26 January 2012

The One Goal Of Humanity - Part III

Transfiguration and the Endura

"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it" Matthew 16:25


Transfiguration is a gnostic method of accomplishing the endura, which is the process of completely replacing the mortal, separative, earth-born being with the Original, Immortal, Divine Being, the true Spirit-Human Being intended by the Divine Plan of Creation.

It could be that some people cannot help feeling a senses of disappointment at this statement, because in a little corner of their minds, they still harbour the thought that, through transfiguration, they might somehow be able to preserve their own selves. This is because they put their own interpretation on the words of Jesus, The Lord, which they think mean: He who is willing to lose his life through the endura, shall keep it (through transfiguration). However, since transfiguration and the endura go hand in hand, what will be kept according to Jesus' words cannot possibly involve any aspect of the dualistic being.

Nevertheless, the endura does not mean simply being dead, as seen from the viewpoint of nature. The dualistic ego, as the personality-system's center of consciousness, may be dissolved and gone, while the candidate's old physical vehicle is still alive. Disintegration of matter, the dissolution of the personality-system, can occur later, preferably much later. For it is very useful to be able to go on using the old personality in the service of the Holy Work, to fish people out of the sea of life in the nature of death.

No, the endura is the process of calling the soul to life, and entrusting it with the guidance and governance of one's entire state of being, neither wanting nor being able to do anything else than to accept this leadership unconditionally.

In this way, the candidate becomes like Paul, for he enters the state in which he can say: 'It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me'. By saying this, the candidate does not mean that within his I-of-nature some kind of a Christ-aspect is hidden, but he is referring to the soul that has been awakened and reborn in his microcosm.

Not a single vestige of the dualistic consciousness can be preserved on this Path. Eventually, only the life of the old personality-system remains, and it is maintained for as long as is possible and necessary under the guidance of the reborn soul. This situation is reflected in the gospel story of John the Baptist and Jesus the Lord who exist for a long time as two separate beings, until the former had completed the task allotted to his personality. So we can see now that what is 'kept' is the soul, which remains eternally alive in what Lao Tzu calls 'Tao'.

But if, in Jesus' words, there is something to be 'kept', then it follows that, conversely, this something can also be lost. 'He who is willing to lose his life for My sake, shall keep it'. These words imply that if one remains unwilling to follow the Path, then the life-process will operate in reverse, in a fatal sense. Then it will be: He who wishes to keep his life (in the ordinary sense) shall lose it.

So it is possible for a microcosm to be de-natured, if, in the end, it proves unwilling to walk the path of soul-liberation. The sevenfold atom of the Lotus (the Rose of the Heart) will then be detached from the microcosm, which will be dismantled and all the components returned to their source.

So the path of the endura through transfiguration is a logical, natural, and noble path, and the only way of lifting the curse of our existence and reaching a reliable solution to the human problem.

If we stress this point it is because, throughout the ages, the path of the Gnosis has always been discredited as a very unnatural one. But following the Path to which we are called by God can never be unnatural, even though appearances may often point to the contrary.

Only think of the process of metabolism, so widely understood nowadays. It has been proven that every cell in our bodies is periodically replaced. The body's entire structure is renewed every seven years, and by the time one cycle of renewal has come to an end, another one has already begun. This metabolic process gradually slows down as we advance in our years and our vitality decreases, until sclerosis and other forms of degeneration set in. Inevitably, the time arrives when the mechanism definitely ceases to work and the metabolism reaches its inevitable end. The result is zero, absolute zero, so it goes without saying that there is no question of this kind of death ending in victory.

How different it is, though, if one fulfills the endura through transfiguration! This process, too, affects the metabolism, but then in quite a different way. Through transfiguration, all the atoms and cells of the personality-system are changed and charged with Mercury-power, the power needed to become an immortal human being. Through this metabolism, the dualistic personality gradually loses its nature-born character and the whole being is transformed. The Mercury-power is concentrated mainly in the head sanctuary, where it modifies practically all the organs of the brain, resulting in a new faculty of consciousness.

This transformation goes on unfolding with extraordinary potency until, at its peak, almost everything that typifies the dualistic self has disappeared. It has lost its hold on the microcosm. It can no longer contain itself, It has been neutralized.

At the same moment, the fiery body of the Soul-being is set free, as if driven by a mighty fire. In this way, as a result of the new process of metabolism, the pilgrim loses the distinctive aspects of his dualistic self and, at the same time, his True Self is re-born. Then, having fulfilled his task, the pilgrim can depart as a genuine Servant in a 'death' that has brought the One True Life.

And that is why we are asking you to come with us on this Path that leads upwards to certain Victory.

Transfiguration - Catharose De Pietri (1958)


23 January 2012

The One Goal Of Humanity - Part II

The Rose Of The Heart

As mentioned previously, within the dualistic, nature-born form of men and women there is a single atom composed of Divine substance. Being Divine, it contains all of the attributes of Divinity - immortality, omniscience, omnipresence, etc. Being trapped in nature, it cannot exercise any of its divine attributes until it is liberated.

