10 July 2011

Of Vehicles, Planes And Densities

Sometimes a picture is worth more than words. The above illustration is a crude attempt to depict the multi-dimensional existence of man. Many may remember making paper-doll chains as a child. When you folded them together, you'd see one figure. When you pulled each end, the one figure would expand into several identical figures.Keeping that image in mind, please read on.

From left to right, we have the physical body with its five physical senses, manifesting and experiencing on the dense Phsyical Plane of solids, liquids and gases. Then we have the etheric double, which manifests and experiences on the Etheric Plane. The Etheric Plane is a subtler sub-division of the Physical Plane. The etheric double is built from the substance of this plane.

From there, we move to the Astral Plane, the Desire World. This is the world of feelings and emotions which we navigate using an astral body. The astral body is built of astral matter and senses its surroundings with appropriate astral sense organs. The final subtle body (in this illustration) is the mental body, which is composed of the matter of the lower Mental Plane. The lower mental plane is the world of (concrete) Thought.

Each of these planes of matter (often called 'densities') are complete universes, separate and yet connected to one another. Every planet, sun and star has its counterpart on these planes. There are billions of stars, planets, solar systems that we cannot see because we do not have the "eyes" to see them. 

It is important to understand that all these bodies occupy the same space, and interpenetrate one another; just as all these worlds (physical, astral, mental, etc.) occupy the same space, and interpenetrate one another.

Back to the human vehicles of consciousness - the personality vehicles. At all times, these vehicles are active on their own plane. Most of us are not aware of this activity, because we are unable to effectively utilize the sense organs appropriate to each plane. However, just as the hands are joined in the illustration, symbolizing an unbroken link, so are we connected to all of our bodies, whether we are aware of it or not. For example, when the physical body sleeps, we remain active in the astral body. Because we do not have knowledge of the invisible worlds, we call this astral activity "dreaming". We are not dreaming. Dream activity is the soul working on the astral plane in the astral body. The confusion and the inability to recall dream experiences is due to our not having fully developed our astral sense organs.

Currently, the etheric double transmits and receives impulses to and from the higher subtle bodies to the physical body. It acts as a 'go-between' of sorts. The process of "thinking" starts with a sensed impact from the objective physical world. This impact is sensed as a vibration and is passed on via the nervous system to the etheric double, which in turn, passes it on to the astral body. The astral body colors the vibration with one of three aspects: attraction, repulsion, indifference. It then passes these vibrations (what we call "feelings") on to the mental body. The mental body processes the feeling and creates either a thought-from or thought-vibration in response. The process then reverse itself as the thought-vibration is picked up by the astral and forwarded to the etheric double. The etheric double transmits these vibrations to the nervous system which then prompts the physical body to perform (or not perform) some action. All of this happens in the space of time-fragments so tiny that it's not even worthwhile to speculate upon the duration. For now, let us accept that the mechanism of the thought process must approach the speed of light. 


Something is about to happen to this planet, solar system and galaxy. Let's just say that every sentient being is getting an opportunity to 'step up' at least one plane to a higher density. Some will ascend even higher, if they qualify. For humans, this means that some will be continuing their evolution on the etheric, astral or mental planes, depending upon their level of spiritual development. The lower physical plane (solids, liquids, gases) in which we currently focus our consciousness, is about to fade from conscious view. The etheric double promises to play a prominent role in whether souls are able to make this transition smoothly. This is why it is imperative that measures are taken now to purify this vehicle as much as possible. If there are significant blockages or miasmas of any kind present in the etheric double at the time of the Harvest, it may not be able to withstand the torrents of Cosmic Force that will be bathing the entire globe. Inability to successfully assimilate these Divine Energies will very likely result in transition for the human.

This post is but the feeblest attempt to describe things about which volumes have been written. More detailed information can be found by men and women much more versed on the subject, due to having achieved an ability to see into the inner worlds. Of these, Man and His Bodies is a suitable short primer on the subject.

The concepts described here may sound fantastic and difficult to believe. That is completely understandable, as we have been brought up in a world that mis-directs the mind to such trifling activities as "becoming famous", "getting rich", "being happy", "getting an education", etc. It is a fact that the vaunted education that we are fed on this planet is of very dubious value and is purposely designed to focus the Mind on the lower physical world. This focus has become so concentrated and myopic in scope that we have chosen to believe that this is the real world, that we have only one body and that we live only one life. This mindset binds our thinking to this fallen existence. We work ourselves to exhaustion trying to achieve the false goals spoken of above, and die just as ignorant and spiritually backwards as we were at birth.

You are now being presented with an opportunity to investigate - better yet - to know and apply the most ancient teachings of the ages. This information has been suppressed and hidden from Mankind because the dark forces know that once one understands the factual significance of these teachings, one can no longer be completely blind regarding the dynamics of physical existence, and may actually begin to seek out the answers to other hidden truths. When this happens, control over the human mind is threatened, and the dark does not like to lose control.

Consider what has been read today. Then take the time to ask yourself "could it be possible?". Just by asking such a question, one takes the first step on the journey towards enlightenment. That first step is To Question Everything. Then sally forth with an open mind and an open heart into the Forest of Hidden Things, picking the scented petals of Truths Long-Forgotten. Enjoy the journey.

Free Your Mind.

~ g 

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