You have a test to pass, one which you have set yourself to accomplish. When you pass depends upon the effort you make. If you do not pass the test in one experience you will have other chances of doing so. You will always find fresh opportunities opening out before you. In time you will accomplish what you set out to do, however many distractions may deter you from your object. The power of the Spirit can and will win in the end. It is like a powerful magnet drawing you on. It is the effort that counts; the responsibility is yours, no other can accomplish your mission for you. The scales of Divine Justice are accurately balanced, there must be nothing owing if you are to progress."

During our "Life's review" on the Spiritual Plane following physical death, the next Incarnation is planned in advance with the help of one's Spiritual Guides and Masters. With their close consultation, we make a thorough review of our past faults and weaknesses from which we can then make plans to return to physical life in order to correct those various weaknesses. When back in an Earthly life, those pre-planned events can come upon us quite unexpectedly, some as even quite traumatic experiences, which usually causes the Earthly personality to roundly blame the "Fates"or even God for its "misfortune".
And yet all of these events have been previously planned to manifest at a particular opportune time by the Soul itself.

When about to undertake an incarnation on Earth, the Soul makes a "Life Contract" between itself, its Higher Self and the Spiritual Hierarchy to live an Earth life of an agreed duration in order to correct and learn from those inherent character weaknesses. If the incarnated soul subsequently finds the Earth lessons too difficult and decides to terminate life prematurely by such as suicide, the lessons are thus not only temporarily avoided, but are deemed to be postponed until another reincarnation can be arranged. The Soul's Higher Spiritual Self will require going through the lengthy process of death and rebirth once again, in order to live out those remaining years left within the former "Life Contract". This explains why many of us instinctively have a deep-rooted feeling that suicide is not a good road to go down. Not only is it considered on higher levels as a betrayal of one's Higher-Self's "Evolutionary Plan", but as a gross misuse of all the Heavenly support and Earthly facilities made available to us by Mother Earth and the Heavenly Realms as well as our Prime Creator .

The Master Zen-Tao: "The Drama of Life has a purpose: It is to Teach, to Evolve our Consciousness. Everything that happens on the Plane of Earth happens not by chance, but because we have attracted it to ourselves through our behavior in this or in past lives, and have consciously accepted the challenge it represents. It is widely understood that the concept of "Free Will" allows us to choose how we will react to given circumstances; it is important to realize however, that we also exercise Free Will in our choice of the challenges we agree to undertake during each incarnation. Through "Free Will" we choose our challenges and lessons; through Free Will we choose how we react to them.

"It is difficult for those who do not accept the concept of Reincarnation, of life after life after life, to see how suffering can be regarded as an evolutionary process. But when Reincarnation is accepted as an integral part of one’s view of Evolution, it is easy to understand that we bring into being with each new physical body all that we have created in other Earth lives, and on other levels of existence beyond the Physical Plane of Earth. We bring with us not only our spiritual wisdom, but also the sins of the past, the Lessons we have not learnt, the Karma we owe both to ourselves and to others. So as we advance through the Life which we now lead, we will automatically attract to ourselves the Lessons we have chosen to learn, the Karma we have chosen to transmute.

"Thus, there is no such thing as a tragedy by chance. Everything that happens on the Plane of Earth has reason, has purpose. We live in a world in which many people apparently experience great tragedies. Tragedy comes to people either because they chose it for their Destiny path or because it will present them with a Lesson in life they have yet to learn. Tragedy is the working-out of Cause and Effect; as we experience the Effects, so we learn to change the Cause. The experience of Tragedy also teaches Sympathy and Compassion, the ability to accept and absorb the minor imperfections in others, that they may in turn do the same for us.

"If there is one point which I would like to emphasize now, it is this: that
Suffering is chosen by Yourself. It is not given to you by your Creator as a punishment. It is chosen by You, willingly, as a Lesson to learn, as a Lesson which your Soul needs at this particular point in its Evolution."

Those who find themselves confronted by a Challenge so great as to appear unbearable should always keep in mind that nothing, absolutely nothing, no challenge, no wound, no obstacle or impediment however difficult and trying it may appear, has been undertaken without our own prior Consent and Acceptance, and that no challenge we may meet on Earth is greater than our power to Overcome it. A super-Human effort may indeed be required by those who have chosen life's most difficult challenges, but Nothing is ever undertaken, or allowed to be undertaken, which is beyond our Reach.


[BG:] This should help us all to begin the practice of interpreting our Lives of from a Higher and Wiser Perspective. Proper understanding of the foregoing can lead to a Serenity of Mind and Clarity of Thought that should give one the Ability to overcome any Earthly "obstacle". It's all part of doing what it takes to become Sovereign MASTERS of our Destiny.

Instead of asking "Why is this happening to me?"... ask instead, "What is the Lesson that is being Presented to Me? What is it that I am Trying to Learn?".

Then Resolve to Learn It.

Love to All,

~~ G

19 April 2009

The Great Chastisement - Message Circa 1950

As promised, this post will present a warning given to Us in the 1950's. The text includes messages from the 1960's as well. My recent emphasis has been to demonstrate that what I am advancing in this blog is not "new". It is now only more immediate, as We are the ones that the Warnings are for and these are the Times we have been Told to Prepare for.

The following paragraphs are excerpted from a site that I tripped over a couple of weeks ago. I feel that what is given here is significant because it blends with things that I had discovered over the past few years from other sources. What's noticeable is that these words were transmitted over 50 years ago.

I will post the link to the entire document at the end of this post. In advance, I would like to advise all that the person who received this message was part of the Catholic church at that time. As such, there will be a severe Roman Catholic bias in some of the things that are said. I beg you to not let that distract you from the importance of the message. This message is not about "beliefs" or "belonging". Creator has to contact us somehow, and Creator does not care with whom we are affiliated. The Message will be given to Whomsoever promises to Send it Forth.