This wonderful atom goes by many names: 'the divine spark', 'the spirit-spark atom', 'the Jewel in the Lotus', 'the seed-corn of Jesus', and most descriptively as 'The Rose of the Heart'. Within every beating heart, the divine atom sleeps, dormant like a rosebud. But when it is awakened, it will bloom in bright glory and its fragrance will fill the soul.

How do we awaken the Rose of the Heart? Well, we've spoken of Christine radiations. These Universal, cosmic rays penetrate every inch of the Earth and all of humanity, every second of every day. Wave after wave of these subtle, divine radiations wash over and through us all, without being acknowleged or noticed.

Remember that Like Attracts Like. Our dualistic, nature-born selves cannot and will not respond to the Christine radiations, because these rays are of an entirely different nature, they are foreign to duality. As it is written in the Holy Language:

"The Light shineth in the darkness, but the darkness knew it not" John 1:5

Only The Rose can respond to these divine radiations, as it, too, is composed of divine substance. But this response is not automatic, and here is where our part in the process becomes important.

First, we must gain insight as to our dreadful state-of-being. We must recognize that we are trapped in a snare which closes tightly around us, like a vise. We must acknowledge that we are unable to escape this snare without some effort on our part. A certain amount of seeking and 'inner knowing' is involved in order to gather this important Knowledge.

Insight as to the hopeless nature of our plight should lead us to yearning; an incredible, unquenchable desire to escape this prison of duality. When this yearning reaches a certain pitch, The Rose can finally react to the Call of the Christine radiations. It will begin to stir and shake off its eons-long sleep. In order to fan this ember into a steady flame, self-surrender must follow. We must resolve to begin the process of dismantling the "I". We must set aside the selfish, nature-born manimal that we are, in order to make room for The New Man that we wish to give birth to. Again, from the Holy Language:

"He must increase, while I must decrease" John 3:30

In conjunction with our efforts at self-surrender must also come a new attitude of life. We must cease our involvement with the attractions and spectacles of duality. We must cease to react to its multitude of sensory stimulations. We must withdraw from the position of Participant to one of Neutral Observer.  We must treat our brothers and sisters with Compassion, Love, Understanding and Respect, no matter who that brother or sister may be, for though many are sound asleep, all bear the divine seed within. All share the same struggle to be free.

We must, by the quality of our thoughts, desires and actions, by the example of our living, by a fundamental change in our attitude towards life, do the work that is necessary to rouse The Rose of the Heart to its full stature. If we are successful in doing this, a special process will begin to take place -  a transmutation of the dualistic you. This transmutation represents a process of change for the microcosm. One that will ultimately lead to a death and a rebirth: the 'death' of the old personality, the rebirth of a new Spirit-soul with a manifested new personality. This process is real and follows a certain definite sequence, the details of which we will be given to know of at the appropriate time. What is important now is that we start the process.

You see, the physical human body is a laboratory. Built into the human body are all the tools and implements needed to transfigure, to transmute the human into Something Higher. Sadly, man is not aware of the great treasure he has in the physical body. He abuses it, misuses it, foolishly mistreats it, saps its vitality trough riotous living. The majority of humans transition without ever knowing that they had everything necessary to regain Immortality.

Once we transition, it is too late. An opportunity has been missed. Without the body, transfiguration becomes almost impossible. This is why microcosms have to repeatedly return from the reflection-sphere and continue to incarnate until they have successfully accomplished this Great Work, the One Goal of Humanity.

We must begin this ancient alchemy ourselves, within our own microcosms. No gurus, no masters. No special tools required. No meditations, mantras, diets, obscure formulas or rituals. Simply an understanding of mankind's dilemma and the over-whelming commitment to permanently drop one's service-to-self orientation in favor of Service To Humanity.

New Attitude Towards Life

These are the Keys that are required to open The Rose of the Heart. All those who will, are welcome to use them to unlock the door that leads to Liberation.

~ g

21 January 2012

The Great Play - Strange Sounds World-wide

Usually don't do this, but the nature of these recent events called for this post.

Unexplained sounds are being heard all over the world. No coverage by mainstream media. The sounds range from a low, moaning noise to high-pitched, siren-like wails. Google "strange sounds all over the world" or something similar to view posted videos and hear the sounds.

These sounds are the types of manufactured atmospheric phenomena that we have been warned to be on the lookout for (see "The Sham Return OF The Christ", six posts) during the run-up to the climax of this cycle..

Keep your wits about you.

~ g

20 January 2012

The One Goal Of Humanity

The Souls of men were once divine. This means that the there was a direct connection between the Souls of men and The All. This Spirit-Soul partnership we call The Heavenly Man. In direct contact with the Will of The Logos (God), these beings worked to carry out the plans of The Logos.

