01 June 2015

The Scales Shall Be Balanced, The Debt Will Be Paid

A short story that illustrates the interwoven nature of karma, destiny and rebirth ~ g

When the left wing of the chemical plant in M. blew up, Margaret was sitting at her desk. It felt like an earthquake. She saw the huge flames erupting like a volcano, engulfing the cisterns and everything around. There was immediate panic. People were screaming and running about in mayhem. Then a new loud detonation concussed the entire area. Margaret was thrown into the air. Sharp pain sliced through her body...

She saw a tunnel and she made her way through it. As she advanced the light at the end grew stronger and brighter. At last she was in the open. It was bright. Millions of little twinkling lights glittered in the air. There were lovely colors, flowing colors, many of which she had never seen before. She felt light as a feather. As she looked around she saw thousands of people floating in the air like herself. She knew them. They all worked in the plant.

Below saw the plant, consumed by raging gigantic flames. Thick smoke billowed into the sky.

“What happened?” asked a secretary in horror, passing by in the air.

“I am not sure, ”Margaret replied. “It looks like an accident.” As she viewed the scene, panic grabbed at her heart.

She saw fire engines approaching from all sides. People were running about in every direction. Chaos reigned.

Margaret remembered her children with a constricting chill. She flew as fast as she could to the school where she had left them that morning. They were sitting calmly, doing their lessons, unaware of the disaster that had just occurred. Soon the bell rang and they ran out into the school yard. She followed and called them, but they paid her no attention. They were busy with their friends. She hovers over them for a while.

“My husband!” she thought suddenly, and rushed toward his workplace. She saw him driving his car in the nearby street, heading towards the plant. She passed through the windshield, sat on the front seat, and began talking to him:

“Its okay dear. You won’t find me there. I am here—sitting next to you.”

But his face remained worried, pale, and nervous. He was listening to the radio that was giving non-stop reports on the inferno. “It looks like there are no survivors...estimated number of deaths about 5000...” The voice of the announcer bordered on hysteria. The announcer’s voice was broken. Overcome by emotion he unable to continue.Then her husband broke into tears.

“So that is what happened,” Margaret thinks. “I am dead...”

By evening the President had appeared on TV and declared the event an act of sabotage perpetrated by a separatist group known as the “Movement for Liberation,” comprised of the Fenkushy people, which had been responsible for many other terrorist attacks, though none approached this magnitude.

Calls for war were heard from many respectable citizens. “We have to revenge the death of those innocent people,” urged the Secretary of State with strong conviction....

Despite her state of near panic, Margaret was fascinated by her ability to fly, to defy gravity. It was a new sensation. And she found she could be anywhere almost instantly simply by thinking herself there. Her colleagues also flew around. Some exchanged words, but most of them were distraught and disoriented.

“Why don’t they hear us?...Can’t they see us?”

After a while a procession of fair Beings on what appeared to be ethereal chariots appeared from on high. Everything around them shone in strong light. In front of the first chariot stood a youth with a trumpet who began to play a solemn fanfare. The chariots encircled the distracted people from the plant. The Being from the first chariot, embellished with golden ornaments, rose to address them:

“Brothers and Sisters, welcome to the Beyond. We have come to take you to our Ceremonial Field. Please, follow us.”

His chariot took the lead, the people from the plant following. Some gathered in groups, holding hands, afraid of what they couldn’t understand. The most adventurous were in the front rank. Some of them attempted to converse with the leaders. The procession passed through the clouds and rose further and further. Everywhere there was a lovely play of glittering lights and colors flowing in myriad directions.

After a while they came to a great vistas of gardens planted with thousands of beautiful, vividly-colored flowers. Their many scents were delightful and invigorating. Strangely, they had faces, kind and smiling. Stranger yet, all the flowers could talk.

“Welcome, dear brothers”...“Welcome”... “Welcome, ” was heard from all directions.

When all the people had arrived, they were seated on comfortable and ornate chairs with arm, head and foot supports. The chairs were in a clearing facing a huge stage. An upright gigantic Book with a golden glittering cover occupied most of the stage. Its upper margin was lost in the sky. Margaret heard whispering: The Records of Nature...

Again the boy who sounded the fanfare appeared and played a ceremonial passage.