With that said, I submit the following excerpts from:

Impressions of Brother David with Further Information from the Blessed Virgin Mary


During these three days of darkness, there is not going to be one demon left in hell. All are going to be on earth. Those three days are going to be so dark that we will not be able to see our own hands before our faces.

In those days, the ones who are not in the state of grace are going to die of fright because of the horrible demons that they will see. The Virgin told me to close all the doors and windows and not to respond to anyone who calls from the outside. The biggest temptation we will have is that the devil is going to imitate the voices of our loved ones. She told me, 'Please do not pay attention because those are not your loved ones; those are demons trying to lure you out of the house'.

... pray to the Lord that those days will not come in the winter and that there are not pregnant women about to give birth; because if they come in winter, the cold will be intense, there won't be any artificial heat, and the women about to give birth won't have any medical assistance.

She told me that the hours of darkness will be exactly 72, and the only way to count them is with mechanical clocks, because there won't be any electricity.

After this purification, there will be spring. Everything will be green, and everything will be clean. The water will be crystal clear, even the water from the faucets in houses. There will be no contamination in the water, nor the air, nor the river. The most beautiful thing in is that the people are going to live off the land and work not to survive, but for love and mutual support.

The most important way to bring about this change is to come to conversion and live charitably today. Live in a state of grace. It is very important to form communities of fraternal alliances where you can have support from your brothers. The days of darkness are going to be very hard for single people and for the parents of the families that have adult children, because they will hear their voices outside.

The parents of the family, especially the fathers, must teach their sons and daughters to pray. During the hours of darkness, the children's prayers will be miraculous.

The Great Sign Prior to the Hours of Tribulation

Before the great tribulation, there is going to be a sign. We will see in the sky one great red cross on a day of blue sky without clouds. This cross will be seen by everyone: Christians, pagans, atheists, etc., as well as all the prepared ones (understand for prepared ones not only the Christians, because there are people who have never heard the Gospel, but also for those who have the voice of God in the sanctuary of their consciences) who will be guided by God in the way of Christ. They will receive grace to interpret the significance of the cross.

The Impending Signs

Increasing violent disturbances on land at sea and in the air: earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, windstorms, cloudbursts, breaking of dams, overflowing of streams and seas, huge tidal waves, floods, unusual 'accidents' taking many lives, famines, epidemics, destruction, destitution, failure of crops, water and crops will change, becoming more 'polluted' and less nourishing.

Revolutions, downfall of government, dissensions, wars, confusion in high places, lack of respect for authority, treachery, corruption, brutalities, atrocities.

Breakdown of Family Life, Immorality, Adultery, Infidelity, Promiscuity, Perversion and Violence of Youth, Disobedience, Lack of Values, Indecent Nakedness of Dress, Countless Sins and Iniquities, People concerned only with Eating, Drinking, Dancing, and Pleasures.

Lack of Charity, Heartlessness, Indifference and Lack of Concern for our Neighbor, people Turning Against each other, even in the Bosom of their Family, people Proud in own Knowledge and turning away from God.

Just glance at the daily newspapers to see clearly the above impending signs.

The Immediate Signs

The night will be bitterly cold, the wind will bowl and roar, then will come lightening, thunderbolts, earthquakes, the stars and heavenly bodies will be disturbed and restless. There will be NO light, but TOTAL BLACKNESS, utter dark will envelop the entire earth. This will come suddenly like a flash!

Not a single Demon will be left in Hell, hell will be emptied and every evil spirit will be released to roam over the earth and do all possible harm to souls. The evil ones will appear in the most frightening forms and will fill the air with pestilence and poisonous gases, there will be 'terrifying apparitions'. Many will die from fear and despair, the wicked people will behold the Divine Heart of Our Lord.

'My angels, who are to be the executioners of this work stand ready with pointed swords and they will take special care to annihilate all those who mock Me and would not believe in My revelations.'

Hurricanes of fires will rain forth from Heaven and spread over all the earth, fear will seize mortals at the sight of these clouds of fire, and great will be their cries of lamentation, many godless will burn in the open fields like withered grass. God's wrath will be poured out upon the whole world, the 'chastisement' will be terrible, such as never before, and will afflict the entire earth.

Satan will triumph in these awful days, and hell will appear to have gained possession of the world, but God will reclaim it, for even this chastisement is an act of God's mercy. He tells us not to pray against it, as it must come, but pray to save yourself and as many others as possible, and pray that these days may be shortened.

The Cross in the Sky

As late as 1965, the three days of darkness was spoken of again in a holy person in Europe:

'The Divine fire and the fire of Hell will arrive and last during the days of darkness indicated by all the saints. My luminous cross will appear in the sky, it will be the sign that the final events are close, and will remind all of My terrible passion, so that they will have time to reflect, for I shall not punish the world without previous announcement. All will have time to comprehend the significance of that cross in the sky, and everyone shall see it. All will know, even those who 'reject' it, that this My cross will be the sign that a Redeemer came once to bring salvation and pardon. My cross will be honored as never before.

What To Do For Protection During the Three Days

As soon as you perceive the disturbed signs of the very cold night: Go inside, shut and lock all doors and windows, pull down the shades, keep doors and windows well covered, go and stay away from doors and windows. Do not look out, do not go outside for any reason, and do not talk to anyone outside. ANYONE WHO LOOKS OR GOES OUT WILL DIE IMMEDIATELY! The wrath of God is holy and He does not want us to see it.