One of these plans involved the development and evolution of a new, material plane of existence, the 7th Cosmic Plane - our Physical realm. Just as it was recorded in the Bible, man - not the degenerate man of today, but Heavenly Man, the Original Man - was supposed to have dominion over all creatures, subdue the earth, etc.

As long as Original Man worked in concert with the Will of the Logos, all was well. When man began to force his thinking through speculation and self-willedness, problems arose. We deviated from the Divine Plan of Evolution. We chose to involve ourselves in our creations. We "saw our reflections" and fell in love with them. As we became more deeply involved with Matter, we began to lose contact with Spirit. Spirit and Matter are opposite poles of the same substance. We serve one at the expense of the other.

Gradually, over vast ages of time, the connection with Spirit was severed. Original Man no longer manifested the Will of the Logos. We had become self-willed creatures, pursuing our separate thoughts, feelings and desires, all bent on self-maintenance.

This has become known as The Fall of Man.

Once immortal, we were now bound to a mortal existence. The only portion of us that retained its attribute of immortality was a single, tiny atom, situated in the center of the microcosm (the soul vehicle), which corresponds to the location of the physical human heart. This 'spirit-spark atom' is all that is left of our immortal heritage. We call this atom "The Rose of the Heart". Thus, our microcosms carry an immortal principle that is trapped in a mortal universe, a universe of change and death. The microcosm cannot die, because it is essentially immortal. However, it cannot truly live until it regains its immortal heritage.

This is why it was truthfully stated that "the Kingdom of Heaven lies within you", because each of us essentially carries a single, immortal atom of the Original Divine Kingdom within the upper portion of the right ventricle of the heart.

Persistent Self-willedness took this segment of the human life-wave on a downward spiral. To prevent humanity from becoming permanently lost in the Physical dimension, a plan was devised to rescue us, the Fallen. This plan is recognized as The Divine Plan of Salvation. In short, it works like this:

Original Man (that's us), is in a state of exile. We have been ship-wrecked, marooned in the lowest known Cosmic Realm. Because we have become self-focused, our selfishness and self-maintaining ways have only served to anchor us in Matter, thus crystallizing our thinking away from Spirit. Such a state-of-being leads us to commit horrible atrocities against our brother and ourselves. If we were allowed to remain in this condition indefinitely, we would ultimately destroy ourselves. One needs only to take a quick look at the world around us to see the unassailable truth of this statement.

To prevent this, another group of Original Men, those who did not fall, set forth to implement the Divine Plan of Salvation. They have been called, among other names, the Elohim. These mighty beings created a universe of physical worlds and placed our microcosms there. The mission of these microcosms was to develop a perfect personality, one that would, while on Earth, recognize the  awful dilemma that it was in and take the steps required to liberate itself from Matter so that it could re-unite with Spirit and return to the Original, Divine Kingdom (Sixth Cosmic Realm). This is accomplished through the act of transfiguration.

Transfiguration is The One Goal Of Humanity.

It is not to 'get rich', or 'become famous', or 'obtain power', or 'fall in love', or 'be happy', or 'to enjoy life' (which is really a living death), or 'to make it to heaven' (which is really not an eternal heaven at all), or 'to make the world a better place' (which cannot be done in this dualistic universe). The One Goal of Humanity, the sole purpose for our repeated incarnations is to find the Key that will get us out of here!

To prevent our microcosms from crystallizing beyond the point of salvage (due to our self-willed thoughts, desires and actions) the life-span of the personality was shortened. If a personality did not transfigure during its allotted time on the material-sphere, it was transferred to the reflection-sphere (the so-called 'heaven-worlds'), where the physical and subtle vehicles of the personality slowly disintegrated. The experiences, developments and karma of the past physical life would be stored away in the microcosm, while the personality was discarded. The microcosm would stand empty, except for the accumulated karma and the latent spirit-spark atom lying dormant in the center of the microcosm.

After a period of rest in the reflection-sphere, the microcosm would respond to the urge to incarnate once more and, through the agency of vast Cosmic Intelligences, create a new personality for that purpose. The new personality would incarnate in the material-sphere and try once again to achieve The One Goal of Humanity.

How may times have we made this journey? Hundreds of thousands of times, perhaps even millions. You are the umpteenth personality to inhabit your microcosm. You are the current composite of all the personalities that preceded you. If you are unsuccessful in your task to obtain the One Goal of Humanity, then your incarnation will terminate in failure. When you transition (i.e., 'die'), you as a personality, will eventually disintegrate as outlined above. Your microcosm will generate a fresh personality for its next sojourn on earth.

The only way to maintain your current personality is to succeed in completing The Task that your personality has been created for - you must transfigure. You must re-establish the link between Spirit and Matter. At the bare minimum, at the very least, you must earnestly begin this process. If the Link can be re-established, then the personality will not be dissolved, but will re-unite with Spirit to begin the journey Home.

How is the Link re-established? It begins with the awakening of the tiny atom that lies sleeping in our hearts, waiting for us to respond to the call of the Gnosis.

