28 June 2011


1. Life itself, the training to be given in the future, the conclusions of science, and a new mode of civilization, will all increasingly be focused on this unique (etheric) substance, which is the true form to which all physical bodies in every kingdom of nature conform.

...The etheric body exists in subtle etheric matter, and factually there is no true gap; there is simply the ignoring by humanity of an aspect of the physical body, which is of far more importance than the dense physical vehicle.

2. There are six major propositions which govern all consideration of the etheric body:

i. There is nothing in the manifested universe -- solar, planetary, or the various kingdoms in nature -- which does not possess an energy form, subtle and intangible yet substantial, which controls, governs and conditions the outer physical body. This is the etheric body.

ii. This energy form -- underlying the solar system, the planets, and all the forms within their specific ring-pass-not -- is itself conditioned and governed by the dominant solar or planetary energy which ceaselessly and without break in time, creates it, changes and qualifies it. The etheric body is subject to ceaseless change.

iii. The etheric body is composed of interlocking and circulating lines of force, emanating from one or other, or from one or many, of the seven planes or areas of consciousness of our planetary life.

iv. These lines of energy, and this close interlocking system of streams of force, are related to seven focal points or centers to be found within the the etheric body (the chakras). These centers are related, each of them, to certain types of incoming energy. When the energy reaching the etheric body is not related to a particular centre, then that centre remains quiescent and unawakened; when it is related and the centre is sensitive to its impact, then that centre becomes vibrant and receptive, and develops as a controlling factor in the life of the man on the physical plane.

v. The dense physical body, composed of atoms -- each with its own individual life, light and activity -- is held together by and is expressive of the energies which compose the etheric body.

vi. The etheric body has many centres of force, responsive to the manifold energies of our planetary Life, but we shall consider only the seven major centres (the seven major chakras) which respond to the inflowing energies of the Seven Rays. All lesser centres are conditioned by the seven major centres.

It can be seen, therefore, how exceedingly important this subject of energy becomes, because it controls and makes the man what he is at any given moment-, and likewise indicates the plane on which he should function, and the method whereby he should govern his environment, circumstances and relationships. If this is grasped by him, it will enable him to realize that he will have to shift his whole attention from the physical or the astral planes on to the etheric levels of awareness; his object will then be to determine what energy (or energies) should control his daily expression. He will realize that as his attitude, attainment and comprehension shifts to higher levels, his etheric body will be constantly changing and responding to the newer energies. These energies he will be will-fully bringing in; this is the right use of the word "will-full".

3. According to the point in evolution will be the extent of the area which the etheric body covers beyond the outside of the physical body. It may extend for a few or many inches.

4. Within the physical body, the network of the etheric body is to be found permeating every part. It is peculiarly associated at this time with the nervous system, which is fed, nourished, controlled and galvanized by its etheric counterpart. This counterpart is present in millions of tiny streams of lines of energy, to which the East has given the name of "nadis". These nadis are the carriers of energy.

5. The seven centres are not within the dense physical body. They exist only in etheric matter and in the etheric, so-called aura, outside the physical body.

6. The powerful effect of the inflow of energy, via the energy body, has itself automatically created these centres (the chakras), or these reservoirs of force, these focal points of energy, which the spiritual man must learn to use, and through the means of which, he can direct energy where needed.

7. This form or centre ... is related to all other forms and expressing energies in the environing space, and is automatically receptive to some, and repudiates others through the process of non-recognition; it relays or transmits other energies radiating from other forms, and it thus becomes, in its turn, an impressing agent (~ g: this, in part, explains the behavior of crowds, mobs, etc. If one is in the vicinity of an unruly mob and that one has unruliness within his aura, he will be attracted to the "energy" of unruliness pulsing through the mob and will probably join in. Those who do not vibrate to unruliness and anarchy will be repelled by this energy and will more than likely walk away from the riot. This not only applies to crowds and mobs but to one-on-one contacts between two human beings. This "invisible communication" is real and concerns not only human-to-human contact, but human-to-planet, -solar system, -galaxy and -universe).

8. The etheric body ... has one main objective. This is to vitalize and energize the physical body, and thus integrate it into the energy body of the Earth and of the solar system. It is a web of energy streams, of lines of force and of light. It constitutes part of the vast network of energies which underlie all forms, whether great or small (microcosmic or macrocosmic). Along these lines of energy, the cosmic forces flow, as the blood flows through the veins and arteries. this constant, individual -- human, planetary and solar -- circulation of life-forces through the etheric bodies of all forms, is the basis of all manifested life, and an expression of the essential non-separateness of all life.

9. The etheric body is fundamentally the most important response apparatus that man possesses, producing not only the right functioning of the five senses, and consequently providing five major points of contact with the tangible world, but it also enables a man to register sensitively the subtler worlds, and, when energized and controlled by the soul, the spiritual realms stand wide open also.

10. An understanding of what I have said, will lead the earnest student to a more practical application of his attitude towards his centres, and also to a fixed endeavor to make his sphere of radiatory activity more useful to his fellow men. The reason for this will be that his attitude will express the quality of the subjective Spirit and not the quality -- hitherto rampant -- of objective matter. Forget not that the etheric body is a material and substantial body (~ g: just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there), and is therefore an integral part of the physical plane; forget not that it is intended, first of all, to carry the energies of the emotional and of the mental plane...; that it is also intended to carry the threefold energies of the soul in the stage of consciously gaining experience; and that also, as the antakharana is built, it is intended to carry the energies of the Monad in the stage of consciously expressed divinity. See you, therefore, the beauty of the spiritual process, and the planned aid given to the sons of men at all stages of their Return to the centre from whence they came?

Excerpted from the chapter on "Energy" - Serving Humanity - by Alice Bailey and the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul - portions from Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle also by Alice Bailey and DK. Also highly recommended: The Etheric Double by A. E. Powell (a pdf of this last book is available from the library. Email gpn1975@yahoo.com and type the word "Library" in the subject line).

If you wish to learn more, you are strongly urged to pick up the two books highlighted above. Right now, you potentially know more about the true workings of the human body than millions of 'professionals' with their useless Ph.Ds.

This is a very important post. If not understood, it should be re-read.  It is imperative that one should try, at the very least, to become familiar with the purpose, functions and abilities of the etheric body, even if not completely understood. This is a subject that is of immediate importance to anyone who wishes to make a smooth transition during the coming Harvest. The etheric vehicle must be vibrating at a very high level. This is why we are repeatedly urged to purify our thoughts, emotions and physical intake. This is why we are taught to recognize that Unconditional Love, Unselfish Giving and Selfless Service are the keys to attracting and building higher energies into the subtle vehicles.

If we play our cards right, this will be our new body in the Aquarian Age that is now upon us. Not only that, this will be the vehicle-of-transition between this old, physical existence and The New Earth that lies ahead. It behooves us to learn all we can about how the etheric body (the vital body) works and what can be done to increase its natural ability to receive and transmit higher energies.

~ g

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