*Light your blessed candles -- All will be black, and the only thing which will give light will be blessed wax candles: even these will not burn in the houses of the godless and scoffers. Once lit, nothing will put them out in the houses of the believers. Be sure to keep a supply of blessed wax candles in your homes

*Keep on hand -- a sufficient supply of food, water, and blankets for those of your household and any visitors. Do not count on any utilities.

*Take care of your animals by -- leaving enough food and water outside for them to last these days. God will preserve the property of the elect, including their animals. It is assumed that house pets may be kept inside. Animals which have been petted or cared for by a blessed person receive a certain protection.


These days of darkness have already been postponed by the increased prayers and the sacrifices of good people and through the intercession of our Blessed Mother. They may still be delayed, but in order to realize the merciful plan of God this world must be purified of its sin. It is predicted that these Three Days of Darkness will come and No one will escape the terror of these days.

'I will find them all.'

The Aftermath

After the three days of chastisement are over, there will be no ungodly persons left, the godless will be annihilated. Seventy-five percent of humanity will be destroyed, more men than women. Everyone left on earth will believe in God with all their hearts. The devastation will be astonishingly great, but the earth will be purified. The spiritual fervor of the early Christians will return, but there will be so few men left on earth. When all seems lost, then in a twinkling all will be saved, the sun will shine again and it will be as springtime, all fair and beautiful. The Holy Angels will descend from Heaven and spread the spirit of peace over the earth, and the just will be able to start life anew.

Some nations will disappear entirely and the face of the earth will be changed. There will be no more big business, huge factories and assembly lines which will sap men's souls and moralities. People will return to the land.

Pray well, so that your prayers may reach Heaven. Soon a more terrible catastrophe shall come upon the entire world, such as has never been witnessed before, a terrible chastisement never before experienced!

'How unconcerned men are regarding these things which shall so soon come upon them, contrary to all expectations. How indifferent they are in preparing themselves for these unheard-of events, through which they will have to pass so shortly!

'The weight of the Divine balance has reached the earth! The wrath of My Father shall be poured out over the entire world! I am again warning the world through your instrumentality, as I have so often done heretofore.

'The sins of men have multiplied beyond measure: Irreverence in church, sinful pride committed in sham religious activities, lack of true brotherly love, indecency in dress ... The world is filled with Iniquity.

'This catastrophe shall come upon the earth like a flash of lightning at which moment the light of the morning sun shall be replaced by black darkness! No one shall leave the house or look out of a window from that moment on. I Myself shall come amidst thunder and lightning. The wicked shall behold My Divine Heart. There shall be great confusion because of this utter darkness in which the entire earth shall be enveloped, and many, many shall die from fear and despair.

'Those who shall fight for My cause shall receive grace form My Divine Heart; and the cry, 'WHO IS LIKE UNTO GOD!' shall serve as a means of protection to many. However, may shall burn in the open fields like withered grass! The Godless shall be annihilated, so that afterwards the Just shall be able to start afresh.


The full text of what you just read can be found at

[BG:] As I've stated previously, do not be put off by the "religious" tone of the message. After all, this was 1950. I humbly submit that if we ignore a message simply because it comes from someone whose "beliefs" we do not agree with, we Risk much. Read with your Heart and you will reach Understanding.

All Love

~~ G

18 April 2009

Update re: "Three Days" and Evacuation

Something just came to me.

The Three Days of Darkness/Light and the Evacuation are not sequential events. Logic is telling me that if one happens, the other won't. Here's what I mean:


Evacuation will only take place if the Galactic Brotherhood has to step in to remove Souls from this planet. Due to the Law of Free Will, this action will only be allowed if Mankind threatens or activates some sort of Mass Extinction of Humanity. The threat of nuclear war was once an example of such an Action. However, some time ago, an agreement was reached among the Brotherhood, with permission from Source, that any attempts by Man to ignite yet another full-scale, unrestrained nuclear war will be stopped.

This does not qualify as interference because a handful of Evil Beings cannot and will not be allowed to threaten the Evolution of Humanity, the Earth, the Solar System and the Galaxy. Remember Hydrogen is one of the building blocks of Life. A large percentage of the Sun is Hydrogen. When Man "splits the atom" to release the Power that holds it together, he has no idea of how far-reaching the effects are.

The only other human-caused Mass Extinction Event that I can think of is Biological in nature. I don't know if our Brothers would step in over such an event, but I would believe that it qualifies as an abridgement of Free Development and Evolution of the Many by the Few.

Earth Changes and How They Relate to Evacuation

The Earth is preparing herself for Re-birth in a Higher Dimension. This is the reason that there are more earthquakes, hurricanes, natural disasters, etc. happening during this era. The Earth is in the process of shedding the Negative Energy that countless races of Man have deposited with her over hundreds of thousands of years. Out of her Love for us, the Earth is trying to space out these natural occurences, attempting to minimize as much as possible the harm that could come to Humans.

Try to look at it as Earth being "in labor". She is trying to control her "contractions", but once "the water breaks" the baby's comin'! So, if the Earth can no longer hold off her Cleansing Process, at that point our Galactic Brothers will begin their assignment to Evacuate.

We now have examples of the kinds of Conditions that would trigger Evacuation. If none of these come to pass, if there is no Evacuation, then another scenario comes into play.

The Three Days of Darkness or Light

There is a huge mass of Light Energy approaching this Planet that will assist both the Planet and all qualified Humans to advance to a Higher Dimension. This Mass of Light Energy is known as The Photon Belt or The Manasic Ring. This Belt will eventually engulf the entire Solar System. Anything in the Solar System whose vibrations are high enough to "mesh" with the Energy of this Belt, will experience a "rise in Consciousness". If the Sun enters this Belt first, we will have three days of Darkness here on Earth. If the Earth enters the Belt first, we will have three days of Light.