Then the leader of the procession came to the front. He was an old man with a wise face. His robe seemed to be woven with living light, adding to the brightness of his person. He solemnly declared:

“Let the reading begin.”

The Book opens slowly to the accompaniment of deeply affecting music. An enormous panoramic screen appears before the gathered people. The wispy glistening clouds of Time descend from everywhere. The people are transported on a fast journey through Time, back through the centuries. Among the roiling clouds the contours of a fortress gradually begin to appear—nebulous at first, then more and more clearly. Its stone walls are strong and high. There are guards on every post. The interior contains a city with prospering features. There are beautiful houses, estates, and government buildings. There are four grand gates on each side of the city. It is a warm summer night and most of the people are asleep. Only a few are wandering in the streets. They are wearing light clothes and robes. The sky is clear and the stars are twinkling, though their light is beginning to fade. The year is 978.

The city is under siege. Around the fortress there is a huge camp of enemy soldiers—about 5000.Most of them are sleeping around fires that have been reduced to glowing embers.

Somehow Margaret identifies herself with one of the soldiers. He is awake, thinking about the coming battle. A huge blanket covers his friend and him. He is not afraid. He has been through so many battles.

“That’s me!”—her colleague from the plant, sitting on her right, exclaims.

“There I am!”—Margaret hears from the left.

“That’s me!”...“That’s me!” in chorus people shout from everywhere. Soon everybody from the plant recognizes his former self among the soldiers.

Suddenly a signal is given. The soldiers awake and soon they are ready for the forthcoming attack. In the receding dark the first faint signs of the breaking light are visible on the eastern horizon.
Traitors are opening the gate on the North side of the fortress. What happens next is hard to bear. Brutal killing, horror, screams of terrified people fill the entire area. Pools of blood, bodies of soldiers, maimed and mutilated women and children everywhere.

Margaret sees herself killing people... So do her viewing companions. A few hours later when the fortress is taken, there is silence—only terrified cats and dogs are running around, until they too are killed.

The soldiers gathering in the center begin a frenzied celebration....

The clouds slowly gather over the scene and engulf the ruins of the fortress, the victims, and the conquerors. When they disappear, the Giant Book also is nowhere to be seen.

Grave silence falls on the people of the plant. Now they know that they are not innocent. They understand why they died in the inferno. All of them were involved in the killing centuries ago, all of them are now together in death. For a brief moment they saw the faces of the people of the “Movement for Liberation.” They were the same people who were in the fortress, who were killed by the soldiers, by Margaret and her associates in their earlier life. The situation is now reversed—but in another era, in another land. The victims had become the executioners.

No one is able to say a word. No one can look in the face of the others. They stand accused. They are dumbfounded. They all sit in silence, for hours, brooding over the event, all to themselves.

—Marcia Malinova-Anthony

It has been said that "The wheels of Karma may grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine". If a person goes through life thinking that his actions, the causes that he puts in motion, 'do not matter', that person is dead wrong. Everything you do today will return to you tomorrow, no matter how many lives it may take for that "tomorrow" to come.

Please, live consciously.

~ g


Anonymous said...

If the divine spark is not awakened during a particular lifetime, then the personality that had been incarnated faces dissolution in the reflection sphere. The “Lords of Destiny” have to allocate a new incarnation in the hopes to awaken the spark, hence a new personality comes into existence through re-incarnation.
I must admit that what is discussed and presented here are not entirely comprehended by me, hence the question that I am putting forward may appear silly. If a personality that is unsuccessful in awakening the divine atom during a particular lifetime ceases to exist, who or what is the experiencing the ‘karmic’ debt of a previous life, and on what logic is the karmic debt imposed on the current personality . Is the residue of previous lives somehow accrued with all the successive lifetimes? Can liberation take place only after all the karma has been balanced and the slate wiped clean.

Anonymous said...

