22 August 2009

Pole Shift and The Tribulation

Some have heard about "Planet X", some have not. In short, there is a celestial body that has an elliptical (stretched out) orbit that invades this solar system approximately every 3,600 years. The effects of this body upon the planet Earth have been recorded by the ancients, as well as in the Book of Revelations (wormwood).

One of the things that occurs as the result of a close pass of Planet X is that the Earth is gripped in its gravitational pull and stops rotating, causing a "long day" on half the globe and a "long night" on the other half. The earth's core and its crust no longer move in sync. Eventually, the crust slips as it moves to follow the core. This movement "flips" the Earth over on its axis. This has become known as "pole shift".

Apparently, this planetary body has returned, is in the solar system and is cruising towards its usual rendezvous with the Earth. As it nears, "the Tribulations" will move into high gear.

Our governments and scientists are aware of what is occurring, but are reluctant to inform the populace. Perhaps they fear losing control of their citizens/subjects. Or maybe they do not want to give humans a chance to prepare, a chance to change their lives once and for all, knowing that "the end" is truly near.

There is more to this, but I don't have a lot of time to night. What I want to do is give you a link to a pdf document that gives a brief outline of the mechanics of pole shift and its anticipated effect on the countries of the world. For those who are interested in trying to physically survive this event, this document may prove to be valuable. As always, remember to use discernment when evaluating any and every thing.


I'd like to give thanks to a very good friend for sending me this document. I pass this gift on to you. What's ahead will not be a walk in the park. But to be prepared is to be forewarned.

All Love,

~~ G

Kindness. Caring. Giving. Unselfishness.


Kevin said...

Hello Brother Gee

I read the PDF doc and all I can say is Wow,-- and double Wow. It looks like this is how the 'Cleansing' or Purging will be played out...

Is Wormwood due to effect our planet
somewhere between now and 12-21-2012?

BrotherGee said...

Hi, Kevin. Good to hear from you.

From sources I've been in contact with, the answer to your question is an emphatic "yes". As a matter-of-fact, Earth has been feeling its effects for several years.

Signs of it's approach are more frequent blackouts and plane crashes (especially small planes), as the object (Planet X) is huge, anywhere from 4 to 23 times the size of the Earth and reportedly has its North Pole pointed in our direction much of the time.

You may also see strange storms where there is violent lightning with no thunder, I get these all the time in my neck of the woods.

The "Establishment" is fooling us into thinking that the Sun is the cause of all our problems. Whenever something happens that messes with the electrical grid or the atmosphere, the "experts" blame the Sun and the Public meekly accepts their assessment. But the truth is that these things are probably being caused by Planet X a.k.a. Wormwood which entered our Solar System a long while ago and turned past the Sun sometime in 2003, from what I've read.

There was a time when it was visible upon rising and setting and there are scores of pictures on the Web from all over the World showing what appears to be a "double sun". It's said that the Planet is continuing its rendezvous with Earth but is currently shielded by the glare of the Sun. At some point it will become visible and the Establishment will no longer be able to slough off the fact of its existence.

I've noticed that sunsets in my area are always conveniently covered by these huge "cumulus" clouds that move verrrrry slowly, effectively obstructing a view of the setting Sun. I thought I was going crazy but then I started to monitor this phenomenom. Sure enough, every afternoon around 5:00pm (EST) this giant cloud rolls up and does its thing.

I've noticed this since last summer.

So, yes, it's here. For those who are oblivious to the reasons for their Incarnations, The Gate of Choice is slowly beginning to close.

Fear not, my friend.

~~ G

P.S.: Your reaction to the pdf was about the same as mine. Double Wow. :-)

Kevin said...

Thanks Brother Gee for the extra info about planet X. I'm sure you have noticed, Lately there have been several small plane crashes. Just today a small plane crash landed in a parking lot in New Jersey.

I work with electronics and have also noticed some strange problems that develop, that make no sense at all.

Take Care

BrotherGee said...


As in the days of Atlantis, many ignored or were unaware of the signs. The Cycle is repeating itself, only on a different level. It is hoped that this time, more will listen to their inner voice, their heart, while assessing with their minds.

We've been here before. Will we get it right, this time?

Peace, my friend.

~~ G