We can't predict which will happen. It all depends on where these celestial bodies are when they first enter the "Null Zone" of the Belt. In the past, I've stated that those whose Vibrations are high enough will be removed from this Earth, the rest would be left behind. After recent consideration and meditation, I realize that I may have had this completely backwards.

The Meaning of "Left Behind"

I've always thought that Biblical prophecy "one will be taken, the other will be left" was a bad thing for the person who got "left". I'm now beginining to Realize that those who are "left behind", those who survive The Chastisement (The Three Days of Darkness or Light) are the ones who will Inherit a New Earth. The Three Days are not a Punishment, but a Cleansing. Those who are Ready and Willing to live by God's Laws will be Spared. All others will meet their Demise.

This is why the Instructions call for Man, during those times, to "close all windows and doors" and to not look out. For Hell will be Unleashed on Earth and Battle will have been joined with the Hosts of Heaven. A Cleansing will be taking place. All those who are of God, of Love, of Peace and of Service will be saved if they follow the instructions that are being given to them.

I have come across a revelation from the 1950's that warns of these events and gives explicit instructions on what we are to do when the "Three Days" fall upon us. Mercifully, it states that we will be warned. I plan to share it with you all by posting excerpts and a link to this message in my next post.


To conclude, Evacuation will only occur under certain specific conditions. If Evacuation does not occur, Earth will be cleansed via The Chastisement - its entry into the Photon Belt and the ensuing Three Days of Darkness or Light.

This is a fluid situation. We are trying to piece together a very big puzzle. The more I think about these things, the more I research, the more I meditate, the more that is revealed. I am not afraid to say that I may be mistaken, because the ultimate goal is TO GET IT RIGHT. This is a Situation where I have decided to modify my position on some critical issues and to make those modifications known to you.

You don't have to believe a single word of anything that I write -- today. Just Remember what you've read here -- for when the Time comes.

That's why you were led here. For Information and Instruction.

Love to All. Be Prepared. Fear Nothing.

~~ G

16 April 2009

Re: Evacuation and Matching Vibrations

More from ORTHON, dictated on August 14th, 1969. You may have to read it more than once (I know that I had to!). But, I promise you that it will make sense.

My comments will follow.


The Power of our Force Fields

In order to give to you an understanding about what will come, I will talk to you about the Spirit and the Power which is manifested in the Body, so that an understanding of what is ahead of you can begin to take form in your consciousness.

Spirit is Power. Light is Power. Power is Spirit, and Power is Light. Between the cells of the human body lie force fields (not "empty space"). They are force fields, analogous to the force fields in the Cosmos. The very same way the Cosmos is built up, you are built up yourselves.

The force fields in the Cosmos create the rotation (spiraling), and at the same time the rotation creates the force fields. This is the structure of the Power of a Galaxy.

The Galaxies rotate the same way, creating force fields between the Galaxies. Again, you must understand that the Power causes the Rotation, and that the Rotation increases the Power. Man lives in accordance with that Galaxy to which the earth belongs in its rotation (the Milky Way). The cells in Man are built up after a pattern equal to the Power in his Galaxy.

The Spiritual Power increases the power in the force field. Then you have (a) the power manifested in yourself through the power from the Cosmos, paired with (b) the spiritual power from within yourself. The Person, in whom the Power is increased in the form of Spirit, increases the Power in himself in such a way that the Power one possesses in himself will be raised to a higher level.

I told you, and I taught you that the Galaxy raises itself because of Power. Man raises himself in the same way because of Spirit. These two things are closely connected with one another. Also I taught you that this is the cause of the effect of the mutation of man.

Now a spiritual school is given (ie. a spiritual change in a person), which will cause an increase in One's spiritual power above Man's current Power, which is analogous with that increase in Power that is taking place in the (Milky Way) Galaxy. You are then making a "jump" in another way from the general jump, because of Spirit and Power, because of the mutation, and I therefore said to you that you would not be considered as ordinary human beings of this earth - nor after the mutation took place, because the force field you will manifest will be different than the force fields which will be the general case on earth.

Raising our Power to match the Evacuation Ships

The spaceship manifests a power, which lies at another level than the power manifested on this earth in its rotation. The molecular structure of the spaceship is other than the general molecular structure on earth. When I am talking about the general molecular structure on earth, it is not the earth's core I am talking about, but the shell which rotates around the earth's core. Because of the force field, the power of the spaceship, represented by the molecule, is then other than the power represented by this earth.

At the same time, the Spiritual Power that has manifested the spaceship, because of Knowledge, is another kind of Power. The force field of the spaceship is then far different from that of earth. Therefore, nothing of the earth as such can be taken up in a spaceship, without a change taking place in the force field of the Body. The force fields must be in accordance with one another. The man who is in conformity with himself in the form of Truth in life will have a Power in the force field, which is in agreement with the Power of the spaceship in Spirit, but at the same time in agreement with the Power of the spaceship in Matter - because spirit and matter cannot be separated.

Therefore the increase of Power that will take place at the meeting with a spaceship will work in such a way that you can feel it in your own force field, and by this the cells will be influenced. The limit between the meeting of two force fields is finely-drawn, for if the force field of the spaceship is of such a magnitude that the force field of man is so greatly increased that the human matter, because of unaccustomed dependence, cannot stand the increase in Power of the force fields, the human cells will die because of the cells repelling one another, and the body will decompose into dust.

On the other hand, if the force field of the body is in agreement with the force field of the spaceship and with the spirit of the spaceship, then the increase in Power influencing your force field will be of such a character that the structure of the cells will not decompose, but will refine through renewed power, and that matter will then rise because of Power and Spirit. Then you are in agreement with that kind of matter that is represented by the spaceship, and the unease will disappear from your body.

Therefore I said to you, go confidently and intrepidly into the spaceship, because for you it will be like going into an electrical current - know this, and know that the Power you will then receive is of such a character that your body will change.