It is often said that our present existence is a cesspool in comparison to the divine planes above. If that is so, how would someone consciously leave the 'ritz' to grovel in the filth and slums, and continue to stay there even when the 'keys' to higher existence are handed to them. The 'fall' is something that can never ever be grasped in its entirety. Was there something 'unsatisfactory' about the previous existence that prompted the many billions of souls to undertake to venture and eventually 'fall' into materialistic existence.
The logos, sub-logos and the unbelievable number of steps , levels and hierarchies are mind numbingly complex and far fetched. I recently watched a movie starring Michael Douglas called "The Game" after which I can't help but wonder at the self imbued mysticism of it all and what we construe to be reality. At the end, we are all the means for the ineffable to know and experience itself and what was flung out shall be retracted......then the cycle begins again. Is 'liberation' indeed the ultimate enslavement.
I am more than willing to accept that, what is presented here may be true in its entirety but I do not have the sense or intellect to grasp it. Rather than fall prey to self induced mysticism (as `g posted earlier) I keep coming back here in the hope that one day that elusive conviction to 'liberate' myself might be ignited in me.

BrotherGee said...

Barring some sort of emergency, both sets of questions will be answered this evening (Monday, 1 June).

~ g

BrotherGee said...


Re: " If a personality that is unsuccessful in awakening the divine atom during a particular lifetime ceases to exist, who or what is the experiencing the ‘karmic’ debt of a previous life, and on what logic is the karmic debt imposed on the current personality"

(1) Think of the personality as a coat that is put on at birth and discarded upon so-called death. At the start of the next life, a completely new and different 'coat' is put on. The personality is not the man, it is but the physical instrumentarium.

Between incarnations, the life that inhabited the physical shell withdraws to the reflection-sphere, as you correctly noted. Eventually, after a few hundred years, it will dissolve. So what is left? The emptied microcosm, or monad. In the center of the emptied microcosm is the still-sleeping Divine spark. Around the circumference of the microcosm are little points of light, power centers. It is here in this microcosmic 'firmament' that the accumulated karma and all past life experiences are kept once the personality is gone.

Upon rebirth, a new four-fold personality is assembled in the center of the microcosm, in what is called the respiration field. The accumulated karma is sealed to the new personality. Certain aspects, talents and abilities from past lives are also bestowed upon the personality, depending on what will be needed in order to fulfill the plan for the upcoming life.

(2) So, by what logic is this accumulated karma imposed upon the new personality? If you're looking at each personality as a separate entity, living its own separate life, then perhaps it might seem a bit unfair. But that is not what is happening. The personality changes from one incarnation to the next, but the karma that it inherits belongs to the microcosm. The microcosm is immortal, and persists from one incarnation to the next. It is the microcosm that bears the karmic debt spanning millions of years.

The memory of every minute lived by all prior personalities is also stored in the microcosmic firmament, also known as the lipika. All experiences, powers, abilities, attributes and traits acquired in prior lives are never lost. They remain in latency, where they are kept in the lipika until needed for use in an upcoming incarnation.

(3) Yes, liberation requires that all karma be balanced or erased. Obviously, we have so much accumulated karma heaped upon us that it would be just about impossible to balance it in a single life or even several lives. However, what is wonderful about the Cosmic Revolution that is now taking place is that if one awakens the Divine Spark and walks the Path of Transfiguration faithfully and steadfastly, at some point all karma will be erased. That is a guarantee, as it is part of the process.

Very good questions.

~ g

BrotherGee said...


(1) The ancient tales of Lucifer wanting to "be like the Most High" are rooted in fact. It was self-will and a touch of arrogance that caused a segment of this life-wave to abandon the Divine Kingdom. The reason why fallen entities choose to remain mired in this 'cesspool' is because after millions of years of wallowing in it, they have become used to it. Where once the physical realm was the dream and the Divine Kingdom was the reality, man has deluded himself into believing that this cesspool is the reality and the Divine Kingdom but a dream.

(2) Agreed, the cosmology detailing the Logos and Sub-Logoi can make the head spin. In its current state and for the majority of humans, the human mind can only grasp what is finite and rational. It tends to have trouble with the abstract. That will someday change. For now, it is not necessary to have encyclopedic knowledge about sub-logoi and sub-planes of matter. It is more important to know that in the center of your microcosm is a sleeping Rosebud and that you have the power to awaken It to full bloom. In addition, your physical instrumentarium contains everything you require to successfully walk the Path of Return. All that is lacking is proper insight and a desire to begin living the Liberating Life.

