29 April 2009

You Can (And Do) "Pick Your Parents"

I'm sure that you've heard the old saying (dripping with Helplessness and Self-Pity):

"Well, you can't pick your parents".

Thinking like this makes it easier for one to put all the blame for the sorry state of his/her life on their parents.

I'm on drugs? My parents.
I'm a prostitute? My parents.
I'm in jail? My parents, of course.

Well, it's not that easy. A person who thinks that way will find it hard to get to the Truth of, and Reason for, their Life. I'm here to tell you that you Can, and Do, "pick" your Parents.


Once again, if we do not understand and accept Reincarnation, we will find it impossible to understand what I am writing here. But I am here to tell you that everything, everything in our Lives, right down to where we live, where we work and who we associate with has been placed there for one Reason:

To Test our Reactions, our Decisions, our Actions.

Before we are born, we "contract with" other Souls for them to play certain roles in our lives. These Souls agree to do so because they are looking to grow in their own right, and "teaming up" with us at certain stages of the upcoming Incarnation affords them an opportunity to do so. One of the most critical of these "contracts" is the "parenting contract". Now, it is time for an example of how the Wisdom of Spirits plays out on the Earth plane.

Let's say that in your last Incarnation, you were a child abuser. Physical, sexual, it doesn't matter. You destroyed the childhood of one or more human souls. You don't remember being that way -- now. But that...was...you. Because of your actions, you incurred a karmic debt. This debt must be repaid. So, between lives, your Spirit/Soul, which is Compassionate yet Wise, Practical and Impartial, decides that it must clear this Karmic debt of being a Child-Abuser. Your Spirit/Soul asks another Spirit/Soul to play the role of an abusive parent/adult, so that it can Experience the Pain that it inflicted on others in a Life past and clear it's karmic debt.

Now you're born, your childhood is hell. You don't remember why this is happening and that is as it should be. Your job is not to remember, but Experience. To "walk a mile" in the shoes of one(s) you hurt so long ago. The only way for "the lesson" to work is for you to have no memory of what you did to earn this Lesson.

Some are able to overcome the tragedy and grow to learn that all humans are sacred beings who are to be Loved and Respected. Their Debt is Repaid.

Others will grow in Bitterness and Resentment and will grow to simply repeat their Crimes of Lives past. These ones will have to incur even Harsher Lessons in the future.


I could go into this in depth, but I don't want to over-do things. I think you guys get it. Whatever our parents were, or that person that did "irreparable" harm to us, should not be hated or despised. They contracted with us to do us a favor. To help us learn a Lesson or Lessons which we sorely needed to Learn. Look back on your Lives. Forgive those that Hurt you. THERE WAS A DEEPER PURPOSE FOR WHAT THEY DID TO YOU.

It was part of The Contract to help us Grow and retire our Karmic Debts. We should be Grateful that these Souls played their Roles --- and Kept Their Promise.

We are not "Victims" of the Lives we Live. We are Learning How to Love while Living. Earth is "a School".

This is How "the Lessons" Are Given.

All Love,

~~ G


Anonymous said...

Doesnt the person, the parent in this lifetime incur a debt for acting out or abusing the child even though it is a karmic debt

BrotherGee said...


Yes, they will be creating their own karma.

First, a little background. When this was written, i was not as knowledgeable about these things as i am now (or will be in the future). To that extent, this post is flawed.

For example, we do not actually "choose" our parents. All situations, placements, karmic liasons and associations are set up for us by Great Beings who reside many planes above the physical. They have been called the Lords of Destiny, for it is Their job to set up incarnations that will present the best opportunity for the balancing of any karma that a soul may have.

In the case of the parent-abuser and the child-abused, each have their own destinies to pursue and their own karma to balance. The parent-abuser will incarnate with a strong tendency towards abusive behavior, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he/she will abuse their child. They have an opportunity to master that karma and not become abusers. Sadly, many fail in this task and so, the child-abused is left in this situation to struggle with balancing their own karma. This can be done most effectively by the child-abused recognizing the harm of abuse and resolving to grow up in harmlessness to others.

Thus, one soul has continued to unbalance their karma and will have to confront that, yet again, in a subsequent life. The other soul is also given an opportunity to dissolve a certain portion of their karma, if they can learn to recognize what is being shown them.

Karma and Rebirth are vast and complex subjects because of the innumerable combinations that can take place. Even with all of the Wisdom that the Lords of Destiny possess, because man always has the option of CHOICE, it is never really known how a situation is going to develop once souls are incarnate. What we do know is that all is arranged for the development of man, not for his suffering. Suffering occurs because of man's refusal to live in accordance with Divine Laws.

Thanks for a very good question.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Txs for the reply. I recently came across your site and found it interesting. I just googled about the concept of common thought pool and of thoughts as things and came across your posts. Very informative.

Anonymous said...

Txs for the reply. I recently came across your site and found it interesting. I just googled about the concept of common thought pool and of thoughts as things and came across your posts. Very informative.

Anonymous said...

Txs for the reply. I recently came across your site and found it interesting. I just googled about the concept of common thought pool and of thoughts as things and came across your posts. Very informative.