As you can see, in order to "make this boat" it is imperative that we lift ourselves both SPIRITUALLY and PHYSICALLY. The Beams will attempt to lift all who Step into them, but if your Body and Spirit cannot match the vibratory level of the Ship's Beam, you will Transition naturally. You will then, at the proper time, reincarnate on another planet suitable to your rate of Vibration, where you will resume your Evolution.

-- We have to earnestly begin to Think Right, by purifying our Thoughts as much as we possibly can.

-- We also have to begin in earnest to Live Right, by taking Meat out of our diets, eating fruits and vegetables as close to raw as possible, drinking PLENTY of water and Exercising the Body.

-- We have to forego Vibration-lowering Vices such as Alcohol, Cigarettes and, of course Drugs.

-- We have to also cease indulgence in Sexual Activities designed solely for Gratification of Self, using others as Objects for our physical pleasure (here, I am not including Loving Exchanges between Committed and Caring Couples).

Many will read these words then Moan and Grumble, "Man, I can't do that!" or "You're taking all of the FUN out of life!".

Then you don't want to go. Which is fine. There's a few hundred thousand more years of "fun" waiting for you in another Galaxy, possibly in another Universe. Cheers.

All others, hear me Clearly -- anyone who wishes to ascend with the Earth must Understand that none of this "fun" stuff is going to be available in the Higher Dimensions. There are no Animals being slaughtered for Meat. There are no dizzying Alcoholic beverages, mind-numbing Narcotics, stimulating Pornography, etc. So, the idea is to wean yourself off of that stuff now and in the process, raise your Vibration - the Power of your Force Field - to a level that is compatible with the Dimension you wish to continue your Evolution in.

No one's going to Force anyone to do anything. The Final Decision as always, will be YOURS. Your Ultimate Destination will be the product of the Decisions that YOU have made.

Each Will Have Their Own Result.

All Love,

~~ G

15 April 2009

Tribulation: What About The Children?

For those who may have asked this Question:

Universal Link - Borup - transmitted Christmas 1967


Well, if you had listened, and if you had understood your schooling you could have answered this question easily yourself. And besides, if a couple of parents ask about their children, you haven't got a chance of answering them, not one! But ... I have explained that the children belong to God, and I have drawn your attention to the fact that children are something that has been granted you as a loan. It is something you have been given as a task - to help and guide in life. But life as such, the life of the child, does not "belong" to the parents and never will; it belongs to God!

And let me tell you in plain words once more, since you seem to have forgotten: We cannot show consideration for you more than for some little Chinese - certainly not. And when people ask such questions - they haven't grasped anything at all themselves. To us, life looks quite different than to Man, and there is only one thing for you to answer in the situation we are now talking about:

"We have no influence on what is going to happen, - everything is in the Father's hands. He - and He alone - is the Originator of Life, and Life belongs to Him. What is to happen to somebody's children is up to Him, not to us. We have been given a Message to Mankind which we are now passing on, but we cannot promise anything to anybody. It is the individual life that is now in the Father's hand. That is how it is."

Your concerns are completely unnecessary - and especially after all I have taught you. What you have been given by us should by now have brought you to full understanding; but let me be long-suffering once again with you. You know I am always, and I will always help you - and you know that ! But, please, do understand the over all picture:

Man will soon find himself in a situation where many people will wish they could die quickly; remember this and don't forget it! Lots and lots of people will find themselves in a situation where they ask: Might death come to me and free me, free me out of my troubles and sufferings. This will be true of men, women and children alike, and it will be a question of millions and millions of them; This is one side of the matter. And now, let us have the Understanding spring forth:

You know that help is on its way. You know that millions and millions of people will come up into space ships, placed at the disposal of Man, where everything has been planned, where everything has been carefully prepared to receive them. Those who are taken up, and who have been mutilated or maltreated because of other people's misunderstandings towards them will be given help immediately; and it will be a help that is effective and 1oo per cent.

The others will die. That is something you have tried so often yourselves. You know they will soon be incarnated somewhere else. They will have forgotten everything: this is true of children as well as grown-ups. They will live a new life in another place. You will know, they will not know what has happened to you; that is the difference between them and you. They will live a new life. Their memory of what has happened will be gone. They suffer no longer. In that way. But they will again be living a life where Delusion still exists, because they have asked for it themselves!

They who survive, who may not have got their friends or relatives or even children, or children not their parents any longer, will know where those who were dear to them are now, and what is the situation. And when they have got this understanding they will have no sorrow; for at the same time they will have the understanding that life is something personal, something absolutely personal. And I have taught you, you just cannot go about binding yourselves to one another. It cannot be done and, in particular, not spiritually; for then you will get nowhere!

They have lived by the flock, they have howled by the flock and they have killed by the flock, because they were not independent, not independently would follow their own ways. They who have done so on this Earth have always had trouble, have always suffered have always been disliked because they deviated from the norm.

Others have taken gross advantage of this principle and for their own benefit. Although they were negative they had found out, nevertheless, it was an advantage to stand alone. And they totally disregarded their fellow men. They represent the opposite pole; and they are the ones who will start up what is now at hand.

Your understanding of this fact must be absolutely perfect by now, and therefore you cannot have any concern and should not have any concerns. You should know and you do know there is a God, and you know that Life belongs to God. And when these facts are firmly established in your consciousness, you will have no concerns about any man, not one!

Nobody feel pity for anybody, really. Only a very few will realize what is actually going on. Therefore will happen to the Earth what is now about to happen. This is one of the reasons. Therefore, when people ask, you can quietly tell them - that God governs life, and because life has been abused it will now be taken from large parts of mankind, simply.


