08 July 2019

A New Attitude of Life

After Self-Surrender comes the fourth step on the fivefold Gnostic Path of Return: A New Attitude of Life.

If the candidate has been successful in the sublimation of the lower self, if he has recognized that the "I", the Ego, is meant to be a servant, not a master, and if he has learned to put the welfare of others before that of himself or herself, a great change will come over the candidate.

The Gnostic Light-forces circulating throughout the microcosm will increase, offering Divine help that will assist the candidate on the Path. He will be provided with "four holy foods" to take along with him as provisions on the Journey. These holy foods are Divine ethers which will assist in the construction of the new Soul-body.

Because the candidate now lives in full surrender, there will naturally be a change in his state-of-consciousness and in his state-of-life. He will look to help others in any possible way that he can, no matter how small. He will think in a pure way. He will live in objective neutrality, not allowing the astral body to dictate it's earthly desires to him or influence his thinking. He will serve both man and the Gnosis without grumble or complaint. The overriding aim is to allow Spirit to regain guidance and control over the human system.

If any traces of selfishness remain at this point, the candidate runs a risk of separating himself from the Goal. The Gnosis will not withdraw from him. He will withdraw from the Gnosis. Conflict and struggle will ensue.

The Path of Return is a narrow, one-way trail. One must be sure to count the cost before choosing to make the Journey. There will be difficulties as one attempts to make the necessary turnaround. It is not easy to dislodge the "l" from its place of kingship, a position that it has occupied for long ages. The l-being will fight the candidate every step of the way. With sly craftiness, it will try to fool one into thinking that he or she is so excellent, so Divinely inspired, when in fact, that one is walking the Path with the "I" still firmly in charge.

Still, those who succeed in surrendering the self and living out of a new attitude of life will reap greatly. As it is said in the Holy Language, "He will give His angels charge over you, lest you dash your foot upon a single stone". The symbolism behind this verse should be clear. To live under the New Attitude of Life is to live in harmony with the Divine Plan of Salvation; in loving, selfless, service to humanity.

~ g

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The practice of self-surrender is a must. However, there is a point where God steps in. This happens during the dark night of the soul. What a ride it has been. The most difficult but also the most liberating experience I have ever had in my life. Rev. 21:7 is a hard job.

Great blog!