30 July 2010

Selfless Service, The Golden Key

One hears a lot these days about Service-to-Others vs. Service-to-Self. Few realize how important it is to live an STO life, where every thought, feeling or action manifests itself with the good of others, the good of the group, in mind.

We are born ignorant and then promptly taught as children to be selfish. How? The world social system teaches us to "love ourselves", develop "self-esteem" and personal ambition ("be somebody"). Is it any wonder that the world is the way it is, with such insidiously sly and misleadingly wrong teachings?

A major key towards preparing oneself to make the Harvest that is on our doorstep is to forget the self. Forget you and what you like, what you want, what you need, what you desire. Learn to turn your focus out and away from self, towards others. What does my brother require? Where does my sister need help? How can I become a vessel through which Universal Love can flow through and touch another? Honestly contemplate the following: what has self-focus brought you but pain, sorrow and unhappiness?

The less one thinks of oneself, the more one thinks of others first, that's when true Joy becomes a permanent part of one's experience. Worries will fade, as one will find that in ceasing to try and hold onto "things", much more will be allowed to pass through their hands. The key is to not hold onto whatever it is that we tend to hold onto, tangible or intangible. Whatever we are Given, re-Give that to someone else. When the opportunity presents itself, Give what we have to whoever needs it, without thought of replacement or repayment. This is how we prepare ourselves for a New Life and a New Way. This is how one demonstrates their qualifications to be chosen as part of the seed of a New Race. Give, and never stop Giving. Forget you. There is no you. There is only Us.

~~ g

From The New Call - The Liberating Path of Service


WHEN WE IDENTIFY AND STRUGGLE with the problems of the personal self we cannot see a way out of our loneliness and suffering because we are looking in the wrong direction! Should we forget this most important principle of life, we need only recall to mind the existence and example of our sun, which constantly demonstrates a fundamental divine law.

Now, the sun shines! It does not try to shine; it does not perform rituals, resound prayers or practise any kind of spiritual technique in order to gain something or to better itself, and it certainly does not struggle with countless personal problems, desires and fears as does humanity, and this not doing is the secret of its success. Conversely, in man's personal struggle for freedom, in his antagonistic efforts to gain happiness for the separate self, in his self-imposed separation from the true and inclusive life of the Spirit, and in his ignorant and exclusive self-regard, he is actually contravening one of life's greatest laws, and so he must pay the price. Self-orientation contracts consciousness, and in thus obstructing the light of his very own soul from irradiating and expanding his awareness, man prevents his liberation from the darkness, suffering and struggle that have been his lot for ages upon Earth.

The Law of Cause and Effect is insuperable. People become unhappy, get sick and die because in focussing upon the little self - one microscopic mote in a veritable cosmic ocean of like particles - they lose sight of the greater whole of which they, as a personality, are an intrinsic and inseparable element. Man is generally so busy in habitually transgressing universal law that he fails to look, to see, and to therefore take benefit from his macrocosmic exemplar and master: the sun. What is focussed upon grows, and in the constricting focus that man chooses to maintain, he consummates his own "eternal damnation" as he separates himself indefinitely from the rest of Creation: his very own Greater Self. Thus, as long as man chooses to remain wallowing in the primeval mire of his selfish and fearful self, then his separation from God, the Fall from Grace and Lucifer's (mankind's) banishment from Paradise will be perpetuated.

Unhappiness, discord and disease are unnatural phenomena. They do not constitute part of the Universal Harmony and are not a design of the Divine Plan of Perfection. They are mankind's creations, as are all problems on Earth. With a little imagination it is not difficult to ascertain what would transpire if our sun were to follow man's example! And if every sun throughout the Cosmos were to do the same, then all the stars in the firmament would grow dim, flicker and die; the universe would be no more and God would expire! Today, Mother Earth is painfully close to just such a fate, and she, along with all humanity, bears testimony to the world-disharmony that we, as a race, have perpetrated in our forgetfulness of universal law. Yet the sun still shines, as it will indefinitely, just as long as it maintains its selfless focus and continues to surrender to the great Law of Love. And in recalling to mind the sun's perfect example whenever we find ourselves feeling any lack of vitality or inspiration, we may begin to reverse our downward-spiralling course into darkness by looking past the little self and into Life, by helping others, by giving to the world and by living for the greater good, just like the sun. Thus, we, too, will shine forever.

* * *

In selflessly serving the One Spirit in all - starting perhaps with our immediate friends, family, associates or our group - we shall find that our own highest needs are met by way of such service. Once the spiritual heart is thus kindled and set aflame in loving service to others, all personal problems resume their correct perspective and begin to dissolve effortlessly. For example, during times of great misfortune or disaster, the soul of humanity naturally responds to the greater needs, and thus in finding purpose through crisis our own personal problems lose their immediacy and may even cease to figure in our awareness altogether. At this present stage of human development on Earth the clarion call of the New Spirit is sounding urgently forth and is entreating every heart to willingly give up the futile search for personal gain - material or spiritual - and to look toward the greater needs of the world. It seeks to elucidate and evoke within us all the wisdom in joining hands together as one, for the sake of the realisation of a larger and brighter vision for the whole planet.