We must ease our Concerns for our Loved Ones. All will be placed at the Level suited to their Evolution. As I repeatedly state, There Is No Death.

All Will be Well.

~~ G

14 April 2009

A SIGN Will Be Given

The following was written in 1969.


We have come to a point in time where we can say that the time left for man in his present state of mind is short. There is only a very short distance to walk before man, mentally, will arrive at the uttermost limit. Today men live - all over the world - in such a way that men are tied to one another, by economical systems, by dogmas and empty phrases, so that a sound mind is influenced in such a way that it is suffering. Therefore mankind is suffering, and therefore a cry with God is continually heard from mankind, and this cry will resound with the rest of the entire humanity. This cry will suddenly stop because of the things which will be manifested by the negative minds.

A Sign will be given to Man so that no doubt will be possible concerning these energies, which are beyond human intelligence, the existence of these energies, or the nature of these energies.

When these energies become visible to all mankind, and you become aware of the existence of these energies, the mind that manifests itself with arrogance will be filled with apprehension, because it will then be having a guilty conscience. That mind will then behave like an irritated beast of prey, and will turn against this manifestation in such a way that it will consider it a negative thing, because that mind won't be able to think otherwise than in destructive ways.

Others will consider The Sign otherwise, so that the mind that walks in the opposite principle than what is general for the common earthly principle, will rejoice, because it will feel that Justice does exist, and that the egoism hitherto endured through economical systems, through dogmas, and through phrases, will become such that this Sign will cheer and encourage, because The Sign will show that an alternative to the systems mankind has suffered from so badly does exist.

The tensions on earth will increase, and during the tensions which will then arise, the chaotic conditions I taught about will happen.

Do not let chaos take residence in your minds because of the chaos manifested from the outside, but leave chaos outside yourself. Rest in your own Consciousness, in your own Mind, so that you are not influenced from the outside, but only register what comes in, and then walk on rapidly with your own Consciousness, with your own Mind, knowing that The Sign you will see in the sky is put there for the sake of those that hunger for Justice.

Dictated by ORTHON, July 24th, 1969

[End Quoting]

Remember These Words.

All Love,

~~ G

Hear God Speak

When the Lights are Out.
When Your Eyes are Closed.
When Your Body is Still.
When Your Mind is Quiet.

Listen for the Silence.

Hear God Speak.

~~ G

11 April 2009

Thoughts Are THINGS. They "Go" Somewhere...

Where do our Thoughts "come from"? Where do they "go" when we're done with them?

Air. We breathe it, we feel it. We can't see it, but we know it's there. We can observe its effects.

Electricity. We can definitely feel it. We can't see it, but we know it's there. We can observe its effects.

Thoughts. We can't see them, but we know they are there. If we are AWARE of them, then we can be certain that Thoughts EXIST. Thoughts exist just like Air, or Electricity, or any other tangible physical Element of our Physical Reality.

Air (Oxygen) doesn't "disappear". It moves and re-circulates all over the World. It mates with other Elements to form Fire, or Water, or Gases Beneficial and Harmful. But it remains a part of our Reality, ready for Us to utilize when we are Ready.

Electricity doesn't "disappear" after it has done its job of powering our engines and motors. Electricity (and Magnetism) are Energies that are of the Cosmos. They can never be Erased, Depleted or Destroyed. These Energies remain present within our Reality and are ALWAYS available for our use, once we find a way to tap into Them.

Thoughts do not "disappear" once we "think" them. Thoughts are physical. Although not constructed of gross physical matter like our bodies, they are wrapped in a finer, subtler Matter. Just because we can't "see" our Thoughts does not make them any less Real. The following is a small window into the dynamics of Thought:

"Thought Is The Horse That Draws The Cart".

Before we "do" anything, we must manifest a Desire to "do" it. Once we manifest a "desire", we convert that Desire into a Thought-form. Thought-forms are everywhere. They surround us unseen. To convert a Desire into a Thought-form which can be trasnmitted to our Physical Brain, we must match that Desire with a Thought-form of similar vibration. A Positive Desire will attract a Positive Thought-Form. A Negative Desire will attract a Negative Thought-form.

Once the Desire is mated to a Thought-form of similar vibration, that Thought-form is ready for use by the Physical Human Brain. The Brain picks up the Thought-form - AS IT HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO DO - and the Human takes Positive or Negative action based on the Thought-form. All of this takes place in billionths of a micro-second.

The Aftermath

So, what happens to the Thought-Form AFTER it has served its purpose? It is released by the Physical Brain , which is busy preparing to process countless more Incoming Thought-forms. It returns to the "Unseen Reservoir of Thought-Forms", you could call it. It won't have your name on it. It won't say "This is BrotherGee's used Negative Thought-Form ---". It will just remain AVAILABLE, with all of its Negative or Positive Vibrational Energy. It will simply wait for the next Human Desire of similar Vibration to connect with it. It does not "die", it does not "disappear".

Thoughts are Things! They GO somewhere!

This means that every Thought that we have ever had is returned to a common "Thought Pool" and made available for all other Humans to utilize. After centuries of War, Bloodlust, Greed and Covetousness, the Earth's Spiritual Body is colored and polluted by Mankind's Collective Negative Thinking. Yes, there is Positive mixed in there as well, but I think that we will all agree that historically, Mankind's Thoughts have been of a Negative nature. Our Earth has been made "sick" by this.

There are Implications for Humanity as well. These Negative Thought-forms group together and collect, creating powerful "areas of negativity" over entire families, communities or even nations. The Attraction is a two-way street as Humans can also be ATTRACTED TO NEGATIVE THINKING IF THEY LIVE IN AN AREA WHERE NEGATIVE THOUGHT-FORMS PREDOMINATE.

Think "Middle East", and then take it from there.

