10 January 2017

The Wheel and The Path

School's in.

Above is a diagram that illustrates the gnostic Path of Transfiguration. The diagram is the same as that which describes the Hindu concept of Moksha, only it has more detail. It pictorially outlines every step in the cycle of Life-Death-and-Rebirth and also shows the alternate path, the Path of Return, the Path of the True Way, the Path of Liberation from the Wheel of Death-and-Rebirth.

Man is the only creature that is twofold: he is both mortal and immortal. Mortal as to the temporary personality and its etheric, astral and mental vehicles. Immortal as to the microcosm, which persists for Eternity.

The above diagram describes the ages-long journey of the microcosm, as it creates one personality after another, living, dying, living, dying, in a fruitlessly slow process of development. At the top-of-page is depicted the Kingdom of God, the Divine Kingdom, the Sixth Cosmic Domain. It is referred to as the "Static Universe" because there are no pairs-of-opposites in this Realm, no duality. Love is the rule, not the exception. Here we speak not of conditional human love, which is but a poor imitation, but of the Divine Love that encompasses and permeates The All.

Below this area is shown the Material Universe: duality, or dialectics. Here is where our microcosms fell, long ages ago. The Wheel of Death and Rebirth holds sway here, and is depicted as two halves of the same circle - the reflection-sphere (the so-called 'heaven' worlds) and the physical plane (what man calls 'reality', which, by the way, is incorrect).

To read this diagram, we start at the extreme right-hand side of the Wheel, just below the words "The Veil Between Life and Death". A man and a woman are depicted there. This portion of the Wheel represents physical birth. Here is where an emptied microcosm begins the process of collecting the soul-vehicles that will be required to build a new personality. In addition to the physical body, at intervals of seven-years-per-vehicle, the etheric body is built, then the astral body, and finally, the mental body. By the age of 21 all soul-vehicles are accounted for and the personality is considered an adult. Maturity of the mental body, the last vehicle built, does not occur until the age of 28.

As can be seen on the diagram, once all four vehicles have been constructed, an interesting thing happens: there is a fork or a splitting of the path of the microcosm with its personality. The personality can either continue on the road of least resistance, remain on the Wheel and once again meet physical death, where its vehicles will dissolve one by one until the microcosm is emptied once more, or it can take the divergent path, the Path of Return, the Path that leads the microcosm back to the Divine Kingdom.

This is the secret that was taught in all ancient Mystery Schools. The doctrine of Liberation. It is being revealed to mankind now because we are in the time of Harvest. During this special period of Grace, veils will be lowered, dimensions will temporarily merge, so as to allow all those who are walking the Path of the True Way to take a giant leap into Eternity.

Keep the diagram. Study it. It is the Key to the Mystery of Eternal Life.

~ g


Anonymous said...

To live nobly in this lifetime in thoughts, deeds and action, will this put people on the right path?

Do many not truly live nobly in their life.

What about the good, decent people of the world. Are they not connected to a path by living nobly?

Is it best to tell the good decent people to join a mystery school and do some study? Or will they only find access through bitter experience. Or does they living nobly and lovingly get them anywhere?


BrotherGee said...

There is but one way to the Divine Kingdom: the microcosm and the nature-born personality that inhabits it must be completely transfigured. To transfigure means "to transform into something more beautiful or elevated".

The process of transfiguration begins with the awakening of the sleeping Divine Spark. If one does not effect this Awakening, the transfiguristic process cannot begin. There is no way around this pre-requisite.

Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Divine Kingdom. This because the physical body cannot thrive in such high vibrations. Hence, the need for a complete renewal of the physical body, the astral and mental bodies, and the microcosm itself.

If those who live "nobly" do not locate the Path during their incarnation, the overall incarnation will have been unsuccessful, even though great progress may have been made by living in a noble manner. No experience is wasted, so the positive that was accumulated in the life lived will be used to create a new personality that will have that much more of an opportunity to find the True Way in the next life.

One can proceed in this fashion, slowly advancing by living repeated "good" lives, but at such a pace, it may take a very long time to reach a point where the Divine Spark can be awakened. We're talking many millions of years for some microcosms.

Now there's nothing wrong with taking "the long road". The Destination will be reached at some point. It's just that the Path is like the express train to the Divine Kingdom, especially now that we are living in the time of Harvest, a period that is extremely conducive to enabling anyone who awakens the Spark and embraces the Path to take giant strides in that direction. This is why The Call is being sound so stridently at this time.