The grace of the times may only be received by the virtuous, and in thus becoming illumined by the liberating Aquarian energies, an awareness of the many previously concealed yet vital lessons in life may be appreciated. When we are able to really see, everyone and everything becomes a reliable tutor, the Book of Nature is opened and its secrets are revealed, divine-contact is established and, therefore, intuition is awakened. True intuition always impels one to do the greatest good for the largest number of people, for if one is attuned to the Spirit via one's own soul, then one is also aligned to some degree with the Divine Plan, and the Divine Plan is, in turn, designed for the benefit of everyone. Intuition, therefore, being ever unselfish, may be rightfully regarded as group-perception, that is, vision afforded by attunement to divine law for the good of all. Selflessness is the golden key that will avail each person today of the greatest blessing in the world, which is given in order to be shared with others, and when the door of present opportunity is unlocked, opened and the threshold crossed, sincere aspirants will find themselves upon the Path of progressive spiritual liberation in service to their fellows.


All Love,

~~ g


K said...

I am very familiar with thenewcall.org and in fact, you are the first contact I've made regarding that site. Many times I have wanted to comment on posts. I agree with this post about selfless service in a way that words cannot express. And as I read, it reminded me of a great realization I had before - perhaps needed a reminder - that is... forgetting self and serving others does not come by forced mental effort. If one is being or "trying" to be a good person just for the sake of being good, it is a lie, stemming from a fear of not being good enough. If it is being encouraged because of chance of being included in the harvest, then it for selfish gain at its core. Selfless service comes from the heart - it is a natural inclination that stems from an inner-joy and knowing, a communion not to be cheapened by words, and impossible to convey. Another realization I had recently was with the whole concept of "giving" - perhaps I'm getting technical here but I don't see it as giving. I see it as sharing. To me, the belief in giving is a reinforcement in the belief that another is not whole in Truth. To "give" does not imply equality in Truth, but that one has more of Christ than another. If we are to truly be of selfless service, stop judging our brethren... When a thought of judgment or ill-will comes up, examine it. If someone makes you angry, hurts your feelings, makes you jealous, examine it. As Rocky Balboa says, "It's Frankie Fear!" and he's your best friend. Selfless service comes from facing Frankie Fear and seeing that same vulnerability in everyone else. Simply thinking and believing someone needs help is a negative thought. Think about it... how did you get to your realization? I know for me, no one outside of my being provided such. It came from within. Perhaps the greatest service is to stop believing the weaknesses we are seeing in each other. My feelings and thoughts of Truth and Love and Christ in another have not gone unanswered. I am ever amazed! It's wild! Our beliefs about who we are must be examined. It is the mind that holds us in bondage and can also set us free. I read here in this post not to focus on self at all, to forget self. I agree! Oh such joy! However, you cannot see in another what you do not see within yourself! I have dearest closest family members who dedicate their lives to service to others. They are miserable and tormented souls. I say, that if you are exercising effort to be of service, then you are not being of service. If all are One - which I believe - common sense alone explains this - what great hypocrisy, what great dishonoring, by treating Christ in you so much less that in "another." Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, any thoughts. Thank you for providing this outlet.

BrotherGee said...

Hello, K.

Thank you for your comments. An email response is on its way to you. For now, i would like to address one item:

Re: "forgetting self and serving others does not come by forced mental effort" and "If it is being encouraged because of chance of being included in the harvest, then it for selfish gain at its core."

These statements are correct. Although i married the concept of "Service" and "Harvest" in my post, the intent was not to mislead folks into thinking of using service as a "crowbar" to pry open the doors to The New World.

As you so succintly put it, service of such a disingenuous nature will avail one of nothing. One must always resist the urge to say "Look what I did for that person-place-thing! Aren't I grand? I'm certain to earn a gold star for this!" etc., etc. Certainly, there are people like that in the world today. This is not what anyone should be aspiring to.

We should serve not because of what we can "get", but because it is right. Whatever is returned to us is a bonus, and it should be passed on as soon as an opportunity presents itself.

Which brings me to another point...i didn't mean to imply that we should go looking for people or causes to "give" to. The idea was more along the lines of, when an opportunity for giving arises, then we should consider making an effort to be a conduit for giving. Not from a position of superiority, but from an understanding that we are the "hands and feet" of God, and sometimes, getting things done on the material requires an assist from those living on the material plane. We should give help, or "share resources" as, or when a need arises. The key word in all of this, and the one which must be understood and emphasized, is


Thanks for bringing up some important points, they are appreciated.

~~ g