"Man, Control Thy Thoughts"

No truer Words were ever spoken. Man's greatest enemy is His MIND. Poor Choice of Thought and poor Utilization of Desire combine to provide Man with only the most Negative of Thought-forms to choose from. Since One's Thoughts become One's Actions, the product of Negative Thinking will always be Negative Action.

We have to learn to CONTROL the Thoughts that we have. We must exercise this Control EVERY MINUTE of EVERY DAY. Because not only do we have to defend against Wrong Desires on our part, we have to defend against accidently "picking up on" the Negative Thought-forms that are "floating" all around us. If we can learn to Consciously think and Act Positively every minute of every day then the Negative Thought-forms can eventually be overwhelmed and even transmuted by the Positive Thought-forms.

Look, I know that you may have to read this twice, but it's important that we understand this Concept. Because this is Something that each of us can Individually work on and make happen. The problem is that many of us are used to thinking negatively. Some of us sub-consciously like negative energy. It will be difficult for these ones to change, but not impossible. For the rest, we should regard it as an experiment. "How many positive Thoughts can I have in a day, regardless of the Situation?". "How many times can I reject the Negative Thought-form that creeps into my mind when I read a newspaper, or watch a television program, etc.?"

I'm telling you, there is so much more to our Existence than we know. Although a lot of it is going on in subtle ways currently Beneath or Above our notice, we can still discover these Secrets and learn to use them for the Benefit and Advantage of Ourselves and all Mankind.

Constantly Monitor Your Thoughts.

Choose Carefully What You Desire.

Thoughts Are Things. Be Sure That your Discarded Thought-forms are Positive Ones which can be Re-Cycled to the Benefit of All Humanity.

All Love,

~~ G

10 April 2009


I usually don't recommend motion pictures. I'm not a big movie fan. I recognize that they are devices of mind- and emotion-control. However, every once in a while, a movie will come along that has something to offer Mankind. "The Matrix" (the first and the original) was one such movie. I feel that the motion picture "Knowing", starring the American actor Nicholas Cage, carries a subtle message for those who are Aware of what is facing Mankind at this time.

Although they take certain liberties in the interest of the Fantastic and the Fearful, if one is attentive, one will clearly see the message that is being presented to Us.

Get a Ticket. Buy It. Rent It. Whatever. Just see it, if you can.

That's all I'm going to say.

Love, guys.

~~ G

09 April 2009

We Have A Choice To Make

Let's take a look around us. Let's take a look at the World that we have made.

Violence against Man and Animal is OK.
Sexual experimentation of any kind is OK. Just don't get caught.
Drugs and Alcohol Abuse is OK. Just don't get caught.
Money and Power are the "Ideals" Man must strive for.
Fame is a close Third.
Abandoning Your Family is OK.
Filth on Public Television, in Motion Pictures and in Recorded Music is OK.
Corruption by Public Servants and Private Industry is OK. Just don't get caught.
Dropping out of school is OK. Just Sell Drugs.
Totally believe the mainstream media. Ignorance is OK.

That's only a Sample of the World that we have made for ourselves. I'm sure that you can think up some more on your own. Now, let's take look at the World as it Should be:

Follow Creator's Laws, Love One Another, Live Lives of Cooperation, Compassion and Caring.

Whoaaa, in this World, that is NOT OK. That's "lame", "weak", etc.

We have a Choice to make. Do we want to "fit in"? Or do we want to Ascend to our next level of Evolution? The temptations are powerful, it is difficult for us to resist them. That is the Testing. That is the meaning of "The Sorting and the Choosing". Those who Qualify for Transformation and Graduation to The New Earth will be the ones who pass these Tests. Yes, the "lame" and "weak" ones will inherit a New Earth. The "cool kids" will be left behind, and it will have been their Choice.

The "Cool Kids", those who "lived for the moment", "lived for Self", took what they wanted and grabbed their fifteen minutes with gusto will be emotionally crushed during The Final Moments, when they will finally realize what this was truly all about, and how they squandered their many Opportunities to Change.

Those of you who are on The Path, stay on it. Those of you who have yet to change their Lives, keep trying. Don't try to "fit in". In a very short while, you are going to wish that you had never joined that club.

Something Great is going to happen in our Lifetime. You wanna be on board when it does.

All Love,

~~ G

05 April 2009

Temptation. Failure. Determination. Victory.

All of us have Habits, Thoughts or Behaviors that harm ourselves and/or others. All of us want to get rid of these Habits, Thoughts or Behaviors. We try, we fail, we try, we fail. We give up and give in to living under the Bondage of these Habits, Thoughs and Behaviors.

If there is one thing that I would like you to take away from viewing this blog is the forgotten and suppressed FACT that WE WILL DO ANYTHING WE DESIRE TO DO. The key words in that sentence are Will and Desire. You can Desire something, but without the Will to accompany that Desire, whatever it is that you wish to bring to life will simply remain a "want". On the other hand, you can have the Will to do something, but if you don't truly Desire that Object, you will be driven to obtain Something you never really wanted and cannot benefit from.

When Will and Desire are united towards one focused Goal, you will then have the ingredients necessary to accomplish whatever it is you wish. Simplistic nonsense, you say? Well...simple? Yes. Nonsense? No. We have to stop selling ourselves short. We have to stop thinking that we are weak and helpless failures. We are not. WE stop ourselves! WE fail to believe in ourselves! WE give up on ourselves! WE have to overcome these self-imposed Limitiations.


Every day we are tempted to do things that, in our Deepest Heart, we know that we should not do. Everyday we are confronted with that Moment of Choice, and more often than not, we choose the Habit, Thought or Behavior that is most familiar and comforting to us. For example:

A man is an alcoholic. He knows that this Behavior is not good for him. He knows it because he can Feel his Body telling him this. Every day, he drinks, falls asleep and wakes up feeling lousy. In the throes of his lousiness, he then vows that he will never drink again. Hours pass, night falls, and our friend finds himself once again in front of a bottle. Why? Why?