End Part 1

~ g

17 January 2012

To Point The Way

"Now is the time to make The CHOICE. Which will you choose? The Ultimate Decision is yours alone. Here, I attempt only to point the way, so that you may find the tools you will need to make this critical decision. - from this blog's profile.

To "point the way" has always been the ultimate mission of this blog. Over the past few years, this writer has attempted to do that. The over-riding concern has always been to take care to not lead anyone in the wrong direction, or on wild-goose chases. There is enough of that in the spiritual supermarket that is victimizing the seekers of the world today.

We have come to a point where a certain destination has been reached, a direction of Truth. Standing at this milestone, this writer has an obligation to point others in that direction, or else risk failure in this part of the Mission. There are Others who are waiting for you to make The Discovery. There are Others waiting for you to link up with the Gnosis, acquire True Knowledge, partake of the Living Waters, pursue The Great Goal. These servants of the Divine Plan stand ready to assist in any way possible.

As always, this writer only points they way. The decision to continue your seeking in this higher direction remains yours alone.

all love,

~ g

15 January 2012

The Message - Conclusion


It might happen that entities, members of the Brotherhood of the Light, want to reveal themselves to you in one way or another. But remember, in whatever form they may appear to you, in the near of distant future, they will always do this with the sign of the living Rosycross. They will never make a flattering remark with regard to any aspect of your I-being. They will never, to put it in a popular way, butter you up and put you on a pedestal you do not deserve.

After all, for the time being, we are all mere mortals. We are all pilgrims who, stumbling laboriously, go to the liberating life. And don't think that even one of these pilgrims could walk this path with uplifted head and proudly congratulating himself. Reflection-sphere entities that want to strike up a relationship with you are always focused on your I. That is an important signature you can always recognize. And they will always try to praise you with flattering words.

The Brothers of the Rosycross, on the contrary, will never resort to flattering language. They will always and without exception confront you with your task as pupil and servant of the Great Work.

Thus, we see on the one hand an intense and brand new effort to save all of humanity and, at the same time, an intense and strong effort to help all who have prepared themselves to reach the Great Goal. You will now understand what a glorious, what a delightful privilege it is for all of you, as pupils of the modern Spiritual School, to become acquainted with all of this in advance and that already now, an intense attempt is made to turn you into pioneers. Into human beings with a pair of strong arms that will be able to drag along those who have more mental problems than you do and who have had to change in a fraction of a second.

Imagine that you had been focused on the horizontal plane for your whole life, that all your time, from second to second, has for example been directed to your business or your study. What a tumble, what a change you will have to make, when the voice from above resounds and when you have to devote yourself to the task assigned to you in the name of God!

We still hope to be allowed to speak to you often about all of this, especially about the mighty developments humanity is approaching rapidly. And we hope and pray that we could respond, to a certain extent, to the task that the Brotherhood has given us, namely to open your eyes for the things that are to come. And we also hope that, although we cannot force it, we will find you prepared to go with us and to make you understand that the days and the hours of the Apocalypse have arrived.

What is going to begin now is nothing more or less than what the Apocalypse calls the 'Kingdom of a thousand years'. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Seven-Spirit says to the churches. Whoever hears and acts accordingly, will not be harmed in the coming development, which will obviously be a revolution.

This assurance we may finally transmit to you in the name of God, in the name of the Brotherhood.


End of Excerpt

From "The World Brotherhood Of The Rosycross" J. Van Rjickenborgh, Catharose de Pietri (1964)

The Message - Part III


It will be clear that a most important aspect of these processes of regeneration concerns the attitude and behavior of the various churches and their servants. We know that there are many serious theologians, who are yearning for the healing of humanity and who would be prepared to put up with anything to bring in true Christianity. When these theologians, guarded by the Church of the Spirit, fathom what true Christianity means, they will certainly be prepared to co-operate wholeheartedly.

But you understand that all theological twists, intellectual artificiality and the subsequent practices carried out in the churches will be swept aside by the rejecting attitude of the people themselves. As far as is necessary, the unmasking of the self-assured will take place in this way. We hope with all our heart that this entire development can be led in the right direction for the benefit of all.

We will now end the explanation of this aspect of the things to come and draw your attention to another aspect of the activity of the Universal Brotherhood, which we...must necessarily become familiar with in order to not be victimized. We are pointing to the great change and transformation of everything which we call the reflection-sphere, i.e. the spheres on yonder side of the veil of death.

For years we have explained that the entire reflection-sphere has been created by the way of life of humanity. Therefore, if the Brotherhood would wipe out the reflection-sphere in a forced way, this would not be a real solution. It should be that because of the re-education of humanity the reflection-sphere becomes superfluous and therefore liquidates itself, as it were.

That is why you must take into account that all present inhabitants, all present developments of the reflection-sphere will shortly -- for this has already started a long time ago -- be found in extreme distress. You will understand what dramatic developments are going to take place in those spheres of our planet, yes, are already developing at this moment. The intensifying Aquarian radiations and the atmospheric changes related to them accentuate the etheric planes of the earth in particular. If the racial body of the man in the street were to remain as it is, massive lunacy would break out. The intensifying etheric influences, to which those concerned would become highly sensitive, would then cause the greatest disasters possible.