(3) Yes, The All out-breathes Creation and breathes it in again, but what happens in between? Do we just throw up our hands and say, "Let's not do anything. Eventually, we return to The All anyway"? Yes, we will return to the Source but the whole purpose of Creation is to allow all creatures to experience and create as well. Our life-wave has taken a detour on that journey of Divine Evolution and it is time for us to return Home so that we can resume the journey.

(4) Liberation is not enslavement. Life on Earth is enslavement, enslavement to the aeons who maintain this nature-order. It is said that no man is more a prisoner than the man who believes himself to be free. Here on this planet, humans are deluded into thinking that they have "free-will" and "free choice". This is a complete untruth. Man does not live, he is lived. A marionette has more autonomy than most humans. Does it not strike you as strange that with all this "free-will" and "free choice", humanity continues to make the same faulty choices?

(5) Not until one is completely through with this nature-order will he begin to yearn for liberation. As long as a person clings to this world (the 'good' as well as the 'bad' parts of it), that attachment will always prevent him or her from taking a step towards Escape. If you are comfortable here, then yes, Liberation and the Path of Return will continue to sound threatening and fearful, simply because you prefer what you have, having forgotten what you had.

Each must move at his or her own pace. Each must make The Decision voluntarily, without coercion. Someday, perhaps when you are in the throes of the deepest despair, at the nadir of your existence, you will realize that you no longer want to be here. Only then will the Spark ignite.

May you be led to the Good End.

~ g

Anonymous said...

The above exchange was very interesting. I have some additional queries.
The ‘visible’ universe represents the materialistic realm which means there are countless other divine sparks trapped in other star systems and galaxies.
1. Are all the other divine sparks entrapped in ‘human like’ forms?
2. Does the ‘monad’ have to evolve from lower life forms to more conscious beings before it can even contemplate liberation?
3. Are incarnations of the microcosm tied to particular planetary system until the ‘karma’ is balanced?
4. In ‘UNITY’, space and time has no relevance. Upon individuation, suddenly there is separation as one is ‘here’ and the other is ‘there’, therefore there exists space between the separate aspects and it takes time to move from ‘one’ to the ‘other’. Motion is not possible without space and time (at least per our current perceptions). Now is ‘space’ and ‘time’, which can roughly be translated to read incomprehensible distance and unfathomable amount of time, the biggest hurdle for the divine spark in merging with the divine.
Forgive my naivety but I am confident that I will get a meaningful response here. Thanks.

BrotherGee said...

My friend,

When it comes to the Gnosis, there are no silly or naïve questions. It is said that we must approach the Kingdom as little children, unafraid to question and with a burning desire to know. The idea that one knows it all is the greatest obstacle to obtaining true insight.

“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Matt 18:2-4

As for your questions:

1. Are all the other divine sparks entrapped in ‘human like’ forms?

The current template for Spirit-spark entities in this Creation is upright and bi-pedal, not necessarily hominid. In other locations in the galaxy, there are Spirit-spark and life-spark entities experiencing as insectoid, reptilian, equine, feline, bird tribe, etc. All share the same upright and bi-pedal characteristic. Communication is done telepathically.

2. Does the ‘monad’ have to evolve from lower life forms to more conscious beings before it can even contemplate liberation?

The monad does not have to evolve. It has to be liberated. It is a direct offshoot of the Divine All, and thus contains all the attributes of the Divine All. When a slab of steel is struck on an anvil, sparks fly in every direction. Those minute sparks are already steel, they do not have to become steel. It is the same with our Spirit-spark atom.

3. Are incarnations of the microcosm tied to particular planetary system until the ‘karma’ is balanced?

Cosmic law mandates that all karma must be balanced on the plane in which it was incurred. This implies that a microcosm need not be tied to a particular planetary system. However, as per the law stated previously, if karma is initiated on the physical plane, the entity must repeatedly return to the physical plane in an effort to balance that karma. That is one of the reasons we continue to incarnate here.

Entities experiencing in higher densities (etheric, astral, mental) of the 7th Cosmic Domain (the Cosmic Physical Plane) are also subject to the same Law.

4. is ‘space’ and ‘time’, which can roughly be translated to read incomprehensible distance and unfathomable amount of time, the biggest hurdle for the divine spark in merging with the divine?