Each of us have built-in weaknesses. These weaknesses were designed by us to protect us from certain aspects of this physical "Reality". Unfortunately, these weaknesses can reult in harm to ourselves and others. Until we learn to HONESTLY confront our Weaknesses and the Habits, Thoughts and Behaviors they spawn, we will go through this Physical Illusion being led by the Illusions of Wrong Thinking.


So, our alcoholic brother fails. And fails. And fails again. He drinks even though he knows that he doesn't want to. All the while, deep within him, he KNOWS that he wants to Stop. He has a DESIRE that is not being matched with a corresponding WILL. This mix can lead to repeated failure, which can lead to Frustration and Surrender, unless our friend holds tightly to the following:


Don't Give Up. He, you and I must NEVER give up. There's an old auto racing phrase, something to the effect of "If you're about to crash, and you see a wall ahead, keep driving. Keep driving until you hit the wall.". What this means is that we shouldn't quit. That until it's over, it's not over. We may find our way out of situations even if it takes us up to the very last minute. But if we quit, we'll never succeed.


I'm here to tell you that I've had my share of Negative Habits, Thoughts and Behaviors. I''ve gotten rid of most of them, I'm still working on a couple. Do you know how I did it?


When I failed, I didn't give up on myself. Our Habits, Thoughts and Behaviors took many years to Build. Depending on our level of Determination, it may take us as long to get rid of them. "Failure" is part of that process. Whether we Succeed or not depends on how we View our Failures.

So, whether it's Liquor, or Sex, or Food, or Drugs, or Violence, or Domination, or Self-Hate, or Animosity towards others, remember that THESE ARE NOT THINGS OF THE SPIRIT/SOUL. THESE ARE HUMAN BEHAVIORS THAT WE ADOPTED FOR OUR LEARNING EXPERIENCE. When the Time comes that you are ready to End these Behaviors, it is a Sign that your Spirit/Soul has learned all that it can from these Behaviors and is ready to Release them.

That Message must be transmitted from our SPIRITUAL MIND to our PHYSICAL BRAIN. This is where we have the problem of following through on our Desires. Therefore, listen closely to your Spiritual Self. Hear the Voice of the Silence. Listen to "the real you" and continue to Try.



All Love,

~~ G

03 April 2009

Kindness DOES NOT Equal Weakness

I often come across Brothers and Sisters who will scorn and poke fun when I mention that Love and Compassion are the Qualities all of us need to develop and exhibit if we are to raise our Soul Vibrations to a level high enough to earn our Way to a New Earth and a new future. They will insult me, denigrate me and ridicule me in the manner that all Bullies tend to do. Remember, a bully is really a scared and frightened individual trying to control their Environment in the only way they know how...by Force.

I do not feel Pity or Sorrow for these People. I simply Love and Understand them. A couple of decades ago, they would have had a willing opponent in battle, but I grew up and away from Confrontation and towards Acceptance and Understanding. They are where I used to be and so I realize that someday, they will be where I, and others like me, are today.


Someone once asked me, "why should I allow others to 'get over' on me? That would make me a punk, right? *sigh* There's that "make me" thing again. You're only a "punk" if YOU feel you are a "punk". In all Truth and Actuality, it takes INFINITELY MORE STRENGTH to walk away from a confrontation with someone else than it does to engage in battle with that person.

Think about it. Someone calls your Mother everything but a Child of God. You see red, your fists ball up and RETRIBUTION is the only thing on your mind. You swing! A fight ensues. You may "lose", you may "win", you may end up dead or in jail, but by golly, you will have "defended your honor", right? Right? How ridiculous and childish. To react in this fashion shows a weakness of Character that will only contribute to whatever feelings of low Self-Worth a person may already be feeling. Not to mention the additional karmic burden one will unknowingly accumulate.


Let's say the same thing happens and instead of trying to punch the Offender's lights out, you take a breath, bite your lip, say a prayer...whatever it takes, and walk away from the confrontation. Or you can do what I've done MANY times when confronted with similar situations. I respond by simply telling the person "you're entitled to your opinion", and then I discontinue the encounter. Saves everyone a load of Negativity and DRIVES YOUR OPPONENT CRAZY!!! It's like they're swinging at air, 'cause like Ali, you're not there! *smile*

Inside, you may be Boiling. You may be Livid, but you must Control and Transmute those Negative Emotions into something Positive. You may want to feel as if you've been "punked" but you haven't. Why? Because you've defeated the toughest Opponent you'll ever face.


When you are IN CHARGE of how you Feel and How you React, you are on your way to becoming MORE than Human. You are on your way to Transformation.

Force is Cowardice.

The Strong are the Weak.

The Gentle Are the Strong.

Love to All,


02 April 2009

Religion vs. Just Doing The Right Thing

I've said this before and I'll say it again.

Organized Religion is a Racket designed to keep Us Enslaved and Ignorant.

We don't need to spend every seventh day listening to some charlatan "explain" the nuances of some "holy doctrine" to Us. Although all "holy" books have been tampered with for the express purpose of misleading Us, they do also carry timelesss Truths. The average human being can figure out what these Truths are on their own. It's pretty simple, when boiled down to its essence:

Treat your fellow Human the way YOU would want to be Treated, every minute of every day.

There. Now you can sleep in on Sunday.

Live Right. Make your Life a Living Example of what it means to Treat your Brother and Sister with Love and Kindness. Then watch how dramatically your Life will change.

For then you will have connected with The Creator, The Source of All.

Love to All,

~~ G