That is why is is expected that the great danger of over-shadowing (g: a form of possession), or at least of a very undesirable influence, may develop, especially with regard to sensitive people. We fervently hope that you can imagine this. That is why all of you must pay sharp attention to your mode of life, to the signature of the future work of the Universal Brotherhood.

The Universal Brotherhood will also purify and cleanse the etheric planes and neutralize the reflection-sphere in accord with the process of re-education that will develop from below upward. This must be brought about in a perfect interaction, as we have tried to explain. Hence, many reflection-sphere entities will, during their flight, in extreme distress, try to hold on to entities still living on earth. That is why all of you are advised to shake off any danger by focusing exclusively and as positively as you can on the living Brotherhood of the RosyCross, on the mighty etheric body of our Father, Brother, Christian Rosycross.


End Part III

From "The World Brotherhood Of The Rosycross" J. Van Rjickenborgh, Catharose de Pietri

13 January 2012

The Message - Part II


The sign we were just speaking about is called 'the sign of the Son of Man' in the Bible. It is the intervention by the Universal Brotherhood in what could be called an electromagnetic disturbance, a short circuit of accumulated forces in the atmosphere. It is an intervention in the ravages brought about in the atmosphere by again another, as yet not mentioned group of scientists, namely by those who practice space travel at the expense of what they don't know, with numerous rockets, many experiments and, don't forget, by detonating nuclear bombs in the very high strata of our atmosphere.

All of this has developed a tension field that not only harms the health of humanity, that is, of all those living on earth, but that is detrimental to the minimally required harmony between the earth and the other parts of our macrocosm (the solar system and beyond). This relationship, this unity with the universe, has been intensely disturbed by these pranks resulting in a first and clear reaction of the different atmospheric strata, visible and noticeable by all of humanity.

This is the sign of course, the sign of the most extreme crisis the universal Brotherhood has been waiting for in order to begin its radical work. What Rudolf Steiner has announced and what has been quoted in the ritual, is now, in our days of the twentieth century, being fulfilled. At least it is now beginning.

Only when all these groups of authorities are prepared, though more or less forced, to listen and obey, when they are shocked out of their self-assurance, can humanity be saved from certain ruin. As you know, we have been allowed to tell you already: that is what the Brotherhood is focused on.

Then, as has been said earlier, a re-education of all humanity must take place that has to be started by the ordinary authorities of every state and every nation. Therefore, the idea is absolutely not to try to overthrow an entire civilization or to effect a truly dualistic world revolution, as has been the case in the past centuries and years. That is certainly not the intention of the Universal Brotherhood.

You know, and you can read it in the Holy Language, that every nation has the government it deserves. The governments of the European nations and of the countries outside Europe, all governments known to you, will by the intervention of the universal Brotherhood be required to lead their people, their countries, in a totally new organization. This re-education of all of humanity, guided by their own responsible authorities, will obviously be accompanied by a series of international measures. This will happen immediately in order to prevent further explosions in whatever way.

In this way, a series of developments of an economic and social nature will occur in the world, which will of course take years, in order to help humanity adjust to the wholly different era it has entered. Many scientific groups will have to re-orientate completely to adjust to the changed social situation in order to be able to preserve their authority. Thus science will not be dethroned, but it will be forced, if it does not go along voluntarily, to comply with the requirements of the Universal Teachings, with the requirements of the plan of the great Brotherhood.

In this way, all causes leading to new disharmonic karma will gradually be destroyed. And every human being will have the time and receive the opportunity to adjust himself completely. In short, this regards a process of healing of everyone. If this process of healing has progressed to a certain point and the most serious mental conflicts have been eradicated, it can be expected that the human being of the crowd will mature to understand the one mighty goal of humanity. Then all prisons will become superfluous and empty. Then also fewer hospitals will be needed, because this mental healing of all of society and of all of humanity will make numerous diseases and disharmonic behavior vanish completely.


End Part II

From "The World Brotherhood Of The Rosycross" J. Van Rjickenborgh, Catharose de Pietri

The Message

The following is presented for your information. We have been made aware of the probability of some sort of "Sham Return Of The Christ" scenario. This post presents another scenario, one that will be enacted in true Service to mankind.

Keep all of this information in your back pocket, so that when the time comes, you may have help in discerning that which is true from that which is not.

 ~ g


Let us try to clarify how the new World Brotherhood, with its Johannine signature, will be active as soon as the signal for it has been given. The great problem is to make a start, a start that will consist of an event occurring in the atmosphere as a sign that can be observed by many people, by many nations and therefore cannot be denied, and that will be mentioned by the world press, among others. This sign that, however one may try to explain it away, will be recognized by many as a sign that has been prophesized. We do not want to indulge in speculations; we will return to this shortly.

