27 February 2013

Truth Without Proof

This post is an answer to recent questions posed by andrew on 25 February. It is posted here for the benefit of all ~ g

"Has anyone currently following the path of liberation ever reached the divine realm?"

The most well-known example was recorded in the life of Jesus, the Christed One. In an act of supreme love for humanity, he purposely lived his life as a step-by-step primer on how to obtain Liberation. He allowed himself to be brutalized in order to show that the death of the physical body can be transcended. When they rolled back the stone to his grave, the grave was empty. It was empty because his material body had been absorbed by and merged with his etheric double. The only people who were able to see him from that point on were those of his disciples and apostles who possessed etheric vision. This is the most heavily-documented case of successful transfiguration / liberation that we have before us. The sad thing about it is that most people believe that it is a fairy-tale or an outright fabrication. The proof was left for us to examine, and we refuse to see it. During the time this divine avatar walked the earth, there were no tv's, radios or recording devices. But what he did was so over-the-top amazing that the story has been preserved for over 2,000 years.

However, if by "currently" you mean in the last five, ten or twenty years, etc., the answer is that i, personally, have no idea. In order to transfigure, a candidate must attract and assimilate a significant quantity of gnostic Light-power. In addition to that, he or she must know that there is a process, must know how to apply the process and must know how to navigate that process.

The radiations of the Gnosis follow laws of periodicity. This means that in regular cycles, like clockwork, these divine energies pass through the solar system and then withdraw again. It can be likened to a light-house beacon, constantly sweeping in a 360-degree circle. First light, then darkness, then light, then darkness. For humanity, this Beacon of Light has once more swung in our direction and its tremendous Power is about to fully wash over mankind.

In centuries past, as far back as Atlantean times and before, there was not enough gnostic light-power permeating this realm to assist candidates in their quest to transfigure. Therefore, mystery-schools were established that would provide assistance to those who were found to be worthy. The candidate was given guidance and a 'boost' as it were. This was the age of the gurus and the masters, who, by their own divine state-of-being could transmit the divine fire to their students. Even with the presence of these schools, past harvests have been very small. Nevertheless, we are left with clues. What happened to the Maya? What happened to the residents of Machu Picchu in Peru and Chaco Canyon in the U.S.? Archaeologists postulate all sorts of baseless theories because they are unable to fathom the idea of entire groups of people disappearing from the physical realm.

We have reached a point in time where the atmospheric revolution is bringing the Christine radiations to a crescendo. Very soon it will be possible for not just one person to transfigure, but many, many hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions. This is the opportunity that now stands before mankind and is poised to commence at a given moment in the not-to-far-distant future.

One may say, "because I have not seen this with my own eyes, I refuse to believe it". This is understandable, and was foretold via the story of the apostle Thomas. There are many who will not believe, due to many incarnations of living under the influence of this nature-order, where 'reason' prevails and intuition is ignored.

 "...it appears that in the divine realm we do not have physical bodies"

When we refer to the divine realms, we are referring to the Sixth Cosmic Plane, a sevenfold domain that inter-penetrates our sevenfold Seventh Cosmic Plane but is not a part of it. Any entity that manages to escape this physical plane and return to the divine Sixth Cosmic Plane will be able to self-generate a bodily figure without the need for sexual reproduction. The body that they choose to manifest can be built of the materials of any of the seven divisions of this Seventh Cosmic Plane.

Man is so attached to his body that he believes that without the body, he will cease to exist. Mark well the following and do not forget it:

 You have a body. You are not your body.

Let's say you turn off everything in your home and sit silently in the pitch darkness with your eyes closed. You can't see anything or your body. Do you still exist? Of course, you do. You are not your body. You are a consciousness inhabiting a dense, physical body for use in navigating a dense, physical world. The body may disintegrate, but the consciousness will persist.

The answer to the question of whether divine beings still have the use of a body is yes. A body is generated when it is desired or necessary to fulfill a function. Whatever form these divine ones need to manifest is but a thought away.

The divine realms of the Sixth Cosmic Plane are called divine because of their unbroken link with The Father. Just because we can't see the inhabitants of this realm doesn't mean that they are not there. They have form and substance on their plane-of-existence. Not only that, but they are able to observe us and everything on the planes below them without any trouble at all.

"...So how do these etheric beings communicate?"

The inhabitants of the divine Sixth Cosmic Plane are not 'etheric' beings, as we use the term. They are more along the lines of divine astral beings. It is not known how these divine inhabitants of the Sixth Cosmic Domain communicate. One can be certain that it is not with words. Vocalized speech is something used in this dense, physical world. It is not the method of communication for higher worlds.

Etheric beings, who inhabit the rung above us in this physical, undivine Seventh Cosmic Plane, communicate via thought - telepathy. It is a fact that prior to the fall of Atlantis, the entire planet was telepathic. When the planet dropped in density from etheric to physical, this telepathic ability was gradually lost to the mass of humanity. In telepathy, thoughts are transmitted from one mind to another as images, or pictures, which contain a tremendous amount of information. The receiving mind responds to the image and 'translates' it into a concept that the mind can grasp intuitively. That's why after humanity lost its telepathic ability, the first languages were pictograms, which gradually degenerated into symbols and finally letters. However, we are now embarking upon an evolutionary up-swing and are about to merge once more with the etheric-sphere. As a result, we will regain our lost telepathic abilities.

This is why it is important to learn to think in a purified manner now, before these events come about. On the New Earth there will be no room for deception or lies. The condition of our auras will be visible to all and will show the truth about who we are, unlike now, when the most despicable thoughts and feelings can be hidden behind a bright smile or a pretty face. We will be an 'open book', as it were. Therefore, we should work on making sure that our 'book' contains nothing that will hurt or harm another.

"...It seems there would be a danger that the astral entities from the un-divine realm could invent Spiritual Schools for ether bleeding"

This is a real danger and many have been victimized by such deceptions. There are organizations that are flat-out frauds, these are easy to unmask. The problems arise with organizations or groups who possess a portion of the Truth, which will naturally attract those who are seeking the same. If the seeker does not pay attention to certain signs, he or she will be progressively misled until there comes a point where the realization will dawn that they have reached a dead-end in such groups. Sometimes, it takes years of wasted time to realize this. Disillusionment or a falling away from seeking could be the result. This means victory for the forces of darkness. Every soul who is discouraged from seeking strengthens the aeons of this nature.

There are also groups or organizations that start out with the Truth and the best of intentions but when the link with Spirit is lost, the teachings crystallize and become dogmatic. Some of these same groups also suffer from the foibles of the human personality. In-fighting, jealousy, egoism, etc., all combine to ruin and destroy the purpose of the group. The examples are extensive. All of these types of linkages can result in ether-bleedings from the sincere seeker. So, how does one protect oneself from falling into any of these traps?

One must learn to recognize and distinguish between that which is True and that which is not. Signs to look for:

- constant requests for money
- attempts to control or dominate you
- egoism, where you or the leaders of a group are flattered and exalted
- emphasis on titles, positions, initiations
- emphasis on occult practices, astral travel, etc.
- constant bickering, arguing or disagreements among members

Any sign of self-maintenance or worldly aspiration is a sure sign that the organization is not linked with the Power-Field of the Gnosis.

"What proof do we have?"

There is no visible 'proof'. That is where faith comes in. Documented symbolically and literally in the New Testament is the entire process of Transfiguration, the Path and its pitfalls, etc. The letters of Paul to the Ephesians, Galations, Romans, etc., were not sent to the masses, but were intended for the disciples of the Christ, those who had chosen to follow his example and were treading The Path. If these epistles are read in that light, much understanding should result. The four Gospels chronicle The Path, in symbolic detail, from Bethlehem to Golgotha. The gnostic writings of the Pistis Sophia, although written in a veiled style that may be difficult to understand without wise interpretation, also discusses this process, step-by-step and in detail.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is a veritable prophecy in stone. It was designed in such a way that the entire transfiguristic journey of mankind is recorded in the types of stone used, the measurement of certain angles and their placement, the correspondence of royal cubits to years, etc. With the mathematical key, one can tell the entire story of this current cycle and know how it is destined to end.

'Proof' abounds, but many times we are unable to recognize it because our eyes are blinded by the need to "see" everything spelled out before us. Again, this is where faith comes in. This is a test where all of the answers cannot be given to us. We must do much of the work ourselves.

In closing, a couple of quotes:

"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen" Hebrews 11:1


"There is going to be a Harvest, as you might call it, a Harvest of Souls that will shortly occur on your planet. We are attempting to extract the greatest possible harvest from this planet. This is our mission, for we are the Harvesters.

In order to be most efficient, we are attempting to create first a state of seeking among the people of this planet who desire to seek… We offer them no concrete proof, as they have a way of expressing it. We offer them Truth. This is an important function of our mission - to offer Truth without proof. In this way, the motivation will, in each and every case, come from within the individual" - Ra  

Truth without Proof. This is how it must be. You must discern for yourself what is True. One can lay it all out for you, but in the end, the decision to go forward will have to be based upon how you feel about what has been presented to you.

~ g


Andrew said...


Thank you very much for your comprehensive answers to my questions. The last paragraph seems to sum it all up where you say-

Truth without Proof. This is how it must be. You must discern for yourself what is True. One can lay it all out for you, but in the end, the decision to go forward will have to be based upon how you feel about what has been presented to you.

This week I saw the excellent film The Life of Pi which can be summarized in three lines:

1) Life is a story.

2) You can choose your story.

3) A story with God is the better story.

Without God the transitory being is simply meaningless, but everyone can still choose their own story.

BrotherGee said...


i like number 3:

"A story with God is the better story"


Unknown said...

This was awesome! Thanks.

Both of you.