30 March 2013

The Mystery Of The Endura

Endura - the path of I-demolition, the path of the last golden death through the self-surrender of the I to the 'Other One', to the Immortal Man, the 'Christ in me'. It is the path of the Johannine man, who 'makes straight the paths...'; it is putting into practice the words: 'He, the heavenly Other One, must increase, and I must decrease, so that the heavenly Other One will live in me'.

The path of the endura is the classical path along which fallen man, existing in darkness, suffering and death will have to travel to rise to his true, Immortal being, and so return to the Father. Our journey through the world of duality leads us to death; the endura is a voluntary dying to realize True Life. It is the Path of the God-seeking man, voluntarily dying as to his I-being, to be able to live eternally in the Other One. 'He who loses his life for My sake, will find It'. - JVR


Serious pupils in the Forecourt of the Rosycross who are fully prepared to take leave of the world of duality are continually asking themselves, "How do we take our first steps on the Path of Transfiguration?

To be able to answer that question clearly, the pupil needs to possess some fundamental knowledge about his own being. He also needs to recognize clearly the insurmountable difference between natural religion, on the one hand, and the mystical and magical transfiguristic path on the other. The difference between occultism and transfigurism lies in the fact that all occult methods (bg: certain yogas, for example) aim at acquiring a higher consciousness in the reflection-sphere (bg: the material "heaven-worlds").

This fact makes mutual understanding and respect very difficult. When a transfigurist speaks about his philosophy of life and his view of the world, more or less the same difficulties present themselves as those which arose some centuries ago at the beginning of the Renaissance. The intelligentsia of that time still considered the earth to be flat. A few enlightened pioneers taught the existence of a spherical, and even of a rotating earth. Such nonsense was considered dangerous, and they were cautioned, threatened, imprisoned, exiled or burned.

The Forecourt of the Rosycross is always filled both with religious-types who no longer find life in their churches bearable, and with occult seekers who crave higher consciousness. It is most painful for them to learn that neither type can be received into the Sanctuary. No matter what sort of halo of cultivated "goodness" such a person may wear, the sanctuary of a transfiguristic spiritual school will be inaccessible to him.

This is not a question of rejection or of arrogant presumption on the part of the School, but of the absolute structural unfitness of the candidate. The striving human being of this nature believes he can qualify for the Universal Life by cultivating "goodness" in the religious, humanitarian or occult sense. This is an absolute delusion! By means of this kind of "culture", one can only elevate oneself and prepare oneself for a certain harmonious, albeit transitory life in the subtler realms of the dualistic world-order. That has always been the great difficulty. When a transfigurist offers his treasures to the world, people think they can be understood in the terms of nature-religion or occult science. The result, of course, will always be negative.

In dualistic life it is said, "experience is the best teacher", but for the problems you face in a transfiguristic school, ordinary everyday experiences are of little or no value. When you live your life in the ordinary way, and on that basis enter the reflection-sphere after death, you will eventually return as a helpless child, with a totally different blood-state and, at best, with a tiny spark of Remembrance, but without the slightest comparative knowledge regarding the Immovable Kingdom, and thus, with a totally inadequate foundation. That is why Jesus Christ said "Many are called, but few are chosen". Transfigurism can do the calling, but only you yourself can walk the Path of the Chosen.

The dualistic higher consciousness movements, in addition to calling, can always mislead you with something that is in accordance with your sphere of consciousness. They approach you with the miraculous, with the scientifically irrefutable, and even backed by the authority of an official professorship in para-psychology. But transfigurism is different. It can only call! As soon as  a person answers this Call, walks The Path, and tastes the first joys of renewal, he is completely unable to offer adequate proof of this in the dualistic sense. On the one hand, his way of life is seen as the cultivation of "goodness" and on the other as arrogant self-glorification, for there are no dualistic equivalents for these values, and if there were, they would certainly not be called transfiguristic.

Even so, the Call awakens in its hearers an immeasurable longing, for transfigurism aims at a return to the Original Divine state. And who would not desire such a return? That is why, in the School, you can always find a suitable basis on which to work, a foundation on which you can stand, for it is given to every pupil to practice the Science of Return.

The practice of this science, however, makes heavy demands on the dualistic awareness. The pupil who walks this Path leaves behind him everything of this nature, the unseen as well as the seen. But even that is not enough, for in the end he loses even himself. "He who is willing to lose his life for my sake, shall find It".

Dualistically seeking and striving beings know, at the most, self-denial, the total readiness of the "I" to sacrifice the self for the consolation and blessing of the world. But transfigurism requires the losing of the self, the total nullification of the I-personality. It is only from this loss that "It" is won. Only by this "It" can the transfiguristc value be expressed. "It" is Tao. It is the "undefinable" of the still unborn Divine Man. It bears nothing more within it of your self, and yet "It" must be won by the sacrifice of your self. That is the essence of mystery!

End Part I

"The Mystery Of The Endura" The Great Revolution - JVR, CDP


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