15 October 2008

There Is No "Death"

Before we get into "The Null Zone", I'd like to offer a little more on the subject of Rebirth.

First off....There Is No Death.

What we call "death" is simply the manner in which we choose to exit this illusionary Earth Life. The One True Creator (not the Old Testament charlatan) is All. We are contained within this All. In it, we live and move and have our being.

No part of the One True Creator can "die" because there would then be something taken away from The All, and nothing can be added or subtracted from what is All. Once we realize that we have nothing to fear from so-called "death", we can begin to see our physical existence differently. We can live our lives more fully, more purposefully, instead of running willy-nilly, here and there, trying to accomplish nothing, in a race to "beat The Reaper".

Most importantly, this lays the foundation for acceptance of the FACT that the life we are living is the latest in a long string of incarnations ("incarnate" means "to en-flesh"). We have all "been here" many times before, in all sorts of identities. This is why I always state that WE are responsible for the World we have inherited. WE helped to create it. None of us have always been enlightened, or even very nice people in our past lives. We've done some ugly, selfish things in our past incarnations. This is one of the reasons why we are not allowed to remember our past lives while we live the current one. The memories would be too distracting, perhaps too painful, too hard to bear. It would be impossible for us to concentrate on our current incarnation.

Just because you can't remember your past lives doesn't mean that you didn't live them. You were once 3 months old...do you remember any of that? Of course not. But you KNOW that you were once 3 months old, correct? Same principle. We have been "taught" to fear "death" by those who wish to control us. We once knew the Truth and in the not-so-distant past we walked towards "death" with open arms, as if to greet an old friend.

So, to all I say, stop being afraid of physical "death". If you must refer to it, call it what it is: a Transition. A Transition from this Density or Dimension back to the Higher One we came from.

Luv to All,

~~ G

"We are Spiritual Beings Seeking a Physical Experience, Not Physical Beings Seeking a Spiritual Experience".


Tianca said...

For normal transitions you are right, there is no death. We are energy, and that doesn't die, it changes form.

But there is something that can kill us, end our existence. A few people know about this, but it is not commonly known. When we 'die' a physical death, the silver cord is broken. That is the cord that we see when we astral project.

A direct hit from a nuclear bomb will sever the golden cord, and that kills us. We cease to exist. That is why nukes have been outlawed on every other planet but earth Shan. They know that nukes can do this.

So, yeah, we can 'die'. Once that golden cord is broken, there is no coming back. That is what makes Hiroshima and Nagasaki are more of a tragedy than most know. Those who were hit directly are gone, they just don't exist anymore. Those around the area of the blasts will have centuries of being Healed before they will be normal again.


BrotherGee said...

Hi, Tianca!

You are correct regarding the severity of a nuclear explosion as it effects the Soul. Hydrogen is one of the basic building blocks of the Universe. To split or fuse Hydrogen atoms is to meddle with the very fabric of the Physical Universe itself.

This is why "UFOs" began to make numerous appearances starting in 1945. Nothing Humans do go unnoticed and when "the baby started playing with the shotgun", our Galactic Brothers had to step in.

No one on Earth has the right to endanger the surrounding Cosmos. For this reason, it was decided that despite the Galactic Ban on Infringement upon Human Free Will, nuclear conflagration would no longer be allowed on Planet Earth, period. Because of this, the absolute last thing that Humanity has to worry about is a Nuclear Holocaust. It will not be allowed. I plan to elaborate on this later.

As for Soul Death, from the Information that I've been exposed to, death by nuclear explosion results in a very severe "fragmentation" of the Soul. Like a bowl of Jell-O thrown agains a wall, the "essence" of the Soul "fragments" and requires eons of times to "re-assemble". This reassembly may or may not be successful, hence the chance of permanent "Soul Death". This viewpoint differs slightly from the one that you so eloquently brought up only in the amount of time involved.

Thank you for pointing out that there are "extreme circumstances" that can result in irretrievable loss of the Spirit/Soul. Although, as I'm sure you already know, nothing is ever really "lost" in The Creation as all Spirit/Souls who suffer this sad fate will lose their "individuality" and be returned to the Chaos of Creation, where they will await a new Day of Manifestation and a fresh Opportunity to begin again, trillions of years down the road.

Take care, my friend....

~~ G

Sophia de Bar said...

Thank you! I somehow managed to crawl in cyberspace to this blog and I feel very grateful to have found it.

BrotherGee said...


Good to hear from you. As you may already be aware, there are almost no "accidents" in life. May you find something of value to you in your seeking as you browse this blog.

all love,

~ g

Sophia de Bar said...

everything is of great value to me here, i will write to you how this blog sent a message to me that gave me great hope, consolation, light. thank you for being! no accident a all.