Absolutely not. The concept of space-time is no longer an obstacle once an entity undergoes Transfiguration. When liberation is obtained, all planes are accessible to the liberated entity. In essence, the consciousness becomes multi-dimensional. The entity is simultaneously present on all planes and is able to, with but the slightest thought, consciously experience on one or more of these planes at the same time.

As mentioned previously above, the Spirit-spark does not have to 'merge' with the Divine, it is already Divine. It is the microcosm that has to be reborn in order to be able to self-realize The Divine Other One that has been imprisoned for so many long ages.

The biggest hurdles for the Divine Spark are the aeons of this nature, which do all within their power to keep Spirit-spark entities in a state of darkness, ignorance and enslavement.

Once again, very good questions.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Brother....thanks for the response.

You said "there are Spirit-spark and life-spark".......what exactly is a 'life spark'?

Anonymous said...

Ooops! Don't bother answering the above question. I see that you have post on the subject.

Anonymous said...

Slightly off topic with a controversial topic in related to delusion and how we are bound here in most unimaginable ways.

I will try to put it this way...the microcosm is in a firmament. The Bible mentions the Earth is under a firmament.

Is it possible part of the great deception is that we may actually live on a broad earth plane as opposed to a sphere?

Do you have any insights regarding this information and science + NASA deception?

Thanks and blessings to you!


BrotherGee said...


"Is it possible part of the great deception is that we may actually live on a broad earth plane as opposed to a sphere?"

In this Creation, planetary and solar bodies are indeed spherical in shape. This stems from the swirling motion that is used to create planets, star systems and galaxies. NASA has told plenty of lies to humanity, but the world being round is not one of them.

Here's one for you: the earth is indeed hollow and at its center is not a mass of molten metal but a small Sun. The heat that warms the planet comes from within, not from without. Don't believe it? Then why does it get colder the further up into the atmosphere one travels? Shouldn't it get hotter if it is the Sun that heats the earth? Why is there ice and snow on the peaks of high mountains? If heat came from beyond the earth, wouldn't that leave no room for freezing temperatures on mountaintops?

Here's another: Man will never get to Mars or any other planet anytime soon. NASA is selling you a dream. This planet is under strict quarantine. Its inhabitants have not yet evolved to the point where they can be trusted with inter-planetary travel. A decision was made long ago to prevent earth-humanity from spreading its special kind of evil and ignorance to other planets.

NASA is the king of lies. It was invented solely for the purpose of constructing an illusion of space travel for current mankind, as well as providing a central repository for the control of all explanations regarding space science and things extra-terrestrial.

~ g

Anonymous said...

I agree, it is true that NASA have been manipulating us. I have done very little research into hollow earth. It is something I will look at and keep my mind open.
Thankfully our special kind of evil and ignorance will be staying here:)
I appreciate your reply.

Anonymous said...

Brother `g, you last post has been quite interesting. Earth has an atmosphere and this 'insulates' it from both heat and other radiations of the sun. The pressure of this atmoshpere decreases as we go higher up and therefore the air particles expand and to keep the energy equilibrium releases heat, hence we feel more colder as we go higher up. This thermodynamic principle is used alomst every day in rerfigerators and air conditioners.
Regarding a 'sun' at the center of the earth, I honestly don't know! But where does molten lava come from?
There are indeed plenty of deceptions, but isn't this a bit far fetched. Would appreciate if could direct to some interesting materials to substantiate your claims as seem very well informed about the deceptions of the aeons.

Anonymous said...

Hello.....There are several things in this world that seems farfetched at first. One cannot even fathom the depths of deception that is perpetrated on mankind. I have been following this blog since the beginning of 2012 and have personally corresponded with `g, nothing discussed here is nonchalant or trivial. Having said that, nothing should be taken at face value, we are all free to ask questions and do our research. In fact this should be a research of paramount priority; sadly most are bogged down by the petty soap operas playing out around them and are more concerned about what is happening in the Kardashian/Jenner household than about the fate of their own existence.


Anonymous said...

The post on June 3rd The Scales Shall Be Balanced, The Debt Will Be Paid, is truly amazing. Thank you.

BrotherGee said...

It is a powerful piece. Feel free to share with those who might be receptive to its message.

~ g