Immediately thereafter, a number of incidents will take place that relate to events that will also draw our attention and that cannot simply be hidden and that concern the ordinary social aspect of things. Various groups of authorities such as councils of ministers, other government groups, associations of scientists, all busy carrying out their task in one way or another, the directors of large enterprises of different kinds, assembled in their board rooms -- all these groups of persons ruling the world will be confronted with, to them, most extraordinary situations.

Members of the Universal Brotherhood will visit the meetings of all of these groups of an unmistakably authoritarian nature at psychological moments. These members will appear in their invisible, etheric bodies, while only their voices will be clearly audible. They will, when they visit these meetings and study committees, address these people for example, as follows.

'Gentlemen, we address you here in order to make it clear to you that your whole present activity must be turned around. In the way you act now, you will not be able to carry on. We speak especially to you, because it is your task to be the servants of humanity in one way or another. That is why it will be necessary that from now on you are only focused on the Perfect Salvation, the absolute needs of all of humanity, and that this is the basis of all your activities from now on.

Every form of violence should be relegated to the past. All instruments of violence must be destroyed. No harm, in whatever way, should be inflicted on nature created by God or on the human kingdom or on the animal kingdom. And where you are occupied with experimental activities which would serve these ends in whatever way, these should be discontinued immediately.

Internationally, you will be called upon to lead, each in his own way, each with his own task, a totally different and new way of education for and of all humanity.'

Thus the voice speaks. Some of the Brothers will quote words from the Bible: 'Those that hold the seven stars in their right hand and walk among the seven golden lampstands speak to you'.

This message will be transmitted as strongly as possible, simultaneously and all over the world, to those who are eligible for it. And their reactions will be awaited. All measures will obviously depend on these reactions.

All that resist or simply deny the message received will, for some time, as a sign that all this is meant very seriously, be neutralized physically and mentally, as it were, in the subsequent days and weeks without dying. This is a neutralization that will be announced in advance to those concerned. For some time, they will be lifted into the etheric sphere, i.e., into the Living Gnostic Body that is being concentrated around the earth aiming for exoteric effects, for outwardly directed activity.

Perhaps you may have had an accident in your life. You have, for example, fallen down and been unconscious for some time. It is then possible that after such a fall, although you are seemingly unconscious, some brain centres still continue to function normally and that you are therefore purely, clearly, positively conscious in the etheric spheres.You can imagine what happens to such a person. There is no complete unconsciousness, as when you receive a blow on the head with a hammer. The person concerned is led into a state of mental neutralization in a way we cannot explain now, and he becomes conscious, suddenly, in the etheric spheres, in the sphere of the Living Gnostic Body of Christ.

At that moment, we cannot speak of reflection-sphere hallucinations, but the person concerned is lifted into a great, unbelievable, other reality that is new to him. And he remembers that this state-of-being has been announced in advance. There, the true meaning of life is made clear to him, and to what purpose he is called 'man'. To what he is called as, for example, government authority or as an employee of a large company. Why he has studied economics, why he graduated in a branch of science in order to serve humanity in total self-surrender in that way.

When he has learned this lesson, he is returned to his former state-of-being. For you understand, that the great holy Brotherhood cannot maintain any authority in whatever position, if the person concerned does not wholeheartedly and in complete self-surrender co-operate in the realization of The Great Plan.

You understand that this very spectacular mode of action will be necessary to convince all these self-confident people that there are other powers in the world than those of the church, the state, the police and the guns. All authorities must be shocked in their self-assurance in a way visible to the whole world. All this will happen in the way described. And remember that this action will occur at a moment of which it is said: It is not a minute too soon!


End Part I

From "The World Brotherhood Of The Rosycross" J. Van Rjickenborgh, Catharose de Pietri

11 January 2012

Two Paths


This is a moment of cosmic choice for the people of Earth. We have been given the power to build new worlds, or to destroy our own world. We stand at the threshold of Universal Humanity...or at the brink of Armageddon.

We see beyond us the New Jerusalem, the vision of ourselves in the future, which Christ came to Earth to reveal. We also see the abyss between here and there.

The New Jerusalem is the next stage of evolution. It is a community of natural Christs, co-operating with each other and God, endowed with the capacity to overcome hunger, planet-boundedness, death and separation from the universal community of life in the many mansions of this infinite Creation.

[The common, exoteric interpretation of] The Revelation to John described the violent path to the New Jerusalem. It is the way of a planet whose inhabitants refuse to give up their selfish life.

In this text, we discover a loving path to the New Jerusalem. It is a path for a planet whose people choose to use their power, in all its splendor, for the transformation of the whole body of humankind. 

The choice is given to our generation. There are alternatives to the Tribulations. There are graceful births towards universal life. This text...is written for those who seek to work together for the Planetary Birth, a peaceful Second Coming of the Christ within and beyond -- the birth of Universal Humanity.