The choice is up to the personality. When enough is enough, usually that is the time when the personality will begin to seek The Way, and The Way will reveal itself to that personality. But as long as one is tied to the Earth, that one's Departure will be delayed accordingly.

~ g

BrotherGee said...

As for the need to find and join a Mystery School, this is not as easy as it may sound, as there are scores of institutions masquerading as "schools of enlightenment" in the New Age supermarket. Every ship does not fly the same flag.

One must Seek and Seek and Seek until he or she Finds. When he or she finds, there will be astonishment. In astonishment, he or she shall reach The Kingdom. The foregoing is true of the Gnostic Path of Transfiguration because the Seeker will be confronted with things that are totally counter to everything else he or she may have come across: i.e., the total surrender of the personality and the subjugation of the I-being. It can be astonishing and perhaps also troubling to realize that our I-being must eventually be completely submerged so that the True Man Within can rise again and resume control within the microcosm.

You, and others who regularly frequent this blog, are already heading in the right direction, or else you would not be here reading these posts or asking these questions.

Please note that we are experiencing the Dawn of a New Day. Mankind is now in the time of Harvest. Therefore, candidates are no longer being sought by a master or guru, selected and brought to a School for initiation. Candidates are now "selecting" themselves, and the Mysteries are being presented to them, so that they, through insight and self-surrender, can begin to apply that which is required in order to initiate themselves.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Astonishing is the right word. Thanks for your heartfelt answers :)

Anonymous said...

Why does the diagram say the 'Birth of the ether body after age 7'? I though the physical body comes from the matrix of the etheric body, so how can it start at 7 years?

Anonymous said...

Buddhist philosophy also encompasses the same idea. I find myself in a bit of a quandary. On the one hand the urge to take the path strongly beckons, on the other the earthly commitments (family, children social obligations....) ties us down. Buddha just walked away from it all (or the story goes).
How are we to strike a balance in this 'tug of war'? Did the Buddha set an example so that at some point we are compelled to 'renounce' our bondage with all things of the materialistic realm? Don't the relationship we form as 'humans' have no meaning beyond the sustenance of aeonic realms that feeds through the constant replenishing of energy released by our perpetual earthly drama? Is it right to just up and leave it all behind?
Your previous post suggests that we remain neutral. The very scriptures suggests that if you are 'lukewarm' I will spew you out. Appreciate your input, my relationship with my wife is almost beyond repair.....should I save the relationship or gently leave the stage?

BrotherGee said...

Anonymous, good question.

At birth, the etheric body is not yet fully developed. The infant personality lives through a connection with the etheric body of the mother. The fact that the child shares in the etheric field of the mother accounts for the close attachment that most children have with their mothers. We can confirm that most toddlers can usually be found "up under" mom.

The etheric body is composed of four ethers. From highest to lowest, these are:

- reflecting ether : thought
- light ether : the five senses, nervous system
- life ether : propagation, gestation, growth
- chemical ether : assimilation and excretion, fundamental maintenance of the physical body

In the newborn, the chemical ether is primarily active from the moment of birth. We can all verify this by acknowledging the fact that infants do almost nothing but eat (assimilate) and excrete.

The years spanning from infancy to the age of seven are spent integrating the remaining three ethers. Once the child reaches the age of seven years, its etheric body is complete and the young personality detaches itself from the etheric vehicle of the mother.

Let me know if more is required to answer your question.

~ g

BrotherGee said...


The Buddha set a very high example that should be interpreted symbolically, not literally. The idea was to illustrate how the candidate, on a soul-level, must turn away from the enticements and attractions of the lower worlds.

Under no circumstances should we willfully abandon our children, families or other earthly responsibilities. The days of the hermit are long past. We must continue to handle our responsibilities while simultaneously applying the teachings of the Gnosis in our daily lives. If done properly, we can continue to build the New Soul while simultaneously living out of the old soul.

Jan van Rijckenborgh addressed this question thusly:

"Of course you will still have to carry out your social tasks. We all have our duties and responsibilities which demand fulfillment and which weigh heavily. Do not neglect your duties. However, when you realize the Eternal Importance propelling the Soul-man within you to Life, then everything social, everything dualistic, however necessary to occupy yourself with for some time, will become of secondary importance. We do not mean that it does not matter any longer, only that The Great Aim will predominate in you by day and by night." -- from The Longing That Leads To True Life - 22 Nov 2013

As suggested by the above passage, all candidates on the Path are in essence living two lives. We have our feet on the ground, but our heads are 'in the clouds', as it were.

The verse in Revelations that admonishes those who are "lukewarm" is aimed at those who claim to be on the Path, but do not confirm this by their actions. They talk the talk, but do not walk the walk. Those who fake their dedication to the Path will indeed not share in the benefits of the touch of the Christ-Spirit, the Gnosis. They will be "spewed out" and left to the nature-born world.

As for your marital situation, you and your spouse must decide what comes next. The only advice that i am willing to share is this: do not try to hold someone to a contract that they no longer wish to honor. The two of you should determine - openly, honestly and after much serious consideration - whether you both wish to continue to honor the contract. If one or the other declines to do so, then it will be apparent that this is what Destiny has in store for the two of you.

The advice above is rooted in personal experience. Such questions are not taken lightly. This much can be added: in my situation, i lost a wife but re-gained a friend. It was after the dissolution of the marriage contract that i was able to pursue the Truth without the burden of having to constantly try to take care of someone else's feelings, or "make" someone else "happy".

Whatever the future holds, may things turn out well for the both of you.

all love,

~ g

Living Two Lives - Part I
Living Two Lives - Part II

Anonymous said...

Dear 'g,

Thank you so much for your most mature response and it is all the more profound since you speak from experience.

Thanks once again, you have no idea how much it means to me dear brother.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the Romanian orphans under Ceausescu where there was no contact with a mother or carer your theory could be proved. Due to lack of human contact, babies developed without stimulation, which led to self stimulation such as hand flapping or rocking back and forth and they were tied to their beds to stop self harm. The children grew up with small brains and could not relate with their emotions.

In the diagram it says humans reach maturity at 28 years. As the physical, etheric, astral and metals planes are divided into seven sections would this have anything to do with the 28 years 7 x 4 = 28 years?

BrotherGee said...


Your example of the Romanian orphans reveals much. We can add to that example the effect that the etheric body of a drug-addicted mother, or a mother with anxiety, stress, depressive tendencies, etc., will have on a child. The condition of the etheric vehicle of the parents are critical in shaping the early development of a child.

In those cases where the mother is not present or has passed on, the child will attach to the father, if available, or to adult figure who spends a majority of their time with the child. Absence of these formative presences will result in the effects you outlined in your comment.

After the Transformation of the Earth, these ancient truths will resume their rightful place in mankind's medical communities, replacing the groping, grasping, fundamentally-flawed "science" of psychology.

As for the relationship of "7 x 4" to the seven sub-planes of the physical, etheric, astral and mental planes, the answer to your question is yes. You are observant, with insight. Seven (7) is proof of the Divine Pattern.

- Seven Continents
- Seven Seas
- Seven Root Races, (each with seven sub-races)
- Seven Sacred planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Moon, for each of which a day of the week is named
- Seven Main Chakras (each controlling seven lesser power centers)

Apologies for going off on a tangent. Seven is the number of the Elohim. Seven is the number of Creation.

~ g

BrotherGee said...


Not mentioned in the chart above:

35 years - Prime of Life
42 years - Change of Life
49 years - Prime of Mentality
70 years - Death of the Physical Body

After the age of 42, the human-being should be spending time assimilating the results of all life experiences while endeavoring to Seek and Find the Truth behind physical incarnation. Instead, mankind is encouraged to pursue a "healthy-toned body", or to achieve certain sexual goals via the use of pills and special exercises, or to chase a non-existent "fountain of youth", for the physical body.

Man therefore wastes his precious years of Prime Mentality on nonsense and garbage, which is just the way that our controllers want it. He attains death of the physical body without having learned a damn thing, ensuring that he will have to take yet another trip on The Wheel, and guaranteeing that those astral entities who feed off of the energy emanated by humans will continue to have a source of nourishment.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Your explanation about babies:-
"In the newborn, the chemical ether is primarily active from the moment of birth. We can all verify this by acknowledging the fact that infants do almost nothing but eat (assimilate) and excrete."

This is exactly what Shakespeare's Seven Ages of Man is saying about the first stage in life. 'At first the infant,Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms.'An infant in the caretaker's arms, is just a helpless child learning to survive. Babies communicate with us through their cries. Having been nourished in the womb of the mother, the baby learns to accept breast milk as its first food. Vomiting is common among all babies. Once a baby is breast-fed, you need to burp the baby. In the process, babies throw up some milk. Since babies do nothing most of the day, other than crying and puking after feeding,and excreting. Shakespeare says that the first stage of life is marked with these two activities which is true.

Thank you for your thoughts on the number seven, much to think about there.