From "The Revelation - A Message Of Hope For The New Millenium" - Barbara Marx Hubbard (1993)


08 January 2012

Choice - Past And Present (Conclusion)


We hope that it will now be clear to you that every Path of Resurrection must always be commenced with and by the True Self. And also in this respect, cosmos and macrocosm cooperate with the human being. But note: first it was a matter of building the human being, of the descent, the involution, the realization of the personality. After that, it was a matter of making the personality live as a True Self. Understand that the construction of the personality required other forces than those needed for making this personality live. That is why now, at the beginning and during the development of the apocalypse of the resurrection, a new heaven and a new earth are spoken of.

That is the reason why we are now experiencing the effect of the first three planetary influences of the new heaven-earth, which, as the ancient Rosicrucians have already said, have appeared in Serpentarius* and Cygnus*. These three forces, these three mystery planets, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, are now preparing us, are making us ripe for the Morning of the Resurrection. These three influences do not build, because there is nothing left to be built with regard to the human being. They are driving him onward, they are driving him into the Great Conflict of life, into a greater conflict of life than ever before. They are leading him on an ever-narrowing path in order to stimulate him ultimately to realize his Self. Therefore, do the things that must be done! Fulfill the demands of our modern time! Fulfill God's counsel!

To this end a three-fold stimulus to action is absolutely necessary : one influence affecting the human heart sanctuary, one influence affecting the human head sanctuary, and lastly, one force that must and will prove which person is suitable, or possibly not yet suitable, to walk the New Paths.

When someone proposes to you: 'Go this or that path', then it is up to you to go or not to go. Then you might say: 'I will perhaps decide tomorrow whether I'll do it or not.'. Then it is up to you either to react immediately or to forget about it initially, as happens so often in life.

However, you will no longer be able to ignore the coming process of development that has now commenced. You must react, you won't be able to do otherwise. And so, obviously, it will become clear who will be found to the left and who to the right of the dividing line.

From Chapter II of  "The Mighty Signs Of God's Counsel" by J. van Rijckenborgh; Catharose de Petri (1965)


* Serpentarius is the ancient name for the constellation Ophiucus. In 2011, you may have heard mention of this constellation, situated between Scorpio and Sagittarius, being referred to as the so-called "13th sign of the zodiac".

* Cygnus is the constellation in which Kepler-22b was very recently discovered (December 2011). Kepler-22b is described by astronomers as "an earth-like planet".

The significance of the role that these two constellations were to play in mankind's future was first mentioned in a Rosicrucian manifesto named Confessio Fraternitatis, published in 1615 A.D.

"Yea, the Lord God hath already sent before certain messengers, which should testify His will, to wit, some new stars which do appear and are seen in the firmament in Serpentarius and Cygno, which signify and give themselves known to everyone, that they are powerful Signacula of great, weighty matters." - Confessio Fraternitatis

Choice - Past And Present


Microcosm = Man ("the little cosmos")
Cosmos = Earth
Macrocosm = Solar System
Personality = the four-fold human vehicle (physical body, etheric double, desire body, mental body)
involution = the downward arc of human development; involvement in matter
nadir = the lowest point; point of greatest adversity and despair

evolution = the upward arc of human development; escape from matter; the return Home


For a number of years, humanity has been taken up in a mighty intercosmic turmoil, the turmoil of the Great Transfiguration., which is taking place in several stages. It is a turmoil that touches all of humanity, passing nobody over. It confronts each of us with the great choice: resurrection or de-naturation.

An example from the past will illustrate what we mean. In the days of Atlantis the atmosphere of the earth was much heavier and denser than it is today. It was something between air and water, and respiration as we know it today was then, organically, completely impossible. At the time, two organs lying to the right and left side of the neck and co-operating with the thyroid gland, inhaled the water vapor together with the oxygen and separated them into air and water. In this way, the excess water was eliminated from the human system.

Lungs, as we posses them today, had not yet developed and were present in the body only as the germs of a new respiratory system. Only when the earthly atmosphere began to change, becoming much thinner, more tenuous and brighter, and the sun began to break through the thick layers of cloud, did the pulmonary system become necessary for maintaining life in the new atmosphere. All those who had not adapted themselves  to this fundamental change in the earth's atmosphere in time had to perish, or at the very least, degenerate. The present microcosmic turmoil has, in fact, an identical purpose, albeit on a different plane.

The Atlantean intercosmic turmoil was, among other things, intended to free and clean the human head sanctuary of the excess water with which it was filled to the brim as a consequence of the atmospheric conditions prevalent at that time. After this cleansing, the human thinking faculty was liberated and from then on, the human being became more and more conscious of the nadir of materiality. When the first Atlantean refugees arrived in great numbers in the, at that time, uninhabited, continents humanity reached the lowest point of its involution in a process, and it had become fully conscious of this. For this reason, a multi-faceted cultural period developed after Atlantis in order to make humanity conscious of all aspects and characteristics of this nadir. In this way, the world and humanity gradually approached the state of a totally different and new Apocalypse, namely, the period of the Great Resurrection.

Before we continue, we have to draw your attention to yet another aspect of the human development. The microcosm (g: the "soul" of man) contains two paths of development, which nobody should lose sight of, and before which, all of us are placed. Firstly, there is the path of development from the point of departure, an involution leading to a predetermined nadir, and secondly, there is, out of that nadir, an evolution back to the point of departure.

Perhaps you understand the reason for this: the microcosm contains a plan and all the possibilities to realize that plan, whereby cosmos and macrocosm fulfill a leading, stimulating, and therefore helping task. But if this Divine Plan is to be fulfilled by and in all of this, it is necessary that a method of self-realization be put into practice as soon as possible. In the beginning, this was still completely impossible. Then the microscosm was endowed with a spirit-spark only and did not yet possess anything else. Certainly, this spirit-spark contained everything, but it had to be realized, it had to be brought into manifestation. To this end, first a personality had to develop in the microcosm, a mortal personality. After all, the personality did not realize itself, but had developed in a process as the result of external influences that were assisting in the realization of The Plan.

However, immortality had to become a matter of self-realization, so that on this basis, the Divine Plan could  be called a complete success. As soon as somewhere in the world a human being might rise up out of the nadir of materiality through self-realization and realize The Plan, a cry of joy would resound through the whole universe, as proof that the Divine Plan had been realized. That is why the genesis of the personality precedes the process of self-realization.

Therefore, the mortal personality had to be formed by the external focus; next, it must be made conscious of itself; and then, in this growing consciousness, it must be made susceptible to all kinds of "good" and "evil". The personality must pass through many kinds of experience, both of good and evil, so that, we repeat, this would ultimately result in the True Self in the microcosm, and finally a start could be made on the Great Work, the Mysterium Magnum. This means: the development of the Resurrection, the Great Revolution, the Transmutation of the mortal being into the immortal one.


End of Part I

From Chapter II of "The Mighty Signs Of God's Counsel" J. van Rjickenborgh, Catharore de Petri (1965)


06 January 2012

Uninspired, But...

Haven't written in a few days. One should only write when inspired to do so. Haven't felt any inspiration in the last several days. Not sure what the issue is.

i will say this much: one cannot over-emphasize how important it is for us to change our attitude of life. The Key to Harvest is to live a life of Selfless Service-To-Others. When our thoughts and desires are focused towards the welfare and well-being of others and away from the self, we attract higher quality ethers. Possession of these higher ethers are instrumental for purification of the microcosm, awakening of our spirit-spark atom and assisting in the process of transfiguration.

A single unselfish thought or desire carries much more power than a hundred negative and selfish ones. Therefore, when we behave unselfishly in our willing, thinking and desiring, we help bring purification and healing not only to our own microcosm, but to humanity in general, as well as the Earth.

It may sound overly simplistic, but the Truth usually is just that -- Simple.

Be Unselfish.

Serve Others.

Seek True Knowledge.

Be In The World, But Not Of The World.

You Will Experience The Harvest Without Fear.

~ g

01 January 2012

2012 -- What If Nothing Happens?

Wrong question. The question should be:

What If Something Happens, And I Am Not Ready?

It is much more critical that we live our lives as if they were going to end tomorrow. If our incarnation comes to a close and we have not lived lives that will have served to open the Rose of the Heart, our living will have been in vain, and 2012 won't matter.

Be reminded that the world is not going to "end". The world is moving into a new phase of existence, one in which the gross, physical body will no longer be of use. New worlds are opening up for us and we must use the precious little time we have left to prepare ourselves.

Preparation is work. It means that we learn to stop focusing on our personal selves, our earthly needs, our earthly desires, our earthly disappointments, our earthly aspirations and goals. It means that we learn to put others before ourselves, to think, feel and act with the good of all in mind. When we serve the group, we serve ourselves anyway.


Don't make the mistake of those who are choosing to "wait and see". Don't wait until the last minute to change your focus, to tune in to the New Vibration. It is important that we begin to walk the Path as soon as possible. In the event that death overtakes us before the Great Transition, we will still be counted among The Remnant if we have made sufficient progress. Those who pass on before The Shift will gather with all those candidates who have passed on before. The Harvest will take place on both sides of the Veil.

Those who are incarnate at the time of Harvest will have the opportunity to transfigure while in the body. This Event, to be undertaken by many thousands of souls world-wide will be part of a larger event connected with Earth's own transformation (for more detail on this, read "Servers Of The Divine Plan" on http://thenewcall.org/).

It is almost impossible to relay the importance of the time that we have left to us. Don't waste it worrying about dates and destruction. There is enough circumstantial, astronomical, prophetic and historical evidence to indicate that we are indeed nearing the conclusion of VERY SPECIAL PERIOD IN TIME. What approaches is not an ending, but a New Beginning...please try to remember that. There will be a Remnant...there always is. It is by our living that we will demonstrate our suitability for Harvest. How we live from here on out is entirely up to us.